• Breaking News

    Tuesday, March 2, 2021

    Ghost Recon - There is a pirate ship and a pirate treasure side quest in this game. So many hidden gems.

    Ghost Recon - There is a pirate ship and a pirate treasure side quest in this game. So many hidden gems.

    There is a pirate ship and a pirate treasure side quest in this game. So many hidden gems.

    Posted: 02 Mar 2021 01:18 PM PST

    Following Close | A photoset from a while back I never got around to posting, taken on PS4. Enjoy!

    Posted: 02 Mar 2021 12:39 PM PST

    Mexican delivery style.

    Posted: 02 Mar 2021 01:31 AM PST

    For anyone thinking of giving wildlands a go or jumping back into it, here’s why you should, enjoy.

    Posted: 02 Mar 2021 03:08 PM PST

    Mission Failed...

    Posted: 02 Mar 2021 03:16 AM PST

    Just a couple of my favourite screenshots from a recent play through

    Posted: 02 Mar 2021 07:43 AM PST

    Skill points, are they worthless once you fill up skill tree

    Posted: 02 Mar 2021 05:29 PM PST

    Are they pointless after you've maxed out the skill tree

    submitted by /u/AjRamos3178
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    Forward Observation

    Posted: 02 Mar 2021 08:56 AM PST

    Going for the kill.

    Posted: 02 Mar 2021 05:43 PM PST

    Ubi, you knew exactly what you were doing

    Posted: 01 Mar 2021 08:59 PM PST

    Thanks for the help rebels

    Posted: 02 Mar 2021 04:12 AM PST

    Rafi's Breakpoint long feedback

    Posted: 02 Mar 2021 10:13 AM PST

    It's a big one, I've spent many hours on it, just to show how much I love the game and think about it. I decided to write this after the Amber Ruin update and rushed to finish it before the next update. Amber Ruin was a nice addition and I really felt like being a Ghost doing Ghost stuff.

    I've actually bought this game to play with my brother but because he lives in a country of 6 hours difference we never had the chance to play together. Since then I've been playing as much as I can, mostly solo. With more than 100 hours I've finished all the content. After 350 hours I find myself walking slowly in the woods pretending it's a walking simulator - usually leaving thousands of corpses behind my path.

    For starters I want to point out many things done right in this game. And there's a lot of them.

    What I prize most in the game are graphics and animations.


    Probably no need to mention this, since we can see some screenshots that look like they came out of a movie. Textures have an absurd amount of quality in Ultra or Ultimate. Terrain looks very realistic, architecture doesn't look fake like paper. The environment changes how everything looks even to our gear depending on the time of the day, rain effects, snow dust, sand dust at beaches, snow, etc. Volumetric fog makes fabulous effects even in the lowest setting, making lights at night being seen behind corners, and giving depth to mountains, trees and buildings. Volumetrics is probably what makes this game stand out but it's so well made that nobody really notices it, for example when at night at a foggy port under a very tall light you can see the light in the air and not just the usual glow when we look up directly to it. Explosions look good. Water looks great. Smoke and fog looks great. Glowing effects - not just lights glowing but also on reflections - looks perfect. Another very realistic detail is the tattoo on Hill's arm, as if the paint under the skin adds some depth to it.


    There's a lot of excellent animations in the game, and the transition from one to the other is so smooth that it isn't even noticeable. Not to mention the variety. There are random ones like: slapping the face for mosquitos, scratching the bum, cleaning the nose, blowing warm air in his hands. Others are sometimes a very small detail like moving the NVG down, holding binoculars, controlling the drone with joysticks, swapping hands when swapping shoulders. When doing prone camo sometimes we see a different type of movement, I'm not sure if it depends on the type of terrain. When Nomad is critically wounded he moves in a different way for one red bar, two red bars and three red bars. Also the reaction of enemies receiving a strong shot in the chest will stop their current action, or when shot in the knees making them lose their balance for a few seconds. There's a nice action animation when Nomad is sprinting and then goes prone sliding on the floor (a bit awkward when done over a rock). Sliding mountains down. Mounting vehicles and not just teleporting the player inside them (it seems there's a different animation for the same vehicle depending on the height and position it is). Reaching his hand to change the zoom level of the scope with two lenses. When we shoot our teammates close to their heads they move the head to the side to avoid the shot. When playing completely without hud we can notice when the enemies are throwing a grenade, or when they notice our presence and their head follow us for two seconds before they get alerted and start shooting, even then they move very realistic.

    I can imagine that these and many others may have needed an immense amount of hours to make them look correct and not only that but to also transition between one and the other almost seamlessly.

    Others things to praise

    I personally love the immersive setting giving me the option to get guns off the ground like many of my favorite games.

