• Breaking News

    Saturday, January 30, 2021

    Ghost Recon - Metal Gear vs. Ghost Recon! FYI I love both game series.

    Ghost Recon - Metal Gear vs. Ghost Recon! FYI I love both game series.

    Metal Gear vs. Ghost Recon! FYI I love both game series.

    Posted: 30 Jan 2021 07:30 AM PST

    Some cool scenes of me enjoying Breakpoint

    Posted: 30 Jan 2021 10:00 AM PST

    Found this during the Rainbow Six event, when I hacked a computer. Quite funny :D

    Posted: 30 Jan 2021 02:32 PM PST


    Posted: 30 Jan 2021 01:41 PM PST

    Civilian worker takes stray a bullet to the back of the head xd

    Posted: 30 Jan 2021 05:32 PM PST

    Nomad aims right as the thunder roars. Sound on.

    Posted: 29 Jan 2021 10:50 PM PST

    I tried to draw you @loserface57

    Posted: 30 Jan 2021 04:47 AM PST

    Is there a good place to post my photos from in game? This is the most recent. What do you guys think?

    Posted: 30 Jan 2021 12:46 PM PST

    I'm getting on that damn island no matter what!

    Posted: 30 Jan 2021 08:11 AM PST

    Your selfish desire for symbolic immortality spawns me here to suffer as an ornament to be owned and display.

    Posted: 30 Jan 2021 09:45 AM PST

    Could we get a mission editor like AC Odyssey has?

    Posted: 30 Jan 2021 10:44 AM PST

    Just imagine the possibilities. And now with the game being more expansive and the mission objectives being more diverse, I think the community could bring much to the table and give much more longevity to the game. What you guys think? How would a mission editor look like in Breakpoint?

    submitted by /u/Arkhe1n
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    Really diggin the way the islands looked during this event, got a decent Sci fi vibe off it

    Posted: 30 Jan 2021 02:51 PM PST

    Nairobi SAS man

    Posted: 30 Jan 2021 02:28 PM PST

    Part 3 of my favorite pictures this week

    Posted: 29 Jan 2021 10:58 PM PST

    Gameplay Criticism and Proposed Adjustments

    Posted: 30 Jan 2021 08:51 AM PST

    Many of the criticisms that plague Ghost Recon: Breakpoint are presented in a way that would require rewriting it's story, changing it's genre, or overhauling the AnvilNext 2.0 engine. Some of these criticisms are well deserved, but provide little actionable feedback for the game as it currently stands.

    Because of this, I took the liberty of outlining some of the game's primary features and provided possible tweaks or fixes where applicable, all while trying to remain within the realm of possibility. None of these features are fundamentally broken, but could be made to function better. As such, this post should not be viewed as a bug report.

    All items are based on my experience playing the game on PC with a mouse and keyboard, and with realism parameters enabled. Features pertaining exclusively to Raids, Ghost War and Regular Mode will not be addressed, as I have no experience with them. Cosmetics will also not be addressed, as they do not affect gameplay.

    I hope this can spark some friendly discussion about the game and I encourage others to share their ideas for potential gameplay changes and additions. Thanks for reading!


    • The weapons list is difficult to quickly navigate and should be categorized and made to include better filter options. The weapons list in the 'collections' menu is a good template for possible UI changes.
    • Special configurations for weapons are nice, but shouldn't exist separately from their base model. Expanding the attachment roster, and adding weapon preset options (like with uniforms) would allow players to create these configurations themselves, and help declutter the menu. Consolidation would also remove spending resources on mark upgrades for what is essentially the same weapon.
    • Scopes, grips, lasers and muzzles should be unlocked for all weapons. (Whether or not a high power optic is impractical on a shotgun should be up to the player.)
    • Bipods should be given a 'deployment' function and animation, allowing players to sacrifice movement for weapon stability.

    Stealth Mechanics

    • Bodies cannot be thrown or dumped over low cover. This should be remedied ASAP.
    • Sprinting while carrying a body causes it to be dropped without playing an animation, instead of providing a quick walk.
    • 'Noise' seems inconsistent or poorly defined. Bumping into walls and walking quickly near enemies causes them to 'hear' you, but starting vehicles and stabbing enemies does not.
    • Cutting power at night, thankfully, puts enemies on alert. However, they never investigate the generator or attempt to restart it.
    • Enemy AI currently do not have dynamic schedules or patrol patterns, meaning bases always operate at maximum efficiency and cannot be infiltrated while enemies sleep. Giving enemy AI a basic schedule that allows them to make use of existing facilities would be huge.
    • Light level seems to be a toggle, rather than a spectrum.This makes hiding in shadows useless, as it's mechanically identical to standing in the open. If the spectrum does exist, it isn't noticeable in normal gameplay. (I am unsure of the accuracy of this despite my testing.)

