• Breaking News

    Wednesday, February 19, 2020

    Ghost Recon - When the comunity ask's Ibi Paris for some communication

    Ghost Recon - When the comunity ask's Ibi Paris for some communication

    When the comunity ask's Ibi Paris for some communication

    Posted: 19 Feb 2020 09:09 AM PST

    So this is how Nomad carries all that loot.

    Posted: 19 Feb 2020 11:20 AM PST

    Ghost War 2.0 - GHOSTS vs WOLVES

    Posted: 19 Feb 2020 11:48 AM PST

    Ghost War 2.0 - GHOSTS vs WOLVES

    Ghost War

    Hey Ghosts, me again. Like many, I enjoy Breakpoint's PvP offerings. Unfortunately, with how the PvP is designed, the modes wind up being either "Elimination" or "Elimination with camping". This mockup of modes and mechanics aims to address that, and bring some new twists on classic modes with a focus on teamwork and objectives.



    • No more "Team Alpha" vs "Team Bravo". Players can finally play as the Wolves in intense PvP firefights!

    Single Primary only

    • Players are restricted to their Primary weapon and their Sidearm. Players must now be more strategic with their loadouts and roles.

    Asymmetric Gameplay

    • New modes of Attackers vs Defenders with varied objectives and twists

    Larger Scale

    • Most modes support 4v4 and 8v8 for intense largescale warfare
    • Less emphasis on Battle Royale inspired gameplay


    • Only in certain objective modes where the focus is not on eliminating the enemy team.
    • This prevents modes from becoming "Elimination with camping" and promotes more objective play.

    Custom Matches

    • All rules, from timers to scoring to rounds to revives to respawns, can be changed in custom games.

    Realism Mode

    • Each mode has a "Realism" variant with no HUD, no spotting, and realistic damage.



    The classic mode from Future Soldier returns! Supports 4v4 and 8v8. Points are awarded for kills and completing randomly spawning objectives. Conflict is single round only with line of sight spotting. Enemy markers will be placed at their last known position instead of tracking their every move through walls.

    Objectives include (but are not limited to):

    • arming an EMP
    • securing a stockpile
    • delivering intel
    • capturing an intel beacon
    • planting a bomb
    • denying access to sensitive assets

    Respawns are enabled on a timer. 8v8 allows for spawning on members of your fireteam.

    Single revive only unless shot in the head, shot in the chest with high caliber weapons, or blown up. Bleedout enabled on a timer.


    Uplink returns from Wildlands with a new twist! Supports 4v4 and 8v8.

    Two teams must capture a randomly placed terminal and hold it. Once a team captures a terminal, their respawns are cut off and they must defend the uplink for a set amount of time while it downloads data.

    The attacking team respawns in waves and must either capture the uplink or eliminate the enemy and stop their download.

    Once an uplink is finished (either by defenders downloading all its data, the defenders being killed, or the attackers stop the download), a new uplink is activated and any dead defenders respawn. This continues until one team finishes downloading the required amount of data, with each individual uplink holding 50%.

    A skilled defending team can win with just two uplinks though most matches will require multiple uplinks as downloads get interrupted.

    • Wave Respawns
      • Defender respawns are cut off once the uplink is captured
    • Conflict revive rules
    • Line of sight spotting
    • Single round


    Extraction has also been brought back from Wildlands with updated objectives and mechanics. This asymmetric mode has Defenders protecting an HVT from the Attackers trying to rescue him. Supports 4v4 and 8v8.

    • Defenders must keep the HVT safe until the timer expires
      • Defenders are given 15 seconds at the start of a round to move the HVT and set defenses
    • Attackers observe the compound from a Blackhawk (Gyps) helicopter and choose a starting location from 3 options
      • After 15 seconds, the Blackhawk approaches the chosen LZ and the Attackers fast rope out
      • 8v8 puts the Attackers in two helicopters and allows them to choose two locations to start from
    • The team that kills the HVT loses
      • Both Attackers and Defenders can grab the HVT, but the HVT is held in a way that prevents use as a human shield from the front and the back

    The HVT can be:

    • a scientist
    • an engineer
    • a Sentinel commander
    • a civilian
    • a character from the campaign

    Defenders are constantly aware of the HVT's location while the HVT is within the compound while Attackers are constantly aware of the HVT's location while the HVT is outside the compound. This prevents the Defenders from taking the HVT outside of the compound and hiding until the timer expires.

