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    Friday, April 23, 2021

    Ghost Recon - On to the DLC!

    Ghost Recon - On to the DLC!

    On to the DLC!

    Posted: 23 Apr 2021 01:12 PM PDT

    There's just something tasteful about Plaid shirts, in game or IRL

    Posted: 23 Apr 2021 08:33 AM PDT

    If it's not raining, it's not training

    Posted: 23 Apr 2021 04:43 PM PDT

    Some shots that looked good I thought

    Posted: 23 Apr 2021 12:42 PM PDT

    Unidad you good?

    Posted: 23 Apr 2021 12:23 PM PDT

    Do you guys like my Nomad ?

    Posted: 23 Apr 2021 01:45 PM PDT

    Observing the enemy

    Posted: 23 Apr 2021 08:24 PM PDT

    How do you drown people?

    Posted: 23 Apr 2021 07:58 PM PDT

    Ive seen posts and gameplay of drowning a enemy for a execution and I've never managed to do one

    submitted by /u/RogueYautja
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    Tales of the Twin Brothers - Wildlands

    Posted: 23 Apr 2021 05:52 PM PDT

    Eliminating Bookhart

    Posted: 23 Apr 2021 08:50 PM PDT

    Low key the bugs make me keep coming back to this game because it's always something new

    Posted: 23 Apr 2021 09:04 AM PDT

    Ideas for the next installment

    Posted: 23 Apr 2021 01:31 AM PDT

    So I know there's already quite a few long winded posts on here discussing the same thing so I'm gonna keep this as short as I can. Anyway, here we go.

    As far as gameplay mechanics and animations, Ubi could keep pretty much everything from breakpoint and just make a few additions and adjustments so that it doesn't feel like your wearing greased up boots with no traction and bring back the quick search and assess after leaving ADS like wildlands had.

    1. Increase bullet velocities to more closely resemble their real world counterparts. Someone walking 25 yards away should not be able to dodge the 556 round flying at over 3000fps. I'm not asking for a super detailed Arma style ballistics model, but just better than it currently is.

    2. Gunsmith overhaul. Instead of having 500 variants of the M4, just expand the gunsmith so that you can build whatever style M4 you want with different rails, hand guards, receivers, barrels, triggers, gas systems, and custom attachments like the magwell gripe on some of them. Obviously this would be expanded to all weapons that allow for even a little modularity ie: AKs, MPs, MPXs, SCARs, etc...

    3. Improved AI. I'm not expected self learning murder machines like F.E.A.R. had, but just more competent. Flanking, rushing, suppressing and bounding as a unit. You know, just better and more of a threat.

    4.Heavy weapons. Having one super generic rocket launcher is kinda lame. Don't get me wrong I'm glad they added it because I just felt like wildlands was missing something. Whether is an equipped weapon or a gear slot item, I think a little variety would go a long way. You could have a few different rockets that a good at different things. There could be an RPG7 and a LAAW that carry more rounds but deal less damage and are more suited for cars and trucks. Then you could have the CARL G and the AT4 that deal more damage and are more useful against heavily armored vehicles. And then finally, the stinger and the javelin could be the air and ground fire and forget weapons, respectively. The stinger would down most aircraft with one missile and only heavy attack helicopters like the Mi28 havoc would take 2. The javelin would be able to destroy any ground vehicle with one hit, but the play can only carry 2 missiles.

    1. Armored vehicles. Tanks, IFVs and APCs were in almost every ghost recon game up until wildlands. While they could not be player controlled there were still enemy tanks you had to either avoid or destroy and in some games you could command an Abrams or a Bradley or a Stryker to assist you at certain points in the mission. I simply suggest that enemy armored vehicles be brought back and the player be able to commandeer tanks and other armored vehicles as a driver/gunner pair for balancing.

    2. A uniformed, semi-organized enemy. Instead of narcos or pmcs, have us go against some sort of rebel splinter group that overthrew its host nation's government. This would create far more interesting gameplay, as you could encounter enemy armored columns as they patrol or move towards the front like to engage friendly forces. You could have an objective to rescue a vip in a city or town that is currently a heavily contested war zone adding further danger. Basically being in a legitimate warzone that feels alive with conflict.

    3. Friendly forces. There should be a small portion of the map where a U.N or NATO FOB exists as a safe area where you can rearm, buy and sell gear, and gain access to armored vehicles and aircraft.

