• Breaking News

    Thursday, November 7, 2019

    Ghost Recon - I’ve got some good news.

    Ghost Recon - I’ve got some good news.

    I’ve got some good news.

    Posted: 07 Nov 2019 06:14 AM PST

    Is this enough CONCEALMENT for the DRONE?!��

    Posted: 07 Nov 2019 08:21 AM PST

    ‪My issue with civilians not running away. This innocent man forced to work for Sentinel and The Wolves has to die because I have to destroy this drone and he is not programmed to run away. “Real Military Experience” nice work ubi.

    Posted: 06 Nov 2019 11:31 PM PST

    Ubisoft for a future update can you let us have suppresser on every weapon in the game?

    Posted: 07 Nov 2019 11:40 AM PST

    Title says it all as you can put one on nearly any weapon in real life and remove the drop in damage and velocity as they don't do that.

    I know people will say that there's no reason not to run one then but to counter that you could increase the recoil on all weapons under sustained fire.

    submitted by /u/DesertStorm97
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    If you create a questionnaire don't do it like your games

    Posted: 07 Nov 2019 10:38 AM PST

    Be heard! Take the survey regarding Breakpoint!

    Posted: 07 Nov 2019 10:03 AM PST

    Remember when the division was going to implement the ability to control in-game drones via the companion app? That would have been a really cool concept in this game with the main theme being drones maybe give us different drones and the ability to hack enemy drones. What do you guys think?

    Posted: 07 Nov 2019 04:00 PM PST

    Far cry 2 had enemies that could be wounded. Other enemies might come drag them to safety. Where is this in breakpoint?

    Posted: 07 Nov 2019 01:09 PM PST

    I've only seen enemies get slightly stunned for a quick moment when hit up close with a shotgun. I feel like they should have some feedback when hit 3 times in the legs or chest.

    I can understand enemies not stumbling down hills like nomad, but surely some feedback would be appreciated.

    submitted by /u/glandgames
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    Back in Aurora with the sweet new Multicam camo

    Posted: 07 Nov 2019 02:20 PM PST

    To everyone who is asking and on the fence about buying this game now or not.

    Posted: 07 Nov 2019 05:27 PM PST

    Three weeks from tomorrow, this game will be $27.99 for the standard edition at Best Buy. Might even be lower at other places, so be patient and look around for the best deal when the time comes because there's absolutely NO REASON to buy it now when this game is obviously unfinished.

    submitted by /u/Crackalacs
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    To the team and to fellow Ghosts

    Posted: 07 Nov 2019 02:17 PM PST

    Thought I would post this for others to see. This is what I put in the survey for anything I would want to suggest to the dev team.

    I don't want to tell the team how to do their job. I just want them to know how excited I was during the initial trailer for the game. The gritty, fighting for every second to stay alive, realistic setting screamed for both my fiancé and I to dive into the game. We wanting to be hunted, constantly looking over our shoulders as we struggled to survive, always expecting to see a pack of Wolves descending down on us, either searching or already knowing we were in the area and circling for the kill. We wanted to play the game in fear, scrapping by to get ammunition, weapons, resources, whatever we could get our hands on to help us. We wanted to have times that we would be pinned down, low on ammo, dragging each other to cover to frantically bandage wounds while the other covered us. We wanted the enemy to outwit and outplay us. We wanted to meticulously plan for our missions, and we wanted to fight tooth and nail to retain our place in the world when everything went wrong. We wanted to become our characters, and feel like part of the world. Please, I implore you, bring this dream to life. Let us experience the masterpiece that this game could become. Show us your dream, and what you had envisioned this mission to be.

    submitted by /u/Tygerial
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    Ubisoft already has the framework in place for customising the gear from the figures

    Posted: 07 Nov 2019 03:57 PM PST

    I noticed this today when I was playing, the Fury vest gives the player the option to customise its colour. Granted, the only the that changes is the pistol pouches, but this clearly shows that those items can be separated between the base component and the "special" component( that being the part of the gear with a different texture like the rest of the vest for fury). This means we should be able to change the colour on the base component of the Fixit pants( the G3 pants solely), the Nomad pants, as well as Vasily's pants and top. This is also indicated by the fact that Nomad's pants could be customised during the betas and originally, Vasily's gear was all multicam tropic before it was changed to multicam and Atacs

    submitted by /u/Hamonate1
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    Current weather not shared in CO-OP. You're in a blizzard, while my weather is clear.

    Posted: 07 Nov 2019 01:12 PM PST

    Do other co-op online games always have different weather for each player?

    Sad when our sniper has visibility issues that the rest of the team doesn't share. Is it too difficult to have everyone on the same weather pattern?

    submitted by /u/glandgames
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    Ghost struck by the irony of a sign

    Posted: 07 Nov 2019 10:03 AM PST

    Why is map uncovering impossible when in aircraft?

    Posted: 07 Nov 2019 09:10 AM PST

    It's damn annoying to have this pixelated mess of dark and bright colors on the map just because you can't uncover the map in a helicopter or a plane. The best method I found is grabbing a helicopter and jumping out from high altitude, but that's just not the way it should be.

    submitted by /u/El_Matadorro
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    What are you looking at?

    Posted: 07 Nov 2019 04:04 PM PST

    Ubisoft, can you update the Nomad figurine to look like this? With the watch and bandages/details? We can already make a Nomad figurine without having to unlock it.

    Posted: 06 Nov 2019 11:56 PM PST

    Lets see all your ghosts!

    Posted: 07 Nov 2019 09:50 AM PST

    Stalking prey in the bamboo forest.

    Posted: 07 Nov 2019 03:24 PM PST

    After 60+ hours this is what I dislike about Breakpoint and things I would like to see added.

