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    Tuesday, April 7, 2020

    Ghost Recon - The next Ghost Recon needs to GET REAL

    Ghost Recon - The next Ghost Recon needs to GET REAL

    The next Ghost Recon needs to GET REAL

    Posted: 07 Apr 2020 07:29 PM PDT

    "Hey, Ubisoft..."

    The Division and Ghost Recon are both Action RPG's, however...

    • The Division is your arcade "looter-shooter" with the wild ideas and science fiction cosmetics
    • Ghost Recon should be your "moderate milsim" with complex interconnected gameplay systems & mechanics

    Send all the zany science fictions ideas to The Division team. Keep all the nitty-gritty SOF stuff in Ghost Recon.

    So with that said, I'm giving you a single phrase to frame all your design decisions around...

    "Get real on the REAL"

    Ubi please, no one slings an M82 on their back then runs down a hill. If you think otherwise, please post a video next time you're at the range (we all need a laugh). Also contrary to popular (video game) logic, rocket launchers do not stow well in cargo pants.

    Here's two CORE system concepts to help fix these issues.

    Core Inventory Overhaul

    GR players will appreciate a system where their loadout has an affect on their character's ability.

    ALL equipment should affect:

    • Health
    • Stamina usage and recovery
    • Movement Speed, diving and taking cover
    • Injury chance

    No more Cosmetic equipment. Everything has a positive/negative impact (you started doing this with attachments, do it with everything)

    As an example, protective equipment (helmets, vests, etc) would increase...

    • Damage Resistance
    • Stamina Usage
    • Fall Injury chance (ie: jumping off a roof)

    ...and would decrease

    • Movement Speed
    • Ballistics Wounding
    • Stamina Recovery

    What success looks like...

    The bigger/heavier the loadout, the...

    • more damage you withstand
    • less chance you take bullet wounds
    • less agile you are and more tired you become from sprinting

    And therefore the lighter the loadout, the...

    • less damage you withstand
    • more chance you take bullet wounds
    • more agile you are and more you can sprint and dive faster into cover

    What failure looks like...

    The system should understand the different between carrying a

    • DMR with a PDW
    • versus an M82 with a MK48 SAW

    These two weapon loadouts would have very different weight totals and therefore should affect the player differently. Applying a blanker weight value if the player uses two weapons would be the wrong way to apply this system.

    Vehicle Inventory System

    If you want Ghost Recon to continue as an open-world title (which I actually approve of), you need to get real on the vehicle loadouts. In BP I can use an M82 but I can't keep it in the trunk of my truck...

    Once again, I believe GR player will appreciate a system where they can create a loadout for their vehicle, much in the way you do your player.

    • Vehicle Inventory would be selectable in loadout at a base
    • Have the option to save different Vehicle Inventories as selectable configurations
    • Should be able to re-apply a saved vehicle loadout to a new vehicle
    • Different vehicles might have different storage sizes

    Any large-sized equipment retrieved from a vehicle, such as...

    • Anti-Material Rifles
    • Rocket Launchers
    • Heavy Machine Guns
    • Drone Kits

    should be slung over the player's shoulder (or whatever is appropriate). They should...

    • impact the players movement and agility (no sprinting down hills or easily vaulting rocks)
    • be able to be dropped or disposed once complete

    Perhaps there could be a recovery system required for if a valuable weapon (such as the M82) is dropped in the field.

    For example...

    • a cool-down timer could be used until the weapon is available again
    • This timer can be explained via an RPG explanation, such as
      • "NPC allies are retrieving the M82 from your last mission"

    Again, it's about keeping that "Get real on the real" idea in the forefront of the design decisions.

    Ghost Recon is a Tactical Shooter PERIOD

    Good tactical games force the player to make tough decisions based on a plenitude of disconnected information. When the player gets it wrong, the outcome is punishing. When the player gets it right, the outcome is an elated one.

    The feeling of outsmarting/outplaying an opponent, against stacked odds, is why people play tactical shooters. You're not just blasting away willy-nilly, you're thinking through every step.