    Wolves extracting the HVT

    Once the Attackers have the HVT, they must escape to one of three extraction points and light a flare, alerting the Defenders to their location, and must defend themselves until the Blackhawk lands to extract.

    Defenders can destroy the Blackhawk as long as the HVT is not aboard. If the Blackhawk is destroyed, the Attackers must wait until another Blackhawk can be called and start the extraction process again.

    • Best of 3 rounds
    • Wave respawns
      • Defenders spawn away from the HVT while the HVT is within the compound
    • Conflict revive rules, bleedout enabled
    • Line of sight spotting


    A new asymmetric mode to the Ghost Recon franchise with an emphasis on stealth that Splinter Cell fans will love. All matches take place at night. 4v4 only though custom matches support 4v4 and 8v8.

    Attackers must infiltrate an enemy base and complete two randomly assigned objectives:

    • steal the intel file
    • steal the experimental weapon
    • hack the central computer
    • steal the drone blueprint
    • plant a bug in the server

    Hacking the central computer

    Defenders won't know which objective the Attackers are going after and won't know an objective has been compromised unless they catch the Attackers in the act. They are tasked with eliminating the enemy and protecting their objectives.

    Ghost Attacker sneaking up on a Wolf Defender

    Attackers are equipped with suppressed weapons and NVGs.

    Defenders have heavy armor (including head protection), flashlights, and deployable motion trackers that detect movement in pulses.


    • Wave respawns for Defenders
      • Attackers don't get respawns
    • Conflict revive rules for Attackers
      • Defenders don't get revives
    • Attackers get bonuses for not getting caught
    • Best of 3 rounds
    • Spotting disabled


    A symmetric mode of open warfare and capturing territories. A massive tug-of-war for 4v4 and 8v8.

    Points are scored by holding the majority of the flags on the map.

    • 3 flags in 4v4
    • 5 flags in 8v8
      • holding 4 of the 5 flags increases point gains

    Capturing a flag will instantly respawn fallen allies.

    Once a team reaches the score limit, the enemy team reaches their Breakpoint and respawns are cut off. Holding all territories on the map will also trigger a Breakpoint. While a team is in a Breakpoint from not having any flags, they have 45 seconds to capture a point or they lose.

    The opposing team can still win while in a Breakpoint:

    • Capturing a flag respawns all dead teammates
    • Reaching the score limit will put the other team in a Breakpoint as well

    Ghosts or Wolves win by:

    • Victory by Breakpoint
      • triggering a Breakpoint (either by score or holding all territories) and eliminating the enemy team
      • 45 seconds pass without the breaking team capturing a point

    Time expiring while having more points. If both teams are at the score limit (both teams are at a Breakpoint), victory is decided by most territories held.

    • Conflict revive rules
    • Wave respawns unless at a Breakpoint
      • Instant respawns on the capture of a flag
    • Single round only
    • Line of sight spotting

    Ghost War needs more modes and variety, but that shouldn't come at the expense of fixing the main game. What do you guys think of Ghost War, both its current state and the modes and mechanics I have laid out? Do you like the objective focus? And what other modes should be added? Let me know, I love all kinds of feedback.

    I've got a few more mockups I'm working on, including the next evolution of Gunsmith. I think that one will be my next "Charactersmith 2.0". Stay tuned Ghosts, and thanks for reading!

    submitted by /u/MCBillyin
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    Another thing that should come with the next battle pass is the FOREST GREEN color. Like there will be so many good combos with it. Also, if we can have plain red and blue, can we get a plain orange? There would be so many good combos for it

    Posted: 19 Feb 2020 06:08 PM PST

    Not a complaint, I just hope that Ubi sees this (hey Ubi if you see this add forest green)

    submitted by /u/37beast37
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    It's frustrating that games with the polish and quality of Red Dead, God of War, The Last of us and potentially (from its looks so far) Ghost of Tsushima exist... And Ubisoft still delivers games where the helicopters can't even spawn the right way up.