    Enemy Combat Behavior

    • AI favors a defensive posture, maintaining cover and keeping their distance when possible. This system works well in areas with a lot of cover--especially buildings. This system shows its shortcomings in open areas, as enemies will seek cover but do so in obvious ways that leave them exposed.
    • This could be remedied by allowing enemy AI to crouch and go prone outside of cover, and allowing them to move while doing so.
    • Breachers need a slight range increase, as they currently attack well within the effective range of a shotgun.
    • Drone operators need to enter a 'cooldown' period once their drone is destroyed. This is to prevent them from spamming the player with drones while hiding in a corner, as they are want to do.
    • Aside from the 'breacher' and 'drone operator' classes, enemy AI rarely flanks the player.
    • Enemy AI could be tied to a 'squad', which can carry out basic fire and maneuver orders. Suppressing players while other teammates seek cover or flank.
    • The squad system runs the risk of breaking stealth. (Killing a squad member, even out of sight, might cause the entire squad to become alerted if they're tied together. This same system makes stealth in ArmA 3 almost impossible)

    Vehicle Mechanics

    • Objective downgrade from Wildlands.
    • Poor implementation actively discourages their use.
    • Acceleration is too quick and the top speed is too high.
    • Braking isn't aggressive enough.
    • Incremental braking seems to not exist on gamepads, requiring full input before they engage.
    • The Blaze and Flare are probably the best tuned ground vehicles in the game, but still feel off.
    • Vehicles seem to be unaffected by offroad travel and retain the same characteristics as they do on tarmac or gravel.
    • Vehicles, even armored variants, are far too fragile both mechanically and aesthetically.
    • Taking a corner at high speeds (without crashing) often causes the bumper to hang, or for the hood to pop.
    • Enemy snipers do far too much damage to vehicles. All vehicles, including APCs and gunships often take only three rounds before exploding.
    • If vehicle use is to be discouraged, it should be done with SAM sites, rocket gunners and mounted weapons. Not snipers.

    Squad Command

    • Friendly AI needs serious improvement in general.
    • AI pathfinding gets confused near buildings and areas with a lot of props.
    • Teammates seem to be stunted in combat, rarely assisting the player. 'Clear hot' can help but is often ignored.
    • Amber Ruin appeared to introduce teammate 'classes' as one of the Rainbow operators periodically heals the player during combat. Expanding on this feature would be nice.
    • Being able to swap and customize teammate weapons is a nice feature, but their sub-par AI leaves it lacking any impact.
    • Many actions could be delegated to squadmates by implementing a general 'move' order that gets modified depending on where it's used. (A move order could have a teammate breach a fence, disable a generator, etc.)

    Sync Shot

    • Sync shot in its current form is far too powerful and far too inconsistent.
    • Teammates rarely move to get closer or find a line of sight on their targets, which either causes them to never get set on their mark OR shoot through terrain and props.
    • The cooldown is too short, allowing players to clear bases without ever firing their own weapon.
    • Sync shot can also trivialize combat encounters, and could be replaced with 'focus target' while engaged, similar to Future Soldier.
    • Sync shot needs to trigger at the beginning of a melee animation, not the end.

    Civilian Presence

    • Population needs to be slightly increased
    • Civilian traffic needs to be implemented even if somewhat sparse, as work areas are rarely within walking distance of residential areas. (I know Auroa is under martial law, but for all intents and purposes Bolivia was too. Besides, traffic battles were fun.)
    • Civilian AI needs to react more calmly to the player, unless they are being threatened or witnessing combat. (This is mostly to make them less annoying.)
    • Civilian AI needs to seek cover during combat. Often they bunker in place or don't react at all, both usually put them in the line of fire and turn them into obstacles.


