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    Saturday, July 25, 2020

    Ghost Recon - "Is Breakpoint worth buying now after the latest update?"

    Ghost Recon - "Is Breakpoint worth buying now after the latest update?"

    "Is Breakpoint worth buying now after the latest update?"

    Posted: 25 Jul 2020 06:29 PM PDT

    Megathread for those of you who still cannot the search.

    Here you guys can ask your everyday questions:

    "Should I buy Breakpoint now?"
    "Is Breakpoint worth it for x% off now?"
    "Breakpoint or Wildlands?"

    submitted by /u/JohnnyTest91
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    Posted: 25 Jul 2020 11:37 AM PDT

    Instead of reviving me, Vasily used my body as a cover & a shooting platform...this is fine.

    Posted: 25 Jul 2020 02:29 AM PDT

    Comprehensive Feedback List - Update 2.1.0 and forward

    Posted: 25 Jul 2020 02:38 PM PDT

    • Pistol holding animations in-combat | ANIMATION | FEEDBACK:
      It's astonishing how you manage to make animations even worse. Revert the holding animation for the pistol in combat from before the patch. "Holding animations" as in the positioning of the arms away from the body. Leg animations are better now for normal movement, not as spread anymore as before. The pistol idle animation and pistol sprint animation remain to look horrendeous, as soons as possible you should completely replace these with new animations;

    • Nomad still not standing straight | ANIMATION | FEEDBACK:
      Idk if your animation makers have severe knee problems, but a human being - except for Kurt Angle maybe - doesn't stand with their knees bend so much -> Let Nomad stand straight, also affecting the movement animations;

    • Upper body movement too stiff | ANIMATION | FEEDBACK:
      Movement animations still look incredibly unnatural, which is probably because the upper body movement is really stiff. Add more live/motion to every movement animation;

    • Male Nomad uses female animations in Erewhon and cutscenes | ANIMATION | FEEDBACK:
      ... give our boy male animations;

    • General weapon holding | ANIMATION | FEEDBACK:
      You really need to rework the holding on so many weapons. It's just lazy and embarassing that there is basically one holding animation that you applied to all weapons. Looks so ridiculous especially on shotguns. AAA-quality? Not even close;

    • LMG Animations still broken | ANIMATION | FEEDBACK:
      Here we go, here we have our Wildlands flip scope animation of Breakpoint. How can these game be close to A YEAR on the market and LMG still having completely stiff reload anims and chains not moving?!?

    • Underbarrel grenade launcher holding and reloading | ANIMATION | FEEDBACK:
      The underbarrel launcher animations suck. There is neither a holding animation for the launcher when you switch to it nor is the reload correct. You don't put the grenade in from the front -> add appropriate animations;

    • Feet inwards rotation while sprinting | ANIMATION | FEEDBACK:
      While sprinting, the characters feet rotate too much to the inside;

    • Leaning backwards on sprint | ANIMATION | FEEDBACK:
      When the character starts to sprint, they often lean back for a moment. Remove that;

    • Crouching down hill | ANIMATION | FEEDBACK:
      Crouching down a steep looks dumb. The character should stand up more;

    • Slide to crouch | ANIMATION | REQUEST:
      Watch_Dogs Legion will have a great "slide to cover" animation. Breakpoint should have something similar but it should be a "slide to crouch" animation. When you press the crouch button while sprinting, the character should perform a short arm supported slide to the crouch stance. Similar to the jump to prone mechanic when you transition from sprinting to prone;

    • In-combat direction change | ANIMATION | REQUEST:
      Add a side step animation to the in-combat movement. Currently, it looks pretty stiff if you abruptly change direction to dodge enemy fire (or for whatever other reason) with a/s/d -> there is a side step animation in the game already, this should be used for in combat movement direction change;

    • Dialogue idle pose | ANIMATION | REQUEST:
      Make Nomad hold their weapon with one hand facing downwards on the side -> Animation is in the game already. Currently, Nomad's dialogue animations looks really stiff, give him some movement;

