• Breaking News

    Monday, June 29, 2020

    Ghost Recon - Well dang, I guess there’s a couple guys in there.

    Ghost Recon - Well dang, I guess there’s a couple guys in there.

    Well dang, I guess there’s a couple guys in there.

    Posted: 29 Jun 2020 10:47 AM PDT

    This environment always delivers.

    Posted: 29 Jun 2020 11:48 AM PDT

    A nice spin on u/crazautiz earlier post.

    Posted: 29 Jun 2020 12:34 PM PDT

    Pac Katari plz

    Posted: 28 Jun 2020 10:04 PM PDT

    Gotta love Photo Mode!

    Posted: 29 Jun 2020 04:55 PM PDT

    Covert/Overt mockup - Weapon Holstering, Low-Profile Recon, and more!

    Posted: 29 Jun 2020 01:03 PM PDT

    Covert/Overt mockup - Weapon Holstering, Low-Profile Recon, and more!


    Hey Ghosts! Been a while, hasn't it?

    One suggestion that's floated around since Wildlands has been a kind of "social stealth" aspect; Being inconspicuous, doing recon, and keeping a low profile like real life operators. Covert/Overt is designed to bring that to Auroa (along with weapon holstering) to provide more gameplay options and the potential for more open world activities.

    Also weapon holstering.


    There are two levels decided by the player's outfit and actions: Covert and Overt. These two levels tie in to the base game detection system.

    Stand out or blend in

    The player has two options for blending in:

    • Civilian Disguise - The urban population of Auroa, allowed in cities, roads, Skell settlements, and work sites
      • Requires casual clothes
      • No tactical gear
        • Helmets, Vests, Battle Belts, Holsters, Headsets
      • No face coverings
      • No visible weapons
      • Stay out of restricted areas such as bases
        • Will be searched, reported, and escorted out if caught and not doing anything suspicious
        • If caught doing something suspicious while trespassing, will be searched, reported, and detained.
      • Will be questioned if found out in the wild
      • Will draw suspicion if seen entering/exiting a military vehicle
      • Backpacks can be searched if equipped
        • Backpacks can be used to hide an SMG or a compact rifle made in Gunsmith
    • Homesteader Disguise - Tolerated for hunting and selling game to civilians
      • Limited visible weapons allowed
        • No LMGs or Grenade Launchers
      • Limited tactical gear
        • Harnesses and belts are allowed
        • Plate Carriers, Helmets, and face coverings will break the disguise
      • Generally left alone in the wild but will be questioned if acting suspicious or too close to a base
      • More conspicuous in populated areas
        • Will be reported and escorted away if you draw attention to yourself, chance of being questioned and detained
      • Will draw suspicion if seen entering/exiting a military vehicle

    If the player is not wearing a disguise or is holding a weapon, the player will automatically be considered Overt and use the standard detection system.

    Civilian and Sentinel vehicles also act as a disguise. Motorcycles will only work if the player is disguised already.

    Wolves will not be fooled by player disguises unless the player is in a vehicle.


    • Sentinel Soldiers that see the player doing something suspicious will have a "?" appear over their head and may investigate and report it, similar to the base game.
    • Sentinel Soldiers that catch the player trespassing will have a "!" over their head and attempt to question or detain the player.

    Trespassing, harassing civilians, climbing things, sprinting, and dangerous driving are considered suspicious activities. The success of your mission hinges on being vigilant of your surroundings.


    Minimap display

    Covert will appear onscreen next to the minimap for a short time when the player is disguised and inconspicuous.

    • White means your cover is intact and you aren't drawing unnecessary attention
    • Yellow means your cover is intact but you have drawn attention to yourself or are trespassing

    Overt will appear onscreen for a short time when you either aren't disguised or have done something to blow your cover.

    • White means you aren't disguised or are doing something that would get you shot like openly carrying a weapon
    • Orange means your cover is blown and enemies are actively searching for you
    • Red means your cover is blown and enemies are engaging

    Don't have a HUD? Don't worry, you'll easily be able to tell whether or not you are disguised by whether you are being shot at or not. Or by keeping the rules in mind and trusting your instincts as a gamer.


    If the enemy catches you doing something suspicious or trespassing, you may get questioned.

    Caught trespassing

    When questioned by Sentinel for any reason, your responses decide if you maintain your cover! The player is not restricted in movement in these conversations though guards may tell you to stop moving or keep your distance. Select responses with the D-Pad (Xbox controls), just make sure you don't run out of time!

