• Breaking News

    Friday, October 18, 2019

    Ghost Recon - Accepting new moderators!

    Ghost Recon - Accepting new moderators!

    Accepting new moderators!

    Posted: 17 Oct 2019 01:12 PM PDT

    Hey all! If you haven't seen the State of the Sub thread, there was a section where I talked about us accepting applications for new moderators! The application deadline is being extended to Monday the 21st, and we do encourage those of you that are interested to apply. We are only going to accept 2 more mods at this time, but there may be another opportunity for us to bring in more people to the team in the future.

    As a general reminder you do not need to have experience to apply, although it is preferred Best of luck to those of you who do apply! Link to the application is here.

    submitted by /u/Pr3datorKil13r
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    Me at McDonald's except it's ubisoft at their game pitch.

    Posted: 17 Oct 2019 11:09 AM PDT

    Nice night vision

    Posted: 17 Oct 2019 09:45 AM PDT

    Battle Pass tiers will surpass daily amount of points you can get at tier 37

    Posted: 17 Oct 2019 04:32 PM PDT

    So I just realised after hitting tier 30 that the tiers go up by 5 points everytime you complete a tier.

    Let me just go ahead and start beating the dead horse:

    Right now I am only able to get a tier a day. This however will change in about 7 days for me as the requirement will surpass the 400 you can make in a day. This ABSOLUTELY sucks! Why must you try and make us buy your boosters (granted they are not in the game yet)? I am sick and tired of this predatory business model you are doing in one of my favourite franchises, it pisses me off.

    First you took my realism away from me, you know, the one you advertised to us, and revealed to us (and somewhat still had in the early tests). Then you replaced it with looter shooter mechanics, this I forgave and am somewhat reluctantly enjoying... Then you took my OCP camo and placed it on an island I fucking can't even get to yet! And now I am finding out that you made the battle pass system the biggest chore I have witnessed in a long time! Not to mention the freaking combat shirt you put in the shop only! SCREW THAT!

    Why does the requirement for each tier need to be higher? Why is the daily amount you can get only 400? Make it weekly instead? People have lives and we hate you for trying to abuse this.

    Ubisoft Paris, you guys suck at communicating with us and you will kill your game and peoples trust in you by doing this.I am really trying to love this game, but you are locking all the cool things I want behind this shit system that I am required to grind daily for, I hate this, a lot.

    Why does everyday I try and enjoy this game just become another day that I discover a new way you are predatorily trying to incentivise your players to spend money in your shop?

    Screw you guys this time, I mean it. I have a love-hate relationship with this game and I really just want to love it. Please!

    submitted by /u/Knoxxius
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    Another fine example of Ubisoft's exemplary programming.

    Posted: 17 Oct 2019 06:25 PM PDT

    Zoomed in to see how difficult it would actually be to see a ghost in prone camo. Not disappointed

    Posted: 17 Oct 2019 10:52 AM PDT

    To the Nomadcopter

    Posted: 17 Oct 2019 04:40 PM PDT

    I'd like to see the HK433 make an appearance in breakpoint! It's a combination of the G36/HK416 rifles and not to mention s fairly recent weapon that hasn't made an appearance in any media I know of so far.

    Posted: 17 Oct 2019 05:51 PM PDT

    If anything, the game is beautiful.

    Posted: 17 Oct 2019 08:44 PM PDT

    These Things NEED To Be Changed

    Posted: 17 Oct 2019 11:04 AM PDT

    These Things NEED To Be Changed

    I've been enjoying Breakpoint, but the game can definitely be way better than it currently is. This post will include feedback on what I believe needs to be changed in order to make the game the Ghost Recon game it should be and just overall improvements that need to be made to the game itself...