    Posted: 07 Nov 2019 07:28 PM PST


    That they turned the game into a loot shooter. They removed all realism and tactical gameplay. The game was tailored for casuals. The injury game mechanic is nearly absent in final build. Unrealistic inventory, meaning I have a plethora of guns in my infinite storage space bag. AI sometimes are either dumb as a bag of rocks or extremely accurate in knowing your location even when you're being stealthy. The microtransactions for some of the cosmetic items that are locked behind paywalls. RPG elements in a game that was supposed to be based off realism and tactics. Performance is underwhelming for those that play in 4k even on some of the best builds out there. Draw distance is very small for NPCs in vehicles.

    Weapon Customization

    The lack of weapon customization, pistol have the least attachments and there's no optics for them. Not all shotguns allow you to equip suppressors. LMG will not allow no suppressors of no kind.


    The simple fact that all user have infinite bandages inside of their inventory and that the player gets auto health regeneration even on extreme difficulty. Various bugs that are present on the forums. Only being able to use two throwables at a time, nades and c4 for example. Completely useless stuff such as food and other plants are present in inventory and serve no purpose.


    Lots of items that should be unlocked via playing are only accessible behind paywalls. For those that like to play games I would rather be given the option to do a mission or clear a base or even do said things in order to unlock a specific cosmetic item rather than only be forced to buy it if I want it. There should be an A and B scenario when it comes to obtaining items rather than pay for it or just don't have it.

    Missing In Action

    Missing gameplay mechanics from previous titles such as the ability to switch shoulders while in cover, the ability to move while prone with certain weapons, and the lack of customization to tons of weapons.

    Stealth and Tatics

    If the devs want to give players more tactical options how about introducing more stealth tools such as grappling hooks, tranquilizing darts and munitions, the ability to strangle or put foes to sleep. Smarter enemies that notices certain thing such as the new implementation of tessellation terrain to show exactly where you've been and they investigate accordingly due to the changes in the terrain rather than just know. The ability to drag bodies instead of going through the entire animation of picking up a body. Shoot out lights, since most bases are connected to a generator and majority of the lights go out when you disable the generator why not make it where you can shoot out those same lights?


    Things I know that may not ever be implemented but I hope to see, the ability to scale walls of building or fences or ledges too high with some sort of grappling device like in Rainbow Six Siege. Again optics for pistols. The ability to go into bases naked with only one weapon of choice such as pistol only, ar only, or whatever the player preference is and not have to start the game and make a preset only have a pistol in order to do so. Be able to customize figures clothes that you wear on your character as well as customize figures to a certain level. Be able to change various items in my inventory on the fly like in Wildlands rather than having to go into the menu and change the various nades I have. Various gear reflecting what items you have in your inventory such as if you have a Rocket Launcher it be present on your character as well as the grenades and so forth. Be able to get injured.

    Survival Wants

    Survival aspects that I would like to see implemented. If the game gives our characters all these resources such as food, water, and various plants for healing allow us to use the inventory feature for those item. Allow our character to get hungry since we have food to compensate for it. Allow our characters to get fatigued and thirsty since we have a water drinking mechanic. Allow our characters to concoct supplements to aid wounds since we have various plants for ointments. Allow us to make stimulants from other plants like faster movement from caffeine or slow time and hear better from THC plants or other plants to give us those weird abilities to enhance gameplay while still keeping a realistic tone. Allow us to use the parts gathered to fix weapons that could possible get damaged.

    submitted by /u/wapeddell
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    100 hours in, where am I on Breakpoint? [wall of text warning]

    Posted: 07 Nov 2019 08:12 AM PST

    So, having put 100 hours into Breakpoint here is where I am with the game:

    First off, it is buggy and weird. That sucks, but these are fixable problems if Ubi wants to fix them. It's not reworking the whole game like some other things people want, it's just QA that never happened. I will give them the benefit of the doubt here.

    No AI teammates is something I am now conflicted on. When I first got the game and they were missing I felt betrayed. This wasn't proper GR. And it still isn't proper GR. But after I would say 10-15 hours of resetting my expectations through enjoying the game that this is, I can at least say that I am over it. This is a solo game, and it's not bad. It's just not GR. It's the adventures of Nomad, a spinoff game if you will. Really, to me BP is what happens when Ghost Recon and Just Cause get drunk at the xmas party and wind up making a lovechild that's basically Farcry 6. I play all these games. It's not GR, but it's Ubi to the core. It's a better Just Cause and a less weird Farcry. Let it be that, enjoy it as that, but it's not GR.

    Basejumping is suicide. I have stopped even trying to do it. It's harder than dark souls.

    There are some glaring omissions in the character customization options. I mean, jeans don't look like jeans while WL had really good jeans textures. I headcanon Nomad as a CIA operator still, and having good non-military looks is a big part of meeting my expectations. BP wants everyone to dress up like a specops LARPer, which isn't my bag. Also, there need to be more basic color block choices. I mean, Green isn't an option. Nomad was a ranger. He should be able to wear a green beret if he wants to. Also, there are too many times when the color of the holster on your pants can't be matched to your vest. It's a thing for me, sorry.

    I ran out of skills to buy. But I played 100 hours. I probably shouldn't kvetch about this.

    I don't like the way gear gets locked up in the class presets. I'm kind of down on the class system in general. I would prefer all of the abilities be skills that I could freely assemble my character's profile from instead. I am fortunate that panther is probably exactly what I would have built anyway so I don't sweat this stuff too hard.

    Erewhon totally destroys immersion/RP. Sometimes I like seeing what you guys are dressing up like, but it would be nice to be able to toggle an all-alone mode.

    Always online suuuucks. My connection drops now and then and crashing out of the game and having to restart missions and redo what I just did because of it drives me nuts. If I am not in coop or pvp, leave me be.

    I don't