    The sliding effect when walking downhill too fast as an alternative for going down slowly.

    The way enemies turn their heads and look at the player before spotting them.

    The different ways Ai react to danger, if they see a body they search the area, if they hear a shot hitting a team member or the scenario they search the direction it came from, usually with flanking tactics.

    Some sound effects work just as they should, like the rain when falling over different objects like crates and vehicles, or the changes when the player goes indoors, also making rain or helicopters sound almost silent with some sort of reverberation. Explosions or shots far away give a lot of depth for the environment.

    When walking around the island it does feel that the character has weight and that physics is dynamic according to terrain and angle, like stumbling over stones, walking in deep water, trying to climb a hill or even failing to.

    Now for the criticism.

    Realistic or Arcade?

    This might be the biggest question, one that haunts my thoughts and the thoughts of most of the people I play with: "is this a realistic game or not?". The game looks realistic, feels realistic, sounds realistic, has real weapons (or at least looks like the ones from the real world) and yet there's so many things far from being realistic in it. I say this because we have some games that look realistic but the game itself is far from realistic. Take two games that I played in the last years for example: Just Cause 3 and Metal Gear V. Just Cause it's pure nonsense yet hilarious if you're in for the fun - there are no consequences for your actions at all. Metal Gear is also fun and hilarious, but you feel more like playing an oriental action movie rather than being a 007 spy. Breakpoint is responsible for its own identity crisis at the moment it offers extremely different difficulty settings ranging from kids super easy - like, superhero easy - to extreme one-shot-kill-make-no-failures hard. The game makes it also extremely difficult for players with similar interests to play together. Some people (just random examples) want extreme enemies, but health regeneration. Others want easy enemies but no regeneration and always injuries. The list goes on and on with thousands of variations, not mentioning hud elements and, in my case, even sound settings. It makes it even hard for us players to give feedback on what we want in the game. It goes from people wanting extreme things like "optical camo" or grappling hook to super realistic stuff like bandoliers, bipods that can be deployed, rappelling from helicopters and so on.

    Why is it so important to make the game realistic? Well, one of the goals from this game was to profit with Ghost coins, encouraging players to purchase weapons and cosmetics only accessible through the store. That only works if players decide to spend enough time with the game, that those items will make them feel good during that experience and also/or to show off to other players. With the game being so easy, it can be finished very fast. Players aiming for the "end game" content and gear collection can skip main missions and get ready for Raid in 20 hours. The whole main mission plus side missions is also not more than 40 hours long, if not skipping the cutscenes. And what makes the game so easy and short?

    Detection Gauge, Enemy Engaging Level (body found, noise heard, visual contact) and Health Regen: these should belong only to the easiest difficulty setting. Nothing explains how that could even be possible in hundreds of years, unless Nomad has Spider Sense, DeadPool Regeneration or something similar. This is really baby stuff, I can't understand how a game aimed supposedly for young adults has such children forgiving elements.

    Enemy Markers and Detection Clouds: although theoretically possible in the future with assistance from Satellites, Nomad and his team had no access to satellites, otherwise they could contact the "hive" from the start, leaving me to believe it should also belong only to the easiest settings or have the lore changed.

    Being able to Sprint indefinitely, Fast crouched movement, Ai that shoot through walls and mountains, Enemies that don't use parked tanks and armed helicopters and so on. If the default movement speed were slow instead of jogging and jogging would consume stamina, players would have much more time to observe the world around them and specially their teammates and their "cosmetics". Many people that I convince to play not jogging in the end agree that "it's much more enjoyable" and "you can notice what's happening around you".

    These are just a few points that give a lot of room for "speed gaming".

    I like to play Breakpoint in a very realistic way, and I'm not against sci-fi just to make it clear.

    Lore and realism

    The lore of the game itself ruins most of the fancy stuff in the game, maybe a different story not limiting the contact with the outside world would solve many problems in this case. The first message we read before the helicopter crash says "... to investigate why a ship crashed at the coast..." yet they fly straight to the middle of the island with no recon - I don't have military training, but that seems not logical to me. Then something hits us, we crash, we start playing. Our character is critically wounded and if we follow the game's tips we're instantly healed in the very first few seconds, ready to sprint like nothing happened. I even tried to reach Erewhon without bandaging, just to be magically healed the moment I entered that curtain. In a real scenario the top priority would be to find a safe place to take care of those wounds and rest for a few days in order to heal. Tomb Raider did that right. Anyway... ignoring the fact that the small drones should have destroyed the helicopters over waters and Nomad should wake up at the beach without guns and only with a knife and dragging himself to some schack to recover... let's move on. In BP, the character, Nomad, is very smart. But even if he wasn't the smartest of the operators he'd know that he was very lucky to hang on that tree and no one would survive that helicopter crash that he just witnessed. Nevertheless he needs to search that crash site, which is a valid point IF he wasn't critically wounded. In my first play I had the fear of being killed by those drones and I tried to proceed carefully because I have no idea if the first soldiers that we encountered were deadly or not. It so happens that they weren't. And the tiny drones never came after me again. Not only were they not deadly, but they were not searching the woods for survivors. They just followed a loop route or had specifically set waypoints as if they just "waited" to be eliminated by the player. Sorry for going into so many details, but the first minutes in the game are responsible for giving the player a feel of the rest of the game. If the player takes an assault rifle in the first minutes how's he supposed to learn to use his knife and pistol?