    Everyone has a wishlist for what Ghost Recon should be. I think this is because the core of what Ghost Recon is meant to be has been lost.

    Ghost Recon, at it's CORE, is meant to be a Tactical Shooter.

    If there's no cause & effect, then it's fluff

    Lastly (and very quickly), every aspect of Ghost Recon's design needs to have cause & effect and be weighted in some form of reality. This helps align the design process to the idea of "realness".

    submitted by /u/grimjimslim
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    What this game is lacking is an injury system for the enemy. It could add some much depth to the gunfight with enemy taking cover when injured instead of rushing you after 2 or 3 shots to 5,56

    Posted: 07 Apr 2020 06:10 AM PDT

    Being able to explore Golem solo is awesome!

    Posted: 07 Apr 2020 02:00 PM PDT

    why not add cosmetic options like these, or customizations to the helmet and tactical vests already in Breakpoint, primary and secondary color options on some items would be interesting too?

    Posted: 07 Apr 2020 08:23 AM PDT

    Customizing our own vehicules would be cool. You can leave it civilian so ennemy won't notice you when passing by or you can kit it. The vehicules can then act as a respawn point but you can also edit your loadout there and refill your ammo, if you have developped the skill tree associated with that

    Posted: 06 Apr 2020 11:58 PM PDT

    Whether you long for more or not. This game is way better in customization than most games on the market, and I love it.

    Posted: 07 Apr 2020 02:49 PM PDT

    NVG: Just posting this here but everyone is already aware. Quick comparison between the last COD NVG and BP... Once the NVG is fixed it would be also cool to have IR light (in adition to laser) and IR strobes

    Posted: 07 Apr 2020 07:04 AM PDT

    Oh boy! Here I go killing again!

    Posted: 07 Apr 2020 01:03 PM PDT

    In my restless dreams, i see that town. ( exploring golem island )

    Posted: 07 Apr 2020 05:43 PM PDT

    I feel like a headgear option like this would be pretty neat. Maybe even make it so you could customize the length and color of the net.

    Posted: 07 Apr 2020 11:28 AM PDT

    I did it. I finally beat the Predator and it’s all thanks to the people of this sub

    Posted: 07 Apr 2020 10:06 AM PDT

    The other day, I posted this, because despite lowering the difficulty, despite maxing out my Team's skills, I wasn't getting anywhere with the Predator, so I was going to give up. But a lot of people offered me help, telling me the tactics I should use, the weapons I should use and someone even offered to team up with me to help and I thank everyone who commented on my post.

    Listening to the advice, I maxed out all of the rebel skills before heading off to fight the predator again, I even got a few weapons and completed the Sam fisher mission as well before heading off to fight the predator. Using proximity mines, the HTI and a heavy machine gun and sending in over a dozen rebels, I took down the Predator on my first go.

    So thank you everyone who helped me on my other post. Your advice was the reason I beat that ugly motherfucker.

    submitted by /u/AlwaysBi
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    "Let's go to work Rabbit"

    Posted: 07 Apr 2020 02:31 AM PDT

    Just gonna put this here and see what happens.

    Posted: 07 Apr 2020 04:19 AM PDT

    Ghost mode day 1: First Deployment

    Posted: 07 Apr 2020 11:32 AM PDT

    Reworking the customization

    Posted: 07 Apr 2020 02:29 PM PDT

    Reworking the customization

    I think the character gear needs completely rethinking in this game. Tacticool dress up is pretty much the main thing Ghost Recon still has going for it at this point but it seems even that isn't really what it could be.

    I think custom slots really need to be stripped down and split up.

    These are the main slots we should have:

    > Eyeware, Headgear, Ear protection/communication, Masks/Faceware, Neckware

    > Top, Chest rig, Chest rig attatchments, Handware, Battlebelt attatchments, Backpack, Backpack attatchments, Elbow protection

    > Pants, Holster, Knee protection, Boots

    This would work by splitting up items between sections. For example, all the vests would be as they are but with all compartments and attatchments removed, just a plain vest. In a seperate section (Chest rig attatchments) You could add the cross draw attatchment, magazine pouches or a grenade bandolier for example. Splitting masks and faceware as a seperate secction to neckware allows to, for example, wear a ski mask and a shemagh at the same time.

