• Breaking News

    Saturday, August 7, 2021

    Ghost Recon - This song has become psychological torture

    Ghost Recon - This song has become psychological torture

    This song has become psychological torture

    Posted: 07 Aug 2021 12:35 PM PDT

    Just Another Day on Auroa

    Posted: 07 Aug 2021 01:30 PM PDT

    Tactical Assault Group-East Infiltrate and clear chemical threat.

    Posted: 07 Aug 2021 05:30 AM PDT

    Brought Dial Tone and Low Light out on a few missions.

    Posted: 07 Aug 2021 03:52 PM PDT

    Spirit and Beach Head securing first floor.

    Posted: 07 Aug 2021 03:28 PM PDT

    Hello Darknes, my Old Friend

    Posted: 07 Aug 2021 11:52 AM PDT

    Nomad, Ukraine (2017)

    Posted: 07 Aug 2021 03:25 PM PDT

    This post is mainly on cosmetics and wanting to see if the Development Team plans on adding aby of these things. First was the way the NODs are extended out. Second was the lack of radios with the antenna sticks on plate carriers as shown. Third was having the same model HK416 with the rail as shown

    Posted: 07 Aug 2021 02:58 PM PDT

    Future Soldier inspired outfits

    Posted: 07 Aug 2021 08:13 AM PDT

    Fireteam leader Saint moving through the objective during operation absolute zero

    Posted: 07 Aug 2021 09:39 AM PDT

    That's the kind of Set -up, (I think) suits Ghost Recon the very best. (Dark, Jungle)

    Posted: 07 Aug 2021 10:43 AM PDT

    Part 2 showing more attention to detail on the combat shirts and the holsters that can actually house a pistol with light or laser equipped

    Posted: 07 Aug 2021 03:01 PM PDT

    Wildlands vs Breakpoint.

    Posted: 07 Aug 2021 01:36 PM PDT

    What Wildlands did right

    - Calling in rebel reinforcements. Side missions to upgrade rebel reinforcements. Rebel reinforcement upgrade tree.

    - Option to have communication markers on but syncshot markers off.

    - No cursor on UI. Just toggled over from highlighted box to highlighted box. Quicker and easier for controller players.

    - After firing a grenade from the under barrel grenade launcher you have to press L2 again to activate the reload. PLEASE bring this back!

    - Swapping between firing mode and under barrel attachments is responsive and smooth.

    - UI: Each weapon type has it's own tab. Easier navigation through items and gear.

    - Ghost Mode.

    - Night vision.

    - No fall damage from lower obstacles. Being able to jump off second story balconies and small platform without taking damage is quite nice.

    - Partial gillie leaves (compact gillie) cosmetic item.

    - *No sliding down hills.

    - *No sticking/slowing down when crouched behind cover. (back to wall)

    - Vehicle handling felt a little better.

    - Drone operators in PvP.

    - Map/environment. Beautiful and aesthetically pleasing to the eye. Soundtrack went well with the environment and culture of Bolivia helping to set the mood/theme. No civilians in large combative enemy locations. - Seeing hanging corpses on the side of the road and a crying mother on her knees next to her son who was just shot by Santa Blanca really brought a lot of emotion into the experience. Having little details throughout the map like this is nice as it makes the player feel like they are there and sharing the same experience in a way. - If you travel on foot there are little spots hidden throughout nature that offer amazing views of the environment. Cities, mountain valleys, lights from big compounds on top of mountains in the distance. I am an immersive nerd so this was one of the things I liked most about Wildlands. - The vegetation is spot on. Tropical, snow, desert, jungle, forest. Having all these distinct environments is just plain awesome.

    What Breakpoint did right

    - More options to change world parameters, enemy population, weapons slots, HUD etc. The more we can customize/fine tune to our preferences the better.

    - Gadget wheel: Having a gadget wheel by holding R1 is more useful than displaying the throw-able in HUD on bottom left. This makes it a lot easier when playing with no HUD.

    - AI teammates being extremely combat effective. After the update.

    - Ration creation and gathering consumables from nature. Hunting animals. Filling water canteen in rivers. This adds to the immersive/survival experience.

    - Prone camo: Popping up from prone camo and knifing a wolf is fun. I would like to be able to have a greater field of movement when aiming in prone camo. Also CQC kill scenes with a pistol. John Wick style. =D

    - Map: Aurora is an awesome map. Improvements in detail is nice.