    4. Air support. While I would love to have flyable jets and cas aircraft, I just don't see that fitting very well into a GR game. Whether it's a class based thing or just anyone can equip an air strike doesn't matter to me. I just think that being able to call in a 2000lb JDAM, an A10 gun run, a small 5 round salvo from either a 155mm howitzer or a 60mm or 120mm mortar would be awesome and allow for some more epic moments. Also, the ability to call in either an offensive or reconnaissance predator drone or global hawk. The offensive one would have a shorter loiter time before kicking you out, but would have 4 hell fire missiles that can obliterate pretty much anything and would have a lengthy cool down. The reconnaissance one would have a longer loiter time and be able to spot enemies in the area indefinitely until you run out out of time or back out manually.

    5. Make stealth a viable option. Since we're super secret squirrel operators we should be able to go incognito if we want to. Equipping civilian attire and a sidearm or maybe a compact pdw and being able to walk in plain sight and interact with locals without starting a firefight every time. Maybe only officers can spot you if you get too close or if you pull out a weapon or get caught setting a mine or using binoculars. Just make it dynamic. Wildlands had this to a degree with vehicles, don't know why it wasn't expanded upon. It'd be so dope if you had to go recon some enemy buildup near a town and you and your guys go in incognito mode and set up shop on a nearby rooftop and conduct the recon. Also, dressing up like enemies and using weapons they use should allow us to go unnoticed in enemy bases until we get too close or slip up.

    6. Sound design. Guns need to feel a little more weighty, especially heavy caliber rifles. Gun firing sounds need to be a little more bassy and thunderous. When I'm laying into a vehicle with an MMG I want it to feel mean and sound mean like it should. Suppressed gunshots also need more bass and less of that dumb whisper sound they make. Explosions also need to sound and feel more thunderous. I can't help but feel like explosives in wildlands and breakpoint lack any sort of impact force. If you would like an example of what I mean, look up some videos from squad. Personally, I think they nailed the sound design in that game.

    I'm sure I could go on, but those are the big ones on my mind right now. Let me know what y'all think. Feel free to chime in with additions, corrections, improvements. Whatever y'all got, I wanna hear it.

    Edit: I thought of something else, though probably a little too complex. I can dream though.

    1. fast travel/transit system. Instead of just warping wherever, I propose that the player be given a colored smoke grenade that when thrown whether in combat or not, summons a friendly transport helicopter such as a black hawk or some other equivalent that would then take you to any location of your choice. the classic fast travel loading screen would then appear and when you load back in a short scripted cinematic would play where you and your guys fast rope down and you would assume control of your character as soon as your boots touch the ground and your hands leave the rope. As far as calling for extraction goes, you'd obviously want to be out of combat to ensure that they can land safely. If you are in combat, it will be up to you to clear and secure an LZ long enough for the helo to land and pick you up. If the helo takes too much fire, it will terminate the extract/insert and fly away. If the helo is shot down, there could be a randomly generated side mission to either rescue the pilot or, if the pilot is dead, secure the crash site and destroy the wreck to prevent sensitive avionics from falling into enemy hands. Cleary all of that is a bit much to implement, but nonetheless would add some interesting experiences if Ubi could pull it off. I would settle for just cause 4 style fast travel as well where you just jump out of a C17 or C130 at max altitude above your chosen destination. To go even further perhaps make the semi-cinematic insertions optional so that if you prefer to just warp you still can.
    submitted by /u/StealthyOrca
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    Flashlights. I had no idea Ubisoft had actually rendered Surefire m300v’s. But where do they go once you kill the sentinel PMC? Not on our rifles that’s for sure.

    Posted: 22 Apr 2021 10:57 PM PDT

    Security Footage from Operation Red Storm the objective of that mission: kill the love birds

    Posted: 23 Apr 2021 08:28 PM PDT

    Information please. Is there a complete set like in this picture? I'm still at the beginning of the game and it's not available in Maria's store, you can only buy the pants and sweatshirt like in the second picture.

    Posted: 23 Apr 2021 01:12 PM PDT

    Face plant

    Posted: 23 Apr 2021 06:37 AM PDT

    Me and Che Guevara on Wildlands

    Posted: 23 Apr 2021 05:44 PM PDT

    Is base Breakpoint (without dlc) worth it for a Wildlands fan?

    Posted: 23 Apr 2021 02:32 PM PDT

    Budget is really tight.

    submitted by /u/modsrqahabi
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