    • Unlock all knife animations | ANIMATION | REQUEST:
      Many of the knife animations in the game are never visible to player because they are locked to certain slopes -> unlock these for all situations. Even better would be if you included more animations that are shorter;

    • Contextual execution animations | ANIMATION | REQUEST:
      There should be animations for executing enemies out of cover, around edges etc. Also there should be execution animations with pistols;

    • NVG aiming animation | ANIMATION | REQUEST:
      While having NVGs active, the aiming down sight animation should be over the side of the weapon. Modern Warfare 2019 shows how to do it;

    • Magwell grip animation | ANIMATION | REQUEST:
      Some weapon variants have magwell grips as cosmetic additions. Remove that and make it a grip option with magwell holding animations;

    • C-Clamp grip animation | ANIMATION | REQUEST:
      Add a handstop grip that makes the character hold the weapon with a c-clamp animation (if it makes sense for the weapon);

    • Cancel synch shot doesn't work | CONTROLS | BUG:
      AI-teammates synch shots cannot be cancelled although it says "cancel synch shot";

    • Inventory/map button for exit action | CONTROLS | FEEDBACK:
      Currently, you have to use ESC to exit menus you entered with the map or inventory button. Pressing <inventory key> or <map key> and then <inventory key> or <map key> again should also exit the menu;

    • Swamps and small waters are too deep | ENVIRONMENT | FEEDBACK:
      You have that really cool animation in the game that Nomad holds up their weapon over the water. Problem is, most waters are so deep that Nomad starts swimming all the time -> Make many of the swamps and small waters less deep to have said animation more often;

    • More breachable fences | ENVIRONMENT | FEEDBACK:
      Basically, make every fence in the game breachable. Give the players freedom to be creative. If that breaks some missions etc. that is a good thing! You should always give players as much freedom as possible. If they break your missions you can use that information to find new ways to make missions interesting;

    • AI-teammates synch shot unreliable | GAMEPLAY | BUG:
      Without any indication why, AI-teammates synch shot ability often just doesn't work;

    • No default loadout for the new classes | GAMEPLAY | BUG:
      The whole loadout system still is hugely bugged. One obvious bug is that for the two new classes (Engineer and Echelon) there is no default loadout. That breaks equipped loadouts when you switch between classes. You have to reselect the loadout slot every time you equip either the engineer or the echelon class or it will use the last equipped loadout from your previously selected class. When you enter the bivouac, the loadout also gets deselected if you have either the engineer or the echelon class equipped. That also affects your appearance - the magazines on your vest reset to assault magazines no matter what primary you have equipped. You need to go to the tactics screen and select the loadout again to have the correct magazines shown again;

    • Breach kit as ability not gadget | GAMEPLAY | FEEDBACK:
      The breaching kit should not be a gadget that we have to equip but an ability that we can use whenever we want;

    • AI-Teammates need to be separately selectable | GAMEPLAY | FEEDBACK:
      The AI-Teammates right now feel too similar to their Wildlands counterparts in terms of functionality. To make best use of the new engagement distance, we need to be able to command them separately. For example, while in the command wheel, pressing a key could cycle through the AI <1>, <2>, <3>, and <all>;

    • AI-Teammates need better pathfinding | GAMEPLAY | FEEDBACK:
      Especially in close areas like indoors, the AI-Teammates have big problems to follow you at all;

    • AI-Teammates need more character, banter | GAMEPLAY | FEEDBACK:
      Currently, the AI only has a few sentences to say and especially the silencer comment will be annoying very soon. Like yesterday. What we really need is a proper setup for the AI-teammates, missions to find them, backstory and LOTS of banter and comments to each mission;

    • Attachment paint on weapons with camo options | GAMEPLAY | FEEDBACK:
      We cannot change or renew the paint of weapon attachments on weapons with fixed camos. Let us at least renew the attachments paint on these weapons;

    • Helicopters and planes need autopilot when players exit | GAMEPLAY | FEEDBACK:
      Give us a rebel co-pilot for our helicopters and planes who will bring the vehicles down savely when we exit. It's so dumb that someone would let such an expensive vehicle just crash. Especially because your "stealth parachute landing" would be completely ruined by a big helicopter exploding nearby;

    • Give option to craft specific rarity | GAMEPLAY | REQUEST:
      At some point it's just dumb that I cannot decide what rarity the weapon I craft will have -> Add options to craft different rarities of weapon blueprints for adjusted prices;

    • Rappelling and ziplining | GAMEPLAY | REQUEST:
      With all it's abrupt terrain changes, the game needs a rappelling and ziplining ability. It could be implemented as an ability or a gadget similar to the new mortar. Should work sandbox-like, means you can attach it everywhere you want. Functionality is more important than avoiding clipping!