    Attatchment slots on gear with example items

    Your battlebelt would be plain until you add gear to it. You could for expample add the canteen from the Wolf chest rig to your belt or the bag from Fixits gear or both. The new system will let you add multiple parts as long as they don't conflict with eachother over the same section. This could also apply to the chest rig, allowing you to attatch multiple peices of gear as long as they don't cover the same area.

    Some gear would need to be reworked, for example removing kneepads from all pants except certain ones with built in kneepads and allowing them to be manually added. Elbow pads would be a new item and work in a similar way.

    This is obviously a very rough idea for how I think some changes could be implemented and Im sure there are people more skilled at creating visual concepts than me, but I hope this gets the point across.

    submitted by /u/WolverineKuzuri93
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    No wonder Outcasts are always caught, they have no situational awareness

    Posted: 07 Apr 2020 04:41 PM PDT

    This game looks beautiful at times

    Posted: 07 Apr 2020 06:51 PM PDT

    One thing i really hope they bring back with ai squad mates is them doing call outs on enemy positions

    Posted: 07 Apr 2020 08:07 AM PDT

    I really hope that they bring back call outs with so squad mates update

    submitted by /u/TJ-DAB
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    Ghost Recon Breakpoint - CQC group takedowns

    Posted: 07 Apr 2020 10:54 AM PDT

    Adjustable Hoodies. For PVE and PVP

    Posted: 07 Apr 2020 12:32 PM PDT

    Just a snowy mountain top, nothing to see here...

    Posted: 07 Apr 2020 02:48 PM PDT

    Things I want in an updated immersive mode

    Posted: 07 Apr 2020 09:18 AM PDT

    ⬇️⬇️In no particular order... ⬇️⬇️

    1) PLEASE finally give us AI teammates or at least confirmation on a release (most likely will be a part of some DLC) 2) Focus on customizing gear like backpack, helmet, vest, and holster attachments 3) Mobile Bivouac like a vehicle that can be customized where you can fill up on ammo, etc 4) Customizable drone where you can make it scout automatically, assist in kills, EMP drones in a area, like having a class system for drones 5) Bring back more upgradable gear since we're on a high tech island, it would be cool to be able to unlock extra gear/tools as we progress 6) Air strike capabilities 7) Kill squad as a cool down option for those high quantity enemy bases 8) At a certain difficulty level, they should make a base countdown to where from the first kill it would initiate a timer that would signal the full base going on lockdown. Communication is key between a base so if people start falling off it should make the base suspicious. Managing to kill off the base would be made easier with AI teammates for solo but with co-op this would be no problem. It would be cool to see this in motion as it would add pressure to being swift and quick

    Theres a couple more things I cant think of right now but these are the main things. Its really important that we capture the idea of an immersive tactical shooter because no one really has this down and the closest to it is Ubisoft. I get that Devs focus on the bottom line but having like a "town hall" meeting with people on twitch or even instagram would be awesome to get some input from the masses. As amazing as the teams are that develope the games, people like us have some decent inputs that would take the game to the next level and they have the capability to make it so! If Ubisoft sees this, please reply so we know you're watching 😁

    submitted by /u/titaneouss
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    What a cutie ☺️

    Posted: 07 Apr 2020 05:02 PM PDT

    Playing the raid while gear level is off?

    Posted: 07 Apr 2020 08:41 PM PDT

    I recently started playing breakpoint a few days ago and was wondering if you could play the raid if your game is in realism mode (no gear level) or do i have to switch to having gear score on? Sorry if this has been asked before.

    submitted by /u/KL0WN3D
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    Haven't been able to login to Breakpoint for hours now, anyone else having trouble?

    Posted: 07 Apr 2020 08:37 PM PDT

    Just keep getting error code MOUNTAIN-00020

    submitted by /u/CubeOfWater
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