    - Azrael drone patrols

    - Separating normal mode and immersive mode

    - Perks and classes.

    - Breaking down and selling gear/items

    - White hot thermal vision and laser designator

    - Truth is Breakpoint did most things right. They made awesome improvements which in turn offered a more authentic immersive experience. Unfortunately they also took away a lot of things Wildlands did right.

    Improvement ideas for the next Ghost Recon

    *Syncshot markers: Even when synchot markers are turned off you will still get a prompt when your crosshair comes across and enemy on the other side of walls. This tells the player that there is an enemy on the other side of the wall. This is a big let down for immersive players who play with no hud. We like NOT knowing where the enemies are at all times.

    *Actions and responsiveness: Breakpoint prioritizes in game movement/cinematic which leads to the player getting killed a lot. Example 01: If I am detected while filling my water canteen I will not have the ability to draw my weapon in defense. The game will make me wait for the character to finish the movement of refilling or drinking the canteen. Even if I press the square (cancel) button the game still makes me wait for my character to lower the water bottle, screw the cap on tight and slowly place the water canteen in it's carrying pouch before allowing me to draw my weapon. Example 02: I had 3 wolves approaching my 12. I ran towards them to crouch and take cover behind a wooden crate. There was a grenade pouch on top of the crate. The game prioritized the in game action of my character slowly picking up the grenade pouch and placing it in my grenade carrier. The game ignored my command of press circle to duck behind cover and also ignored the command of pressing L2 to raise my weapon. I died as a result of this. Example 03: After I launch a grenade from by under barrel attachment I like to immediately swap to rapid fire mode. The game won't let me swap because it prioritizes the in game movement of reloading the barrel and ignoring the command to switch firing modes. I think it's great that we have to reload before firing again as it increases tactical realism but at least allow it to cancel out when another input is made.

    I have died a lot because of this. This needs to be fixed if they bring back Ghost Mode. One Solution Idea: Don't locate auto pickup items such as grenades, water canteens, syringes on top of obstacles or anywhere inside enemy bases. Instead just have the enemies drop them so your character auto picks them up when you walk over the body.

    - *Get rid of sliding down hills and stamina reduction after reaching exhaustion.

    - *Audio 01: I can tell if an enemy is on my right but can't tell if the enemy is to my right front, right rear, high ground, low ground or main ground. Audio should be improved so players can identify precise enemy locations. This goes for footsteps as well. This is important for immersive players who don't rely on a HUD.

    - *Audio 02: I'll be in the middle of clearing out a base and everything goes quiet for about 15 seconds. Can't hear environment, footsteps, weapons going off, vehicles etc. Audio will cut in and out. I know it's not my headset because others have this same experience.

    - *More customization options for the HUD. Example: Players could have the ability to choose which communications markers they want on or off. Same goes for objective markers and weapons display. Example: Wildlands = having communications markers on but syncshot markers off.

    - *Enemy AI Intelligence: I'd love to see extraordinarily intelligent enemy AI. Enemy ground units could spot players from greater distances creating that immersive feel of avoiding enemy detection. Example: Unsuppressed weapon fire alerts all enemies including bases within a 2-3km radius causing forces to be sent to your general location to investigate. Players will have to ask themselves. How many hostiles are within a 3km radius? What is the current threat level of this province? What are our chances of survival if we assault this location? Critical thinking will become a factor. Remaining undetected will be of great value.

    This can also be used as a distraction. Scenario: 2 enemy bases within a 1.5 KM radius. Ghost team needs to acquire intel located in location A. Ghost team plants C4 in Locations B and detonates. Location A sends multiple soldiers over to location B leaving location A lightly guarded. Ghost team then infiltrates locations A to grab intel.

    Another factor: This brings back Guerrilla mode from Wildlands in a way. Dealing with large waves of enemies. That would to alerted a base to see if you can hold off all the reinforcements. "Wildcard" players could beat the game this way. Again catering to two different tactical shooter audiences. Playing out an escape and evasion is always a blast.