    High Tech

    The weirdest for me is after playing more than 100 hours realizing that the only weapon we have against drones are EMP grenades and some other class related abilities and items. I mean, the game feels like fighting robots from the future with weapons from the past. Although many guns are actual, we have nothing hi-tech. It's true all mechs have also just normal bullets, no laser/plasma/radiation sci-fi shit, with the exception from Gargoyle with his shock attack. To a point in the story I thought we would develop some kind of gun that launches nano machine grenades that would infiltrate the circuits and burn them away making the mechs have diverse reactions as going berserk or self destructing. In Extreme difficulty with hud off most classes abilities are not really that useful. Echelon is maybe the coolest but also the most unrealistic, is like a Professor X power. Only the Schock pistol is maybe the best utility in the game. Sadly I had to stop playing with echelon because even with the HUD off I still heard that noise when being spotted while holding a pistol (I switch to pistol for CQB). There's so much hi tech missing in this game, simple things like infra red lights on the backside of helmets of team mates, a picture-in-picture view of the teammates view or from their drones when they're using it, a camera attached to the weapon to be able to shoot from behind cover, a camera for solo players to see what's behind them or a thermal view from the drone that hovers autonomously above.

    Artificial Intelligence

    I feel a bit uncomfortable to talk about this topic because I have zero skills with scripting or programming, so I have no idea what kind of nightmare it is to program these virtual living beings. Many times I'm really impressed on how well enemies operate and react. But that happens very rarely. The following points make me question my existence and purpose in this game.

    Tactics. Most Sentinel guards could be easily defeated by opposition/faction guerrillas. They can't hear bodies falling on the ground, something that should be more noticeable at night - if it weren't because all factories are working 24/7 and civilians don't need to sleep. If enemies find a body they get alerted but after 5 minutes they return to patrol literally walking over that corpse. It feels like they're some sort of aiming targets with scripted behavior. Not to mention when we find a corner and just wait for them, forming a pile of corpses in front of us because they just ignore it and don't change tactics like hide and prepare an ambush for us, or storm us with grenades and flashbang. I expected they would enter one of those tanks and wait for the moment that I stick my head out to just blow me to pieces… no, it wasn't that epic. After 10 hours in the game we have a pretty much basic understanding of how each enemy reacts and what's the procedure to take them down. They don't have random choices or a change of plans. I mean, if you see 5 colleagues dying in front of you it's better to run away, get reinforcements in the next checkpoint, no paycheck is worth to fight against elite soldiers until death right? If in one base just one single guard was taken down by a sniper, all the other bases in the island would be informed and avoid having guards in the open, for at least a few days or until the sniper was taken care of, forcing players to move closer into CQB. If a whole base was wiped and HQ lost contact, all other bases would be on high alert and be waiting with tanks and machine guns at the gates, with mines all around. This would encourage players to do missions stealthy without killing everyone. By the way, the moment a base was cleared, that's the moment a squad of Wolves should show up, to check what happened, and not just bursting in with a car, but as former Ghosts, stealthy and dangerously.

    Gear and accessories. Enemies walk in the night with flashlights - this means that when they look in darkness away from their spot they should see nothing - but at the moment they're engaging us seems like they're using thermal vision or enemy marking in their HUD. They also never use grenade launchers, C4, Mines and, yes, Binoculars. Although they have the animation of using their binoculars they seem blind as a bat. We can literally stand 100 meters in front of them and yet they won't be alerted.