    • Sight/Scope positioning | GAMEPLAY | REQUEST:
      Some sights and scopes have really weird positioning on the weapon rails. Let us customise the sight position on the rail ourselves;

    • First person mode | GAMEPLAY | REQUEST:
      Third person view is cool and all when you want to look at your gear and stuff. But like Fallout, TES, PUBG and other games, Breakpoint should let the player choose between third and first person. PvP would highly benefit from a first person option;

    • No options for teammates on minimap only | HUD | FEEDBACK:
      Right now, icons for the AI-teammates on the HUD are bound to the in-world icons -> Add options to have minimap icons only:

    • Cooldown mortar bound to icons | HUD | FEEDBACK:
      Right now, mortar cooldown indicator is bound to ally in-world icons -> Separate them;

    • No cooldown indicator for AI-teammates synch shot | HUD | FEEDBACK:
      There is absolutely no indication for the AI-teammates synch shot cooldown;

    • Sell all option for specific resources | MENU | FEEDBACK:
      Resources need a sell all option. But not for an option that sells all your resources, but an option that sells all of a specific resource;

    • Option to zoom out on menus | MENU | REQUEST:
      We need an option to zoom out on the objectives board and the skill menu;

    • Remove the dumb music from the bivouac in the open world | SOUNDS | REQUEST:
      Gosh this one annoys me so much. It's great that in Erewhon you just go into and out of the bivouac without music. This is a Ghost Recon game, we are a tactical unit, go away with that dumb music when entering/exiting bivouacs!

    • Sentinel pants color | VISUALS | FEEDBACK:
      Brown pants looked better. Why would soldiers wear jeans?

    • Special silencer/suppressor textures | VISUALS | FEEDBACK:
      Remove the weird pattern skins from those silencers. Make them stand out by their models and give them normal textures which patterns we can choose like with any other attachments. This is Ghost Recon not Destiny 2 with shiny fantasy weapons;

    • Customisation for all Ghosts | VISUALS | REQUEST:
      Let us customise the AI-teammates before we start into the story. Pick those three as templates for the other Ghosts in the choppers, at the helicopter crashsites and in Erewhon. Let us look like a true elite soldiers!

    • Color option for all gear | VISUALS | REQUEST:
      Every gear item should have color options. Doesn't make sense that we cannot for example change the color on Hills stuff;

    • Primary and secondary color slots | VISUALS | REQUEST:
      Some gear items should have two color slots at least;

    • Belt, vest and gloves customisation | VISUALS | REQUEST:
      Add customisation options for belts (different belts, different setups), for vests (different setups) and gloves (right/left, watches/compass etc.)

    • Stats in Ghost War STILL resetting | MISC | FEEDBACK:
      It's embarassing that so many months after release you still didn't fix Ghost War stats resetting.

    • Deploy cutscenes at match start in PvP | MISC | REQUEST:
      When a match starts in PvP, the Ghosts shouldn't just spawn. Make some cool deploy cutscenes like landing from parachuting, rappelling from a helo or brought in by a truck etc;


    submitted by /u/JohnnyTest91
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    Playing the game without fast traveling is really immersive and it makes you explore areas of the map you'd never visit otherwise

    Posted: 25 Jul 2020 06:46 PM PDT

    "Shit Balls"

    Posted: 25 Jul 2020 12:02 PM PDT

    Not asking for new stuff, just stuff thats already ingame

    Posted: 25 Jul 2020 10:40 AM PDT

    "The Silent"