    • AI: AI needs to be tweaked in general but most of the issues circulate from the Sentinel AI. Sentinel AI needs to be smarter, definitely not on par with the Wolves but they should be able to use grenades, flashbangs, and they definitely should be able to flank, suppress, and rush correctly. Sentinel AI at the moment has the tendency to just blindly rush a position with no real thought put into what they are doing which definitely takes out the complexity in combat situations against them as you can sit in a static position and they will just rush you infinitely. Reaction time needs to be improved in general, I've seen instances where I am seen and the AI (both Sentinel and Wolf AI) will run away and sit in cover instead of immediately returning fire to a close enemy, I've also seen instances where I will be almost seen by the AI and I will get out of their line of sight and they will act as nothing happened. AI needs to have an aware state so they can search for a suspicious movement they saw, I believe this AI ability was actually prevalent in Wildlands. If this is prioritized and fixed the game will already be ten times better.
    • Lighting: Lighting needs an overhaul. Lighting during the day is fine but lighting at night is not only unrealistic but also has the tendency to be really weird at times. Flashlights clip through walls/underpasses at times which is unrealistic and also unimmersive (muh immersion). Speaking of immersion, NVGs are useless at night due to how bright the nights are, I find myself never using NVGs at night or in interiors due to how bright things are. Lighting at night needs to be toned down, I'll provide a few examples below. Also, Breakpoint has a tendency to up the lighting outside of buildings when you are in them so it makes it looks like it is day outside, which is really weird, that example will also be provided.

    Night Exterior Example

    Night Interior Example

    Breakpoint's Exterior Night Lighting

    Breakpoint's Interior Lighting

    As you can see Breakpoint is way too bright, NVGs are essentially useless compared to the other two realistic lighting photos which are from Escape From Tarkov. Speaking of NVGs.....

    • NVGs: NVGs need to be heavily reworked, right now they are not only useless but they are dark and look like you smeared green sludge across the NVGs. It looks terrible and they feel terrible to use. Examples of how they should look will be included below as well as how they look currently.

    Breakpoint NVGs

    Reworked NVG Example 1

    Reworked NVG Example 2

    Reworked NVG Example 3

    • Loot System/Mechanics: They need to go. The loot mechanics doesn't fit this game and they feel shoehorned in at the last second. Weapons need to be replaced by the Wildlands type system where you can find their "blueprints" and craft them. It makes no sense for me to have 5 M4's and them to have all different stats. Upgrading is fine, and I propose a change to the game mechanics to where gear (helmets, and vests) have buffs that make real-world sense. Let's say you wear a helmet, that will give you a certain headshot resistance buff but might make your guy less agile, same concept applies to a vest, you get a torso damage reduction buff but depending on the size of the vest it will give you less stamina or agility. Wearing clothes such as chest rigs or hats would remove these buffs but would make you lighter and faster. This would introduce a system that is easy for players to understand and would give Ghost Recon fans a system that makes tactical sense. A good example of a system like this is Escape From Tarkov's armor system. Here's a link describing this.https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=58EkuIISb5I
    • Injury system/Healing/Rations: The injury system needs to be overhauled to be more meaningful within the game. As of right now, your health will regenerate after a certain amount of damage but will be injured after taking a consistent amount of damage, this system is random and is not very clear. An easier and more immersive system is if when a single bar of health goes down an injury will happen, this not only makes injuries more prevalent within the gameplay but it also makes the system easy to understand. Bandages need to have a finite amount and need to be craftable, bandages will be the first step in healing a wound and will get your health back, but will not allow you to move at a full pace, this is where syringes come in, with the new system that I propose syringes can only be used once bandaging is complete, using a syringe will completely heal your wound(s) and grant you full movement. This system makes bandages matter and makes more sense than getting shot up a billion times only to just use a needle to magically heal all your injuries. Rations can be included to give more meaningful buffs or help you heal an injury faster if you are out of syringes.
    • Bivouac Revamp: Bivouacs are cool, however, they need to be revamped slightly to be less unrealistic. This mostly comes in the form of buying stuff from the Bivouac and summoning vehicles from the heavens.
    • Vehicles: Ground vehicles need to be tweaked more, helicopters are fine in my humble opinion.
    • Micro-Transactions: I have a feeling these won't be going anywhere, even if I really want them to just get rid of them I will propose a system to cater to Ubisoft. Just let us grind Ghost Coins whilst also giving people the ability to buy them with money. This makes people able to access all the gear and camos in-game without spending a fortune and allows those who want to spend money the ability to spend money.
    • Weapon Attachments: Weapon attachments need to be available across the board, maybe except the few Russian scopes that only fit Russian rifles.
    • Mud Textures: The textures for when you get dirt or mud on your clothes look really low res and terrible, they look the same from the Alpha, Ubisoft needs to fix this.