    • Night vision and thermal modes should be separate from gear and class restrictions and come with their own gamma settings. (I don't think anybody prefers the default thermal over the Pathfinder version.)
    • The indoor-to-outdoor brightness gradient is uncomfortably high when looking out a doorway.
    • CQC kills should be risky, but to prevent getting stuck mid-animation they need to be sped up.
    • Mounted weapons need to have a first person toggle, especially gunships. The current camera angle obscures vision.
    • Ability to hotkey gadgets and consumables would be nice.
    • Fatigue and rations almost never affect normal gameplay, tying them to an optional and basic survival mode could give them some purpose.
    • The parameters for sliding and tripping need to be narrowed. Sliding on gentle slopes is far too common.
    submitted by /u/astronicky
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    some photos i took today :)

    Posted: 30 Jan 2021 07:00 PM PST

    Little picture I put together based off of the SCP: Overlord video

    Posted: 30 Jan 2021 05:15 PM PST

    Mission Complete, I am part of the club now.

    Posted: 30 Jan 2021 01:01 PM PST

    The Next Ghost Recon Game?

    Posted: 30 Jan 2021 08:16 PM PST

    I'm still in Bolivia. I couldn't bring myself to get Breakpoint because the whole "Robots" theme was a major turn off for me. From what I understand, the devs chose to go this futuristic AI robot route to add a challenge that was missing with the Wildlands formula of 1 headshot kills. Apparently that's where the new enemies and robots came in lol.

    With the next game I hope the devs go back to a non sci-fi type theme. They can still add challenging elements to the game, but why did they have to go with robots? lol. Like why not tanks and attack choppers, or any other military vehicles that actually exist? They could have used the enemy vehicles in Wildlands as the tougher challenge bosses, but they made the mistake of giving players the guns that stop vehicles with a single shot. They threw that opportunity out the window.

    Instead of robots in the next game, just add those robot gameplay elements to actual existing military weaponry. Just my thoughts.

    submitted by /u/DJB-204
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    Am I the only one who noticed this about Breakpoint and other Third Persons?

    Posted: 30 Jan 2021 07:34 PM PST

    So I just got Ghost Recon Breakpoint during the recent sale of the game and one fear I had that how the game is going to be went worse than I thought. So I never really liked the Third Person aspect in any game that has it, but with a lot of games I still like the game because the game itself makes up for this. In Wildlands I also thought the Third Person makes the game feel a little weird in Movement in general or when switching from Third Person to First Person while aiming. But I kind of have the feeling the people behind the game made it even worse in Breakpoint. Not only is it way harder to just do basic stuff like turning around, but they also made that the Camera is ALWAYS way too close to the character and is just completely inconsistant (even with the setting not on "dynamic", but "far", which also isnt "far" at all). But by far the worst thing is that you atomatically enter cover whenever you come close to a wall and only being able to leave the cover by trying to walk straight away from it. I mean there are just so many things I dont like about this game. The Story and Characters I dont like and dont care about, the absolute absence of any "life" while travelling through the map, the bad accuracy while aiming in Third Person, The new class systems and basically unneccessary every service game feature and immersive game feature that has been forced into the game that I cant turn off, and that goes on and on... . But I really wouldnt care about all that too much if that game didnt feel even worse than any other Third Person. I mean why didnt you just add an "enter cover" button you had in division and splinter cell? So, is it just me or are there more people that feel like this? I really hope with the next ghost recon will just be an upgraded version of wildlands, because this game is a mess for me personally.

    submitted by /u/Flexinator123
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    A wild unicorn has appeared!

    Posted: 30 Jan 2021 08:03 AM PST

    I think Ubi Should’ve made it so when in gas you are almost impossible to see at range

    Posted: 30 Jan 2021 02:30 AM PST

    Like I can't see a guy 20m away but when I'm in his line of sight somewhat from 40m away it's pretty much an instant spot. Would've been cool to sprint up in front of ppl out of heavy gas spots and grab them

    submitted by /u/Delicious-Subject101
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    Fun and games

    Posted: 30 Jan 2021 07:03 AM PST

    Milsim United (Veterans & Active Duty)

    Posted: 30 Jan 2021 01:34 PM PST

    Tired of playing with kids? Tired of posting and not finding players who share the same play style as you?Wanna talk shit about your time in service and meet fellow vets?

    Hello. I have created a Discord for Veterans and Active Duty to meet up and play milsim games. This is a mature and friendly group that enjoys playing military games using techniques we learned in the military. I have included wildlands and breakpoint in the Discord so you can talk about what you love about the game and post pictures of your gear set up.

    Roleplaying is also accepted and encouraged!

    If you are interested please contact me and I will add you.

    Thanks for reading!

    PS. I personally play on XBOX but the Discord is for any console. Its just for like minded people to get together and link up.

    submitted by /u/Rahabin
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