    - *Enemy snipers: I would LOVE to see camouflaged hostile snipers hidden throughout the map in multiple locations forcing the player to keep an extremely close eye to the distant environment. Like the Fallen Ghosts DLC in Wildlands or better yet the yeti mission. Just have a bunch of those snipers patrolling the wilderness. =D Performing recon on an enemy base should be difficult. Snipers could fire upon your team when you get within a 1 km range of the exterior forcing players to crawl, use cover and blend into the environment to avoid being detected while approaching a base. It would really bring back the Recon in Ghost Recon.

    - *Exploration/Side Missions: Player need to feel that the task they are pursuing serves a purpose and will benefit them in the game. Pulling a heist on an enemy warehouse to steel networking cables so rebel ops can establish their own network communications and increase rebel op abilities would serve a purpose and increase exploration/side mission enjoyment. Gathering gem stones for a fisherman does not make the player feel they are serving a purpose.

    - *Ghost Mode

    - *Enemy AI Cosmetics: Enemy AI should be dressed in military camo to match the environment. It would significantly increase the player experience if the enemies were dressed in military/tactical gear. It brings the player a feeling they are assaulting a unit of highly trained enemy special forces. I personally think the Black villain goth look the Wolves had needs to go.

    - *First person view (or) ability to switch between the two. (Not just ADS) First person will attract more competitive players (pvp). It will also attract tactical/immersive/milsim players as the challenge becomes greater. Primary reason being you can't use the camera to view around corners. Most tactical shooters, if not all tactical shooters are first person so it's what gamers are used to. First person (as far as I know) is more popular compared to over the shoulder. I personally would love to try Ghost Recon is first person. It will upset some people but I feel it will attract more players than it will push away

    - *One shot kill: I recommend adding one more difficulty setting above Extreme. Could be called Insane or something alike. Just like hardcore mode in Call of Duty. When I shoot an enemy in the foot once I want that enemy dead. If I get shot in the foot once I want to be dead.

    Other Ideas:

    - Additional visual pallet slots: We currently have 5. I personally could easily use up 15-20. How about you?

    - Backpack/ammo/loot/carrying capacity system like Escape from Tarkov. Weight of gear possibly having affect on characters movement and stamina consumption. Backpack size/type, vest size/type, harness size/type should dictate the amount/type of gadgets and ammo the player can carry. Want to be able to carry more ammo? Then you need to purchase a bigger backpack and/or an upgraded harness.

    - Revised Stamina/Hydration System: Could make it so the character has to eat food as well and hydrate. I recommend having a stamina/hydration/food bar that lowers over a long period of time (several hours) and increases consumption while in combat, sprinting, hiking uphill etc. Accuracy and stamina could slowly reduce if the character becomes too dehydrated. Rations could serve another purpose of fueling the character for survival.

    These levels could deplete slowly over the course of several hours. Example: Players can hydrate every hour and eat consumables/rations every 4 hours.

    - Treasure Hunts: Treasure hunts NEED to be more entertaining as players are growing bored of these hunts very quickly. An Uncharted (game) approach would go a long way. Areas of operation/cave sites could be heavily guarded by enemy forces. The player can fight and/or sneak their way through enemies to get to the treasure maps, clues and cave sites. This way we get the enjoyment of exploration alongside the enjoyment of combat/stealth engagements. Another idea is to make treasure hunts exclusive to obtaining skill points. Meaning skill points can only be found in caves from completing treasure hunts. Just an idea. Not sure how others feel about that.

    - Threat level system for each province: If your teams activities are going noticed (being detected or going loud too many times) then more patrol presence could increase (foot soldiers, snipers, helicopters, azraels, army tanks etc) forcing your team to relocate to a different province until things cool down. This should not happen instantly but slowly over a course of several hours of game-play. Players can remain in that province if they choose but will soon find out that it's not worth it due to extremely high enemy presence. Chance of survival is significantly reduced and creates more obstacles to overcome to complete missions. Maintaining a low profile will be of great value. And not maintaining a low profile will be of value for players who like to go cowboy. Again catering to both tactical audiences.

    - Skill tree for AI teammates.

    - Time between firing missiles from the Pathfinders Armaros drone could be significantly reduced.

    - Fixits defense drone could use a big buff. More lethal.

    - Underwater missions where scuba gear is used: Some ideas are planting C4 on a submarine or naval ship. Clearing an underwater mine field for friendly submarines. Severing an underwater networking cable line etc. Hostile special forces divers, sharks, submarines, giant whales should be present to enhance the wow factor of exploring the depths of the ocean as an elite special forces unit.