    Posted: 25 Jul 2020 11:49 AM PDT

    The Hills are alive with the sound of “BRRRRRRRRRRR”

    Posted: 25 Jul 2020 03:45 AM PDT

    Finally settled on my team’s look

    Posted: 25 Jul 2020 01:14 PM PDT

    I am happy they put my country's flag in (Swiss) as it's not that common to see in video games

    Posted: 25 Jul 2020 09:45 AM PDT

    Ninja Half Mask blocking view when looking through higher zoom scope of dual range sight on sniper rifle

    Posted: 25 Jul 2020 10:32 AM PDT

    Nomad, another settlement needs your help!

    Posted: 25 Jul 2020 01:33 AM PDT

    Sometimes it’s just old fashioned air superiority.

    Posted: 25 Jul 2020 10:50 AM PDT

    I think it would be cool if we could have some customization options like in wildlands

    Posted: 25 Jul 2020 03:19 PM PDT

    I have always wanted the gas masks to be able to have a helmet on at the same time and have hoodies have hoods.

    submitted by /u/D4nger2self
    [link] [comments]

    Generic picture of AI teammates

    Posted: 25 Jul 2020 12:52 PM PDT

    Finally finished all the base game content for both GR at 100% in full co-op with friends �� it was really fun!

    Posted: 25 Jul 2020 06:41 AM PDT

    The Ronin facemasks are awesome

    Posted: 25 Jul 2020 12:52 PM PDT

    Request for a new hud setting

    Posted: 25 Jul 2020 12:20 PM PDT

    It would be cool to have the options to turn off/on the blast radius on throwables and explosives for players and enemy AI. A way you can do this for players is show the predicted radius before you throw the item instead of the radius being shown before and after you throw a grenade for example

    submitted by /u/jesk6000
    [link] [comments]


    Posted: 25 Jul 2020 10:48 AM PDT

    Ideas for the next Ghost Recon

    Posted: 25 Jul 2020 02:01 PM PDT

    Idk I'm kinda new to Reddit but I think I have some cool ideas for a new ghost recon so I thought I'd just post them? I've been a really big fan of wildlands and less of a fan of breakpoint so this "concept" will be based on wildlands. Here's some stuff I'd like to see:

    -Modern Warfares Gunsimth system with like 20 sights for every gun, thermal, NV, Hybrid and so on -Option to play in first person -Helicopters have pilots that go on "stand by" when you jump out and mark enemies, they come down and pick you up when you call them -marking dead bodies so AI teammates carry them away -Multiple small open worlds (south American jungle, east European abandoned buildings, African slums, Mexican-American border and so on) that can be traveled in between -UAV and Predator Missiles instead of Rebel spotting and Mortars -Lots of different takedown animations (like MW) -"Ghost CTU Missions" like taking down a guy with a bomb vest in a crowded city or traffic jammed highway without alerting the public -Satellite or UAV images to scout a bases defenses before arriving there -Option to "lock time" I would love to play at night 24/7 lol -Customizing how muscular your ghost is -switching between the soldiers in your team (like Gta 5 Story mode) -Missions based on Movie scenes (sicario border scene for example) -More civilians (Auroa feels kinda empty sometimes) -option for a timer that forces you to complete the objective and exfil once you've alerted the enemy -quicksaving at any point during missions

    But most of all giving players the tools to create their own missions (please) If players had the option to create a their own missions, placing buildings where they need them, choosing routes for convoys, giving AI enemies specific routes to patrol the game would NEVER get boring.

    Sorry if this was a lot but I've had these ideas ever since I started playing wildlands and thanks for your time! :)

    submitted by /u/powerglidesprite
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    Wildlands 2 setting

    Posted: 25 Jul 2020 12:46 PM PDT

    Seeing a lot of requests for whether the next GR game is set in the Middle East or South America again

    View Poll

    submitted by /u/milk_boy1252
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    When can we find the missing collectibles?

    Posted: 25 Jul 2020 03:31 PM PDT

    Crate stuck in the wall.

    Posted: 25 Jul 2020 08:42 AM PDT

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