    Posted: 19 Feb 2020 04:46 AM PST

    It pisses me off knowing what ghost recon could be with that level of craftsmanship and quality. Look at Metal Gear V's gameplay compared to Breakpoint...

    It's actually laughable in 2020.

    There will be people making better tactical shooters in PS4's Dreams than Ubisoft soon.

    submitted by /u/WolverineKuzuri93
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    Welcome to 'Nam

    Posted: 19 Feb 2020 06:52 AM PST

    Wolf Hunting

    Posted: 19 Feb 2020 05:56 PM PST

    Can we talk about how Breakpoint really neutered Ghost War?

    Posted: 19 Feb 2020 08:23 PM PST

    The community has a lot of issues with Breakpoint. Obviously. I'm one of the people who was disappointed in the PVE experience. But for a moment I want to talk about ghost war.

    I loved ghost war in Wildlands. I had a dedicated three man group and some occasional fourths who would play almost every night. It was thrilling and exhilarating and imo one of the best third person multiplayer vs experiences that didn't have bullet sponge mechanics.

    Breakpoint really dropped the ball on that. I'm not talking about chicken dancing your way to victory (although that's an issue) I'm talking about three things. 1. Tying the multiplayer to the base games four classes (and allowing multiples of the same class). At launch Wildlands ghost war contained 12 classes split into three categories. Now in breakpoint we currently have four. FOUR. And because it only launched with four they were forced to allow multiples of the same classes. But that doesn't matter because...

    1. Any character can use whatever weapons they want and are all basically the same. In Wildlands you knew what you were going up against. It was important to spot enemies and seeing a sentinel or a tank or an assassin was important. You knew what weapons they could equip and what type of tactics they might use. Teams used teamwork (crazy I know) and had defined roles that complemented each other just based on classes. This added a lot of replayability and evolving meta in ghost war. Maybe on round one the enemy team went drone heavy, so you pick a tech and jam their drones. Maybe you switch from a sniper to a tank to support a push. Maybe you pick a medic and a surgeon to get your teammates up faster. All of that is gone. The gameplay has been dumbed down. It doesn't matter what class the other team or you is playing cause you can pick whatever weapons and combo you want. And instead of having to way benefits of available guns (like in Wildlands) you can be whatever you want. Want to have a sniper and an AR and play every role, go for it!

    Maybe you say "but isn't increased freedom good?" Not exactly. Like in rainbow limited freedom within confines makes for a more exciting and competitive environment. Playing as a medic and knowing that you can't just run an AR and need to choose between a larger mag p90 or a more accurate mp5 was thrilling and it meant that players had to play to their classes and personal strengths together instead of just doing whatever every single match. Just like how rainbow 6 would be a totally different (and imo worse) game if every single operator could equip the same exact weapons and abilities. But even then the general way ghost war plays out has changed because...

    1. The maps are littered with pickups that significantly alter the game and force a very specific type of gameplay. I understand that hiding in a bush watching the recon tower was incredibly annoying in Wildlands. I understand that scattering sensor grenades and drones and what not around the map was supposed to encourage movement and therefore conflict. It doesn't, at least not in a good way. Players madly rush to find whatever they can to give them and advantage, if one team doesn't, sucks, sitting back and playing slow is now a less viable strategy. One of the best things about Wildlands was that it could be slow. You had to be smart, check corners, move up into cover, stay with your teammates (if you were smart) and work together. A mad rush was a strategy but a big gamble. Now however players rush right in to get their loot (it's a BR now) before chicken dancing around until someone dies.

    These are my opinions of why Wildlands ghost war was better then Breakpoints and I think it's worth mentioning as most of the focus is on the single player comparisons. Hands down I think Wildlands ghost war was better in every single way.

    submitted by /u/Painterforhire
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    Ubisoft, I'm 100% serious, you guys need to hire u/JonnyTest91 and u/McBillyin and this is why -

    Posted: 19 Feb 2020 03:38 PM PST

    They know what the community want. They have created fan concepts and designs that make your work on Breakpoint look frankly amateurish.

    They communicate with us MORE THAN YOU DO.