    - Breaching and clearing buildings is a blast: They had this in Wildlands and Breakpoint but I'd like to see larger and more complex buildings to do this in. I enjoy not disabling the alarm system so wolf reinforcements show up. More action = more fun! More fun = more sales!

    - Convoys: Scenario: Firing at a convoy and having a ground unit transport truck slam on the breaks and 20 infantry soldiers rush out of the back to engage your team. What a rush that would be!! I hope to see curve balls thrown at me like this in the future. This will force players to ID vehicles and it's carrying capacity before engaging.

    - Camo affecting your visibility/stealth. Example: If the character is dressed in jungle camo while in the jungle they should be tougher to spot by enemy AI. Gillie suits should offer the most anonymity.

    - Currency/Mission Payout System: In game currency (such as skell credits) could be paid out upon completing a mission. Payout amount can be dependent on performance just like in Splinter Cell Blacklist. Example: If you complete a mission on Elite difficulty rather than easy you should be rewarded a bonus. If you complete a mission undetected you should be rewarded additional income for that. More money should be rewarded with more hostiles you eliminate. Bonuses can be rewarded for completing a mission under a certain time-frame or rewarded for remaining undetected or no bodies being discovered. Your game-play performance determines the amount of in game currency you earn to put towards better equipment for your load-out.

    - Shop/Inventory: Ability to break down and sell weapons in immersive mode. Ability to sell vehicles at a reduced cost.

    - Realistic army tanks rather than behemoths.

    - Enemy trip wires: Enemy trip wires placed in key locations around the map that the player need to look out for.

    - Acquiring Weapons and Attachment: Instead of exploring for weapon blueprints and attachments, weapons, attachments and cosmetics could be accessible right off the bat. Players can freely choose what they want as long as they have the credits. Again just an idea. Not how others will feel about this one.

    - Enemy flying drones function as recon only. Non weaponized.

    - High powered binoculars that have multiple magnifications.

    - Weapons hanging off weapon slings instead of glued to the characters backpack.

    - Gillie Camo for weapons. Especially sniper rifles.

    - More CQC kill scene variations both with knives and pistols. Have 50 different sequences that rotate throughout the game so players don't get bored seeing the same cinematic over and over.

    - Teammate AI to follow orders correctly.

    - Remove heavy gunners.

    - Include darker story line. Criminal underworlds, covert CIA ops, black-ops, drug trafficking, inside jobs, double agents, rebel forces, deception, conspiracies, computer hacking, bio-hazard materials

    - Banter: Funnier and larger variety of banter with Ghost AI.

    - Ability to repel down mountain sides and buildings. Repelling harness and gear would need to be equipped for this feature to be used.

    Please comment on which features mentioned you feel will bring a better player experience to Ghost Recon and which ones won't. Be sure to explain why. Thank you for taking the time to read this post. =)

    submitted by /u/TacticalCyberpunk
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    Beach Head and Scarlett doing some recce work before lead delivery.

    Posted: 07 Aug 2021 12:09 PM PDT

    “Is there a problem, officer?”

    Posted: 06 Aug 2021 11:16 PM PDT

    US Secret Service Counter Assault Team (CAT) Sniper.

    Posted: 07 Aug 2021 08:15 AM PDT

    Follow the light (to exit the cave with LC pistol blueprint)

    Posted: 07 Aug 2021 04:44 PM PDT

    Snake Eyes, Storm Shadow, Low Light, Beach Head and Scarlett. Operation Kingslayer. Bolivia.

    Posted: 07 Aug 2021 05:40 PM PDT

    Did that really just really happen?

    Posted: 07 Aug 2021 08:09 AM PDT

    I made this video during the night, just for fun (Music: Tyler Bates - Nice Heels)

    Posted: 07 Aug 2021 04:00 AM PDT

    ����Navy Seals������

    Posted: 07 Aug 2021 07:46 PM PDT

    2nd batt X CAG

    Posted: 07 Aug 2021 09:56 AM PDT

    Operation: Power Failure

    Posted: 07 Aug 2021 12:51 PM PDT

    New patch idea

    Posted: 07 Aug 2021 07:32 PM PDT

    Anyone else want to see a patch in Breakpoint that says [PRESS]? Any other ideas?

    submitted by /u/_The_Weasel_
    [link] [comments]

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