    Well, that's all the feedback I have to give currently. If you guys agree let me know below and if you want to add onto my post with other suggestions feel free to, I am interested in hearing what you guys think!

    submitted by /u/iangjohnson
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    Always wanted to be able to light and drop flares - at least in Wildlands we had a flare gun

    Posted: 17 Oct 2019 08:48 PM PDT

    Until the Next Splinter Cell We Got Breakpoint

    Posted: 17 Oct 2019 07:47 PM PDT

    How I land every time

    Posted: 17 Oct 2019 06:34 PM PDT

    One down. Three to go.

    Posted: 17 Oct 2019 09:23 PM PDT

    This game has the most useful tooltips

    Posted: 17 Oct 2019 04:10 AM PDT

    I was rather bummed out that you can't pop those things.

    Posted: 17 Oct 2019 04:45 AM PDT

    Golem Medic.

    Posted: 17 Oct 2019 02:15 AM PDT

    If anyone wants to see the other clothes I saw from my previous post

    Posted: 17 Oct 2019 01:07 PM PDT

    Repost from a guy in a comment section with a great comment.

    Posted: 17 Oct 2019 11:58 PM PDT

    None of these words are mine but I found this guys comment and felt it needed a post of its own.

    Trying to force a hardcore experience on players is not going to fix the game or recapture its image. That's also not the problem with the game. The game is a buggy mess. The original image of a game as one of survival where the Wolves are hunting you doesn't exist because the Wolves don't hunt you. The original image of the game as being a few Ghosts survivors working together doesn't work because the story treats you like you're the only Ghost doing anything. There are no other Ghost characters who are actually working with you. The original image of the game as a world where civilians are under occupation doesn't exist because there aren't civilians under occupation. There are a few who just stand around. Places like Liberty City are empty. There aren't civilians being rounded up like in some of the cutscene videos. There aren't people under house arrest. There isn't a tense atmosphere to the island because of Sentinel's heavy handed approach. In fact there is no Sentinel heavy handed approach because there aren't people being handled in a "heavy" way.

    If you really want to fix the game, recapture the tone, and increase difficulty, then you have to do these things:

    1) Fix the AI. Enemies need to behave like they're a military force that is oppressing the island. They need to use all of the tools at their disposal, from all of their vehicles (especially the Sentinel ones that we can buy) to grenades and tools (and you address a lot of this. Civilians and enemies need to be more present in the world. There needs to be more enemy and civilian traffic, with civilian traffic being under escort of enemy vehicles (for those who are working for Sentinel and the Wolves). There needs to be more enemy patrols with a variety of vehicles, both Wolf and Sentinel, and we need more diverse air patrols as well as waterborne patrols. We should also be seeing some larger training exercises around the island to create the sense that they have truly taken over this place.

    2) The UI needs to be improved so that there is less clutter. More icons, less bars.