    Dialogue options include:

    • Statements/Answering questions - Move the "conversation" along or lie about your intentions
    • Asking questions - Learn more about specific topics or try to apply a certain logic. Or make the guard think you're stupid.
    • Bribes - Money makes the world go round and, depending on how much you offer, convince the guard to look the other way just this once
    • Intimidation - Good old fashion threats. May or may not work depending on if you have friends around and if the guard is alone. Might just make things worse! The guard might just try to diffuse the situation.
    • Present a Security Pass - The Sentinel Security Pass is a consumable, lootable, get-out-of-jail-free card. Presenting it to a guard at the entrance to a base will give you free reign of an area for a short amount of time. Guards will keep an eye on you the whole time and will be all to happy to escort you out once it expires. Doesn't last as long if you are caught trespassing and whip it out.
    • Say nothing - Just let the timer run out and stare at the guard... menacingly. May give you varied results. The guard will probably just think you're deaf, stupid, or both.

    Overstaying your welcome

    You can quickly draw your weapon and shoot at any time using RT, just keep in mind the soldier's body language. Otherwise you might be breathing through a new hole in your head during the attempt.

    If you are close enough, you can grab the guard with LT. Just keep in mind that other guards in a region will eventually catch on and maintain their distance.


    Take a guard hostage by grabbing him either in conversation or in gameplay. From there, you can use him as a human shield or interrogate him.

    Human Shields - It's not a war crime if you don't exist!

    • Sentinel/Wolves won't immediately shoot you if they see you with a human shield unless you open fire. They won't engage other players as long as they are nearby and not currently engaged.
    • They will attempt to flank the player and, depending on the region alert level and the player's prior actions in the region, may take the shot. Having co-op teammates nearby can mitigate this. Wolves will always try to find an opening for the killshot.
    • They will demand you release your human shield. Depending on the region alert level and prior actions, Sentinel may arrest or shoot if the hostage is released. Wolves will always shoot.

    If it hits the fan, players can use a hostage to escape a base. When far enough from a base, the player can release the hostage without engaging in combat. Having co-op allies can make this easier. The released enemy will walk to the nearest base with his hands up assuming no one shoots him.


    Interrogations - While holding an enemy, press Y to interrogate. From there you are given multiple options:

    • Learn enemy locations and movements
    • Learn various intel such as mission info and locations of places like the armory or security room
    • Order the hostage to call over nearby enemies. Great for ambushes.
    • Order the soldier to give the all clear when enemies are searching for you, assuming no one sees you grab him or holding him.
    • Answer radio checks (see my Raids 2.0 mockup)
    • Intimidate him for useful information such as secret areas and chest locations

    Sometimes enemies will resist giving you information. That's where co-op buddies come in. If a guard starts giving you sass, one of your partners can help "convince" him to see the error of his ways similar to classic Splinter Cell co-op. Wolves will always resist interrogation and will even try to goad you into killing them.

    When you're done with a grabbed enemy, he can be:

    • Released and, depending on if you have a gun trained on him or friends nearby, may attack you or surrender
    • Choked out
    • Killed


    By holding Y, the player can holster their weapon. This makes the player less conspicuous from a distance, keeps you from scaring civilians, and - if you unequip your holster in Charactersmith - lets you hide your pistol on your person.

    If you are disguised and have a backpack equipped, you can hide a single SMG or compact rifle in it. Shorten the barrel and collapse/remove the stock and it'll fit just fine.

    Enemies may frisk you if you are acting suspicious or sticking your nose where it doesn't belong. Hidden pistols won't be found. The same can't be said for weapons hidden in your backpack.

    Failing a frisk

    Just like when conversing with guards, you have a chance of talking yourself out of trouble if you fail a frisk. Guards might be more lenient if you are outside a base or the Region Alert Level is low.

    Weapons can also be stashed in the trunk of your car. Useful for smuggling gear into an area or even roleplay. These weapons will be found if your car is searched at a checkpoint. Best to keep suspicion off of you to avoid that.


    If you fail to lose your suspicion, a guard may detain you. When detained, your weapons and equipment are confiscated and you are thrown into a cell. From there you can try to escape or have your co-op buddies bust you out. Captured Outcasts will prove useful in your escape attempts.

    You can also be detained in combat. Enemy Sappers can stun you with their Shock Rifles long enough for an enemy to restrain you and enemies will take advantage of the stunning effect of flashbangs. You should also watch out for enemies that get too close; they will try to grab and melee you. You can fight them off, turning it into a melee kill, at the cost of fatigue.

    When in co-op, enemies can detain you if you go DBNO and combat ends.


    Attacking bases, engaging enemies, and generally causing chaos raises the Region Alert Level. The Region Alert Level is an adaptive system for locking down and escalating conflict in a region based on player actions.