    They care about the community and the game which Ubi's upper management clearly don't.

    If you are serious about caring for your players then bring 2 of them into the team so they can show you what we want and how to implement and improve.

    At the very least make them official community management because God knows what your current ones do.

    Allow them to be the middlemen between us and you and actually show you what your main paying customers are willing to buy.

    Do it. Make it happen. They deserve it and so do we for buying the game in this state.

    u/JohnnyTest91 u/McBillyin

    submitted by /u/WolverineKuzuri93
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    Training Facility: AR/DMR Obstacle Course

    Posted: 19 Feb 2020 11:29 AM PST

    Training Facility: Attack on the Motorcade training. Lead/Principal Vehicle with Chase Vehicle in rear. Chase vic is taken out and Lead/Principal vic is disabled and immobile. Engage threats and extract VIP to waiting extraction.

    Posted: 19 Feb 2020 11:45 AM PST

    Proof that Nomad's SIG516 shorty exists in BP

    Posted: 18 Feb 2020 10:46 PM PST

    As much as I like Breakpoint, there's one thing I dislike...

    Posted: 19 Feb 2020 12:51 PM PST

    And it's not purely a Breakpoint issue. A lot of Ubisoft games have it. I'm in the process of hiding a body and the AI, who has no reason to go outside of their pattern are like I think I'm going to walk this way now and I get spotted.

    Same goes for sniping. I snipe a guy, then suddenly three of them start walking in that general direction. And I feel like I've only felt this way with their games. Am I just seeing things or what? lol

    submitted by /u/Lordstarkofwinterfel
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    When a game is so rushed and unfinished they don’t even have time to finish modeling all of buildings

    Posted: 19 Feb 2020 01:33 PM PST

    I used to play the original Ghost Recon. What a great game in it's time. I liked the separate missions and the progression as one went along through the game. Wildlands is pretty good but gets pretty repetitive. Anyone here looking at going back to the original with this new mod?

    Posted: 19 Feb 2020 08:52 AM PST

    Why can’t Ubisoft give us this AVS 1000 pack that is attached to the back of the plate carrier?

    Posted: 19 Feb 2020 12:22 AM PST

    Comparing breakpoint and Wildlands

    Posted: 19 Feb 2020 04:20 PM PST

    I recently finished off breakpoint by picking up the plat so I decided to go back to wildlands and give it a third playthrough. Right off the bat I'm noticing some stark differences that don't get enough love in breakpoint and some aspects of Wildlands that were missing in breakpoint. Also I'm going to talk about the bugs or pay to win any of those controversial topics, this is strictly gameplay based.

    First off is the gear score. I know a lot of people hate that (and I don't blame you) but in all honesty I love it. It kept me switching weapons and trying out new ones. On my second playthrough of Wildlands I pretty much skipped the first area, went and collected the MK17 assault rifle and L1182 sniper then never switched again. Even now on my third playthrouis. I'm just using an assault rifle and sniper because there's no reason to switch. Whereas in breakpoint I was always switching between various SMG's and occasionally using assault rifles. I even kept an LMG in my inventory for loud encounters. Overall I used every single type of weapon and enjoyed most if not all but wildlands I only ever used two.

    The story and the map. Right let's not pretend that Breakpoints story wasn't awful. So what was walker even there for? We saw him like 3 times. What a waste of an amazing actor. Whereas wildlands had an amazing story, so much lore, so many bosses, so many missions and ways to complete them. I still remember tactically taking over a prison in a ravine, knocking out all the alarms and snipers then finally deciding to go loud by freeing the rebels and providing sniper support. I don't remember a single mission in breakpoint other than the opening, the walker fight that I hated and the Josiah cave. As for the map I hate it so much. I think I spent maybe an hour total in every sector. Compare that to wildlands that has a story for almost every sector, collectables in every sector, weapons and parts, you name it. Every sector is different and has a reason to spend time there. I wanted to spend time in the snow in breakpoint so I picked up a few missions there only to be sent else where.