    3) We need full access to the tools at our disposal, like you say. Most of these tools need to become abilities, not swap-able tools. Yes, we need full access to attachments so that we can configure weapons how we please. Getting access to a variant should unlock those parts to use on any weapon of that type

    The crafting feature is stupid and should be removed. There is no reason why we should be crafting rockets, Mk2, or Mk3 upgrades. To suggest that is dumb. Yes, I said it. It's dumb. The crafting system is absolutely stupid, pointless, and should be removed. Instead, we should have to either steal these military supplies from Sentinel and Wolf armories (yes, Ubisoft needs to add armories to Auroa), or we fabricate it using Skell facilities around the map. The game literally says that's what Sentinel does, so we should have to go to those places to upgrade our weapons.

    4) Gear Score. I'd say get rid of the system altogether, but that's very unlikely. Instead, we should have these options:

    a) We should be able to lock our inventories from picking up items whenever we choose. That way, we can keep our inventories clear of new items if we want.

    b) We should be able to manually upgrade the gear score of our weapons and gear by dismantling higher gear score items. That is imperative and shame on Ubisoft for not giving us that option. They did that so that we would be forced to collect new gear. It undermines our ability to focus on a particular set of weapons and gear. This gives us control of our leveling up, and allows us to bypass having to manage a bunch of useless gear.

    c) We should be able to select multiple items to dismantle and sell automatically. It's ridiculous that we can't.

    d) Weapon and gear rarity should be tied to the Mk system. That way, once we've maxed out a weapon's mark, we always get it at highest rarity. That way, the Mk system is actually rewarding. This means there should be more Marks and that we should have a system for upgrading our gear as well.

    5) Survival and Injury should be tweaked. Injuries need to happen more often when shot. Bandages shouldn't be unlimited, but they also shouldn't be crafted either. Same with syringes. We should buy those or loot those from actual medical crates, not from random locations in the world. We should be able to hold more syringes in our inventory. As well, instead of having separate Mk1 and Mk2 syringes, when we unlock the Mk2 upgrade, all syringes should become Mk2. Same should be for all the tools we can upgrade, like EMP and Frag Grenades.

    The bandage is kinda silly to me. The first thing you'd do is apply a tourniquet. Down the line, they should replace the bandage with a tourniquet. The injury system should be improved such that there's a bleedout system. The bandage (later, tourniquet), should be used to stop bleeding. The syringe should be used to improve health (and injuries, I guess).

    Enemies should use the exact same injury system that the player does. It's ridiculous that they don't. That would add so much more to the AI to see them having to heal up and apply bandages.

    6) Difficulty: Look, I know you want to force a hardcore experience on everyone, but that won't improve the game. The game is designed for you to use a HUD. You're at a severe disadvantage if you don't. The basic structure of the game is made for it.

    Instead of forcing players into a no HUD, extreme difficulty mode (which will only alienate players and result in the game's financial failure because it caters to a niche player base), Ubisoft should make tweaks to enemy behavior such that any situation can escalate into a dangerous hardcore situation. How is that accomplished? See the point about enemy AI. If enemies used heavy vehicles, gunships, and armor much more frequently, the game would be tougher.

    To that point, Sentinel should occasionally patrol with the LC-4 Coalition and their Opheis Mk. II gunship. The Wolves should regularly patrol with a Wolves-themed LC-4 Coalition and the Opheis gunship. There should also be regular Wolf patrols with Aamon and even Behemoth drones. THAT will make the game harder. That will make enemy encounters more hardcore.

    Enemies should also be able to go prone. There should be various areas of the world where there are concealed Wolf snipers who can see you from 600m away. They should be able to spot you from that distance if they're facing your direction and if you aren't concealed or in cover. They should also be prone. That would make the game harder.

    The point is, difficulty doesn't just lie in handicapping yourself. It doesn't just lie in making enemies tankier, as is Ubisoft's approach. It doesn't just lie in trying to make the AI smarter. It lies in giving enemies the same tools and capabilities that the player has, as well as the same shortcomings (like having to deal with the player's injury system). That's how you improve difficulty in Breakpoint.