    There are 4 levels:

    • Level 0 - Business as usual, relaxed checkpoints, relaxed patrols, question suspicious individuals
    • Level 1 - Enforced checkpoints, question suspicious individuals
    • Level 2 - Enforced checkpoints, tightened base security, search suspicious individuals, increased patrols
    • Level 3 - Strict checkpoints, strict base security, search suspicious individuals and vehicles, increased patrols, helicopter patrols, restricted travel

    Maximum level lasts 3 ingame days. Alert levels will only go down with time. Stick around for a challenge or move on when things get too hot or stale. Things will be fresh again by the time you come back.

    This system will require changes to Auroa's Marshall Law to allow for civilians to travel and work.


    NPCs get generated schedules such as work and travel and the player can learn of upcoming events such as a concert on Tuesday or a conference in Liberty on Friday. Upcoming weekly events can be discovered as intel. Players can see what day it is on the map and the bivouac.

    This would prove invaluable for player planning, roleplay, and Targets of Opportunity.


    A new open-world activity that takes advantage of the systems in Covert/Overt. Targets of Opportunity are randomly generated assassination missions targeting high ranking Sentinel/Skell personnel.

    • Players are given a photo and a province
      • Target does not expire until killed
      • Multiple targets can appear in a single province and interact with each other
    • Targets have their own generated schedules, likes, and dislikes
      • Can be discovered via intel
    • Dying before escaping the province fails the mission and the player restarts from that day
      • Can be toggled to permanent failure in the Ghost Experience settings
    • If the target escapes the province, the mission fails and the player restarts from that day
      • Can be toggled to permanent failure in the Ghost Experience settings
    • The player must plan every step on their own
      • Discover intel and schedules
      • Case locations
      • Plant weapons and vehicles

    Targets of Opportunity are unique to each player and can be shared in co-op.

    Thanks for checking out my mockup! This is the kind of in-depth operator gameplay I'd like to see in Ghost Recon and I hope you guys feel the same. Let me know what you think in the comments below, all feedback is appreciated.

    submitted by /u/MCBillyin
    [link] [comments]

    Just want to share it.

    Posted: 29 Jun 2020 05:40 AM PDT

    Thanks pac

    Posted: 29 Jun 2020 02:09 PM PDT

    The photo mode is one of the best things to come from this game

    Posted: 29 Jun 2020 12:35 PM PDT

    In war there are no winners. Only widows.

    Posted: 29 Jun 2020 06:55 PM PDT

    exploring golem island

    Posted: 29 Jun 2020 02:41 PM PDT

    Nomad sneaking past a guard

    Posted: 29 Jun 2020 03:57 PM PDT

    “So tell me again why i cant drive anymore”

    Posted: 29 Jun 2020 07:25 PM PDT

    Nomad when there is a slight slope going downward

    Posted: 29 Jun 2020 04:24 PM PDT

    A lot of you may not remember but Iceycat was a part of our community as well. It saddens me that he will never see the day where his feedback is acknowledged by Ubisoft. This is from the Wildlands days, and unfortunately still applies to Breakpoint. Rest In Peace Icey.

    Posted: 28 Jun 2020 10:59 PM PDT

    Mexican Special Forces (FES) On Board of UH-60 Black Hawk Helicopter In The Agua Verde Province, Bolivia 2019.

    Posted: 29 Jun 2020 02:05 PM PDT

    My newest tactic. Offshore sniping.

    Posted: 29 Jun 2020 06:23 PM PDT

    In Position

    Posted: 29 Jun 2020 09:21 AM PDT

    Changing language adds a nice color to the game

    Posted: 29 Jun 2020 06:15 PM PDT

    I was so tired of hearing the goofy English voices, I noticed there are more languages available in game (I don't have them all though ? Only have English, French, Portuguese and Spanish) and I switched to Portuguese, it feels really cool and different, almost MGS V like where you have soldiers who speak a language you don't understand. You can still have English menus and subtitles , etc. It feels much better tha English voice overs yelling " i can't find him if he's hiding in the dark! Have you heard about Hawkins and grant ? ".

    Anyone else have tried this language switch and really like it ?

    submitted by /u/rakha589
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    A little throwback to the first time I was let down by a false promise �� Anyone remember the awesome first glimpse of the huntsman bike preorder bonus?

    Posted: 29 Jun 2020 06:52 AM PDT

    Sucks To Be You.

    Posted: 29 Jun 2020 05:38 AM PDT

    there should be a reward for this ... sorry lil armadillo

    Posted: 29 Jun 2020 07:14 AM PDT

    Attaching weapon parts?

    Posted: 29 Jun 2020 04:55 PM PDT

    Hey Everyone How do you apply purchased gun parts onto weapons? I bought the grenade launcher under barrel and now i can't find it. Help.

    submitted by /u/Chrisn1979
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    Can you only get the bandana from the ore order code?

    Posted: 29 Jun 2020 07:20 PM PDT

    As the title says, is there a bandana other than the one that comes in the survival pack?

    submitted by /u/CyborgIncorparated
    [link] [comments]

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