    Drones. OK how the hell are drones both useless and overpowered in breakpoint. You use them to scan everything so you end up knowing where everyone is at all times and they have no counter. Compare that to wildlands where sure it can do the same thing but the enemy has jammers. Jammers were amazing, they forced you to get close you couldn't just EMP the generator or jammer its self. It also left you guessing where the next enemy is. As for "its useless" other than scanning people or locations when do you use it? Never. Whereas in wildlands you're constantly using it, using it to cause chaos, sabotage, stop convoys. Its useful for so much more.

    Events. Yes breakpoint has only had one so far but it was horrible. It gave us a weapon that I hated against a bullet sponge enemy that has to be hit in a small spot on his chest while he keeps turning away. They also dealt a lot of damage so when you had to fight multiple it was a game of attrition and spamming syringes. That mixed with the end boss fight being against like 7 terminators in a crampt room made me really hate the event by the end. Compare this with Operation Silent Spade which was a stealth mission and a challenging hold your ground mission, or Operation Oracle, or the R6S mission. Wildlands had its blunders too with the predator and splinter cell missions being overly difficult (like for real no killing when infiltrating? Pfft when did Sam Fisher ever not kill someone) but what I'm hoping for is for breakpoint to go the same way with more story based, repeatable events with less grind.

    No AI Teammates. I like the no AI teammates in breakpoint, it gives off the "outnumbered, outgunned but not out matched" and "behind enemy lines" feel that the game deserved (yes Erewhon completely ruins that but let's no go into that otherwise it'll be a whole other rant post). It also felt like breakpoint didn't need teammates. In wildlands I found myself really relying on sync shot heavily and never really cleared a base myself. Where as in breakpoint I was always clearing out bases by myself. I was always picking my targets based on who I could actually hit and who was the biggest threat. Wildlands: that sniper is over 300m away can I hit him? I don't know but Midas can. Breakpoint: that sniper is over 300m away can I hit him? I don't know, is he the best target, will he see me later, will he see dead bodies, is it worth the risk? I used maybe 3-4 sync drones my entire playthrough and I'm glad because it actually made it a challenge.

    That said there does need to be an option for AI teammates, Ghost Recon has always been about squad play and teamwork so it makes sense to have a team backing you up. Especially with all these Ghosts running around Erewhon (seriously fuck that place)

    Rebel support spam, namely scouting. This also ties into the sensor darts/grenades. Rebel support is overpowered in Wildlands. You go to a base, look at it and call in a scout and poof you know where everyone is. Sure it needs to be upgraded but that takes like a few hours at most since you can just go from one area to another doing all the support missions. Compare this to breakpoint where sensor darts do a smaller area and you have a limited supply, they're also locked behind using a specific class. This makes them useful bug not overpowered.

    Breach torches. Best addition of the game....worst application ever. What's the point of adding this if you can't use it on 90% of the fences in the game. Seriously I remember asking for this when trying to infiltrate the Sam Fisher base in wildlands over a year ago. "I wouldn't it be cool if we could breach through this fence instead of being funneled through two narrow guarded entrances. Its such a useful tool in theory but since we can't even use it on most fences what's the point? Also why does it need to be in our gear wheel if it gives us the prompt anyway. Just let us keep it in out backpack and dig it out when we get the prompt.

    Gear wheel and backpack. This was a really good addition. The need to switch between what gear we're using depending on combat encounters is brilliant (yes its contradictory to what I just said but I feel like the breach torch is something that just shouldn't take up a slot). Need to fight a drone? Better switch to emp grenades and rockets. Need to infiltrate or distract? Better switch to diversion lures and sensor grenades. And the gear wheel is so much better than wildlands where you just scroll through a bunch of icons till you get what you need.

    Customisation. This ones a bit debatable but breakpoint has way better customisation. It has so many more items and so many different combinations. I think I've made probably 3-4 different outfits for my ghost which is something I rarely do, I usually find a style sick with it and just alter it. Whereas I struggled to even create my ghost in wildlands because most of the gear looked the same as did the characters. I wanted just a normal trimmed beard and had to either choose between a long unkept beard or a bunch of styled beards. Besides that most of the other possible chooses were locked behind crates. I just ended up buying an outfit from the ubi store and using that.