    7) Tone: Finally, going back to AI, the announcement walkthrough trailer sets the proper tone of Breakpoint. We've addressed most of the survival and military occupation tone of the game in the previous points. The key thing missing from the game that was in the trailer is that we don't have AI fighting alongside us.

    Yes, Ubisoft has said they're going to add AI teammates post launch. That's not what I'm talking about. Even with AI teammates, we won't have that kind of dialogue, which means we won't have that tone, the structure, that framing of our gameplay experience. And that's not something you'll get with coop gameplay either. We need gameplay that actually includes NPC Ghosts who are fighting alongside us and are, in effect, leading the missions we're doing.

    I know, that's a controversial idea because players want complete agency in their missions. We can still have that, but we need that sense of working together as Ghosts that coop players don't really provide. The dialogue and framing of our missions by NPCs helps set the tone. Think about Ghost Recon Future Soldier. Think about Wildlands and missions like Operation Archangle, Watchman, Silent Spade, and Oracle. Think about the old Call of Duty Modern Warfare games, of Halo, Crysis, Battlefield, Metal Gear Solid, etc; the list goes on. Actual NPC characters who are either on the field with you or regularly communicating with you help set the tone of the gameplay.

    There are supposed to be Ghost survivors that aren't the player. Besides Holt, we meet two of them when we first enter Erewhon. They never show up again. If we had faction missions that actually involved other Ghosts, we could have gameplay that feels like that initial walkthrough gameplay. That would help capture the original image of Ghost Recon Breakpoint. If we ran into other teams of NPC Ghost survivors and could assist them with operations against Wolves or Sentinel, that would help create the tone that there are pockets of Ghost survivors around the island who are also fighting to survive. It would help reinforce the fact that we aren't just random Rambos out in the wild. We're Ghosts. We're apart of a larger unit.

    Even with the survival focus of the reveal trailer, that was the tone. That dialogue between Vasily and Nomad? This captures that feel.

    TL;DR: Anyway, I've said enough. I appreciate you making this post, because you're right that the game we're playing doesn't really fit the original image and tone of that reveal trailer. The game doesn't feel like that for a number of reasons, but particularly because of the nature of the AI and the nature of the progression system, particularly the loot and gear score systems. With improvements to the tools that AI use, their behavior, the gear score systems, and the nature of our gameplay, the game can actually live up to that reveal trailer.

    submitted by /u/Yoshablyat
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    First Walker, then Makarov

    Posted: 17 Oct 2019 09:48 AM PDT

    I keep seeing ghosts that look exactly like Holt in Erewhon, is this an icon or some sort of glitch?

    Posted: 17 Oct 2019 08:47 PM PDT

    My advice: Take your time and follow the story

    Posted: 17 Oct 2019 06:50 PM PDT

    There's a lot going on here. Every now and then take the time needed to slow it down and go through all of the dialogues with the NPCs in the base. Skell, Madera, Fox, Schulz, they all have a ton of information to fill in about the story when you talk to them.

    Also review the investigations folders to keep current on the story, they shed light on why you're doing what you're doing. Also on the objectives board if you highlight over the completed missions it gives you a summary of what the mission did and what happens because of it.

    I found myself just blindly going from mission to mission, not paying attention to anything but the objectives and I had to ask myself what exactly was going on here, I lost complete track of the story. Once I got it again everything has a purpose and meaning and makes much more sense, and I'm not just running through on autopilot.

    submitted by /u/ImmortalHitman720
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    Tip for extreme difficulty: use flashbangs. Also, for any difficulty. Just use em.

    Posted: 18 Oct 2019 12:23 AM PDT

    Fun with Trains on Auroa #TeamMountainGoat

    Posted: 18 Oct 2019 12:15 AM PDT

    To be honest this looked better in my head

    Posted: 17 Oct 2019 10:36 PM PDT

    This shouldn’t happen in any game and needs to be addressed by Ubisoft

    Posted: 17 Oct 2019 08:07 PM PDT

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