    Voice volume. Seriously, enemy voices are louder than cars and helicopters. In my first hours I could hunt them down by just following the direction of the chatter, until it felt too easy and I reduced the Voice Volume to 40% just to feel a little bit more normal. And BTW, why so much chatter? They're mercenaries, aware that Ghosts are scouting the Island and killing everyone. Why the heck talk about what Skell had for dinner? And they don't stop! It's literally 5 seconds after they stop they throw another line. And it sounds so stupid like: "Yeah, no signs of enemy here." … (alone) "I've heard that the Sniper had a good training" … (still alone) "Maaaaann, that Skell guy must have a lot of money…" oh if I could just turn these stupid commentaries off…


    I get it, cosmetics are used to show off. But it could work just as the effects from gear level clothes work, we just get the stats from them, not the looks. One of the best references I can think of is Metal Gear 3. People could even buy some camo from the store for a little extra stealth bonus. Say a Multicam provides +50 stealth in vegetation, 0 in urban areas. A Multicam+ version from the store could give +55 in vegetation and +10 in urban for example. Only working in PVE of course.


    Even Wildlands had an option for Region+Mic. I gave up joining random people in matchmaking because 99% of them had no mic. Not to mention the ones that couldn't speak English. That would be even better if we could find people interested in the same difficulty and interface difficulty.

    Shop Interface

    At last, something that infuriated me so much in the beginning: not being able to see the attributes of a vehicle, weapon or attachment in the shop BEFORE buying. It's so ridiculous that we can see the stats of a gun by looking at it in the ground, but NOT in the shop. Why? WHY? Why do I have to buy all the guns to know their qualities?

    I could keep writing for hours, but honestly, 90% of the reality related issues could be solved by a simple Google or YouTube search. For the last months I see almost everyday someone in the GR Discord server pointing something obvious like weapons with the wrong caliber.

    I'm sincerely grateful for the team and what they achieved in Breakpoint and I'm very sorry that for some reason they didn't follow the vision of making Breakpoint a "painful" experience with "brotherhood" in focus. And I can't wait to see what the future holds for Breakpoint and future GR releases. I surely became a fan from the series.

    submitted by /u/RCBRDE
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    Is wildlands still worth it

    Posted: 02 Mar 2021 03:22 PM PST

    I've played breakpoint from like 9 months and i think i want to buy wildlands but i dont know if it is worth it because of the graphics and gameplay. (I am on xbox one btw)

    submitted by /u/jpmt2004
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    Some shots I clicked yesterday

    Posted: 02 Mar 2021 02:48 AM PST

    New stealth gun - it's invisible! ��

    Posted: 02 Mar 2021 12:55 AM PST

    Looking for Ayana Puri / Maurice Fox

    Posted: 02 Mar 2021 11:35 AM PST

    Very unpopular opinion but here it goes.

    Posted: 02 Mar 2021 06:38 PM PST

    Overhaul the sounds of things. What I mean by this is they can keep the Drones and car noises but for the actually character moving and the sounds of guns firing unsuppressed and suppressed can be updated to future soldiers level I think, I know they can port over the sound file if it's wav or ogg cuz I've done it for mods in other games and what not but I just think this needs to be brought up because the game itself on current and next gen consoles does have some pretty epic environments and detail so why not put alittle detail in the games sounds of guns firing, the shell casings hitting the ground making different noises due to the certain terrain I mean the possibilities are there to make this work

    submitted by /u/Minarchi21
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    Lost Rank and Tons of Unlocks in Wildlands (PS4/PC)

    Posted: 02 Mar 2021 06:05 PM PST

    As the title states, I was itching to play some more Wildlands PvP. I went and logged onto my PC account which was much newer than my PS4 account, but still at least prestige 5 with plenty of unlocks, only to be level 1 with absolutely nothing. On the PS4, I had every single ICON and a lot of the cosmetics and weapons, and I would say roughly half are locked again, I lost my saved game in single player, all the attachments, and went from prestige ~20 to prestige 4. All of my custom operators were wiped from the class selector, and luckily I was able to unlock the classes right away, but wow. This is very heart breaking and discouraging, not only because of the money spent, but because of how much time and effort went into collecting everything and getting it set up how I wanted it. So much for one of my favorite multiplayer experiences I guess. Please help if you know of any fixes or ways to contact Ubi besides their support, which i already submitted a ticket for.

    Thank you

    submitted by /u/kcraybeck
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    Should I buy breakpoint?

    Posted: 02 Mar 2021 04:49 PM PST

    Im loving wildlands, and I want more. But there are a lot of bad reviews of the game. They all seem to be pretty old though so i was wondering if its worth getting now?

    submitted by /u/Mabon_Smith
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    Where did my pathfinder helmet go ?

    Posted: 02 Mar 2021 06:33 AM PST

    Vulkan massive FPS drops

    Posted: 02 Mar 2021 08:37 AM PST

    When I spend sometime in game menus, and go back to the gameplay, my FPS locks on 10 !!! And stays at the same level forever until I restart the game.

    It happened only on Vulkan, dx is fine. How to fix this? I

    I have rtx2070s, ryzen3700x.

    submitted by /u/BlackburnUTG
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