    Cqc takedowns. My God are the breakpoint ones so long. I've been outed so many times because I was in an animation so I couldn't get the guy who walked around the corner. Where's the good old neck snap from wildlands. They were quick, clean and cool while all the breakpoint cqc animations just feel overkill.

    Body cradle. This is something that both Wildlands and Breakpoint missed out on but it would be so useful. If you played Future Soldier you know what I'm referencing but essentially sneak up behind an enemy, put one in his head, catch his body then slowly drag to somewhere discrete. This would be amazingly useful even to just drag around corners out of sight. Especially since moving bodies is so damn slow in breakpoint.

    Anyway if you made it this far thank you for sticking through my rant. A lot of this has been bugging me for a while so I needed to get it off my chest. Sorry if its a bit confusing or long winded I did my best to separate each point. Anyway if you have anything to add, debate or discuss I'd love to read it.

    submitted by /u/Mystic_Arts
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    Struggling finding players

    Posted: 19 Feb 2020 06:03 PM PST

    For awhile now I have been on multiple LFG's and the ubisoft forums looking for people with a similar play-style to me. With some determination and luck I have snagged enough to make a full squad. Issue is with everyones schedule getting on all at the same time is very difficult. So my plan has been to expand the group to increase chances of getting a full team on as well as get it to a point that if a full squad is on and extras are on the sideline, they can get their own game going.

    This is proving to be extremely difficult.....

    Ive advertised our group as "light milsim" (maybe not the best term) and so far ive gotten a ton of people (not all) that run around, cant stick to a plan, talk too much, equip the most ridiculous camo choices, play as if they can do everything by themselves, or all of the above. Also get a ton of people "wanting to join!" that never respond or always not available.

    We have military in our group but by no means are a hardcore milsim. The group doesn't go overboard with terminology nor do we have ranks. We play on extreme with no hud (comms markers only). We write up and plan our own missions that start always from 2 base locations. Coordinate classes (classes have set load-out options), set gear/equipment/camos/vehicles. No matter what we do its done with purpose. Missions are sometimes done in complete stealth while some are full on assaults. Sometimes its a full squad on the ground, sometimes its just a sniper and spotter, all the way to having multiple attack choppers and a spotter on the ground. We have a variety of approaches we take but always shoot for a sense of realism.

    My rant is mainly this..... I don't get why its so hard to find like minded players in this community. I look on reddit and see so many begging for a more realistic experience and pissed there are no AI teammates (I am too!) but when I post that I'm looking for people I get players that just wanna dick around.

    Thanks for reading my rant! Also just want to say that people can play this game however they want and I support them fully! Wolf gear and gold guns all day if that makes you happy. 💪

    submitted by /u/Dashiell87
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    Ubisoft: Remove the Camera automatically "correcting" itself behind my character when I'm trying to look at him/her.

    Posted: 19 Feb 2020 01:54 PM PST

    If I wanted the camera behind my character I'd do it myself.

    submitted by /u/bay12plz343
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    Immersion update

    Posted: 19 Feb 2020 08:20 PM PST

    when and what is the immersion update and where is a trailer. ive seen people talking about this but i havent seen any news or updates. can someone fill me in or link a trailer?

    submitted by /u/ThanosBlunt
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    Follow the Greed

    Posted: 19 Feb 2020 07:54 PM PST

    Looking for Group: No HUD, Tactical. Comms needed. Xbox

    Posted: 19 Feb 2020 03:24 PM PST

    Add me: Liquid Martian

    submitted by /u/mokadiri
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    Found some unfinished geometry

    Posted: 19 Feb 2020 04:31 AM PST

    Suppressors in PVE?

    Posted: 19 Feb 2020 11:13 AM PST

    In Wildlands suppressors (and shooting without them) had very specific limits - like all pistols would not be heard out side of 13 m or something, while smgs were 20m. I don't remember exactly.

    Has anyone done any tests or noticed how they work in Breakpoint? I've been surprised that pretty close shots with a suppressed AR don't alert enemies, but then sometimes I get a "Shot Heard" by an an enemy that is closer, or maybe using a different weapon - but I haven't done anything methodical.

    Also wondering about unsupressed DMR and sniper fire. I think about 250m away an unsupressed DMR isn't noticed.

    submitted by /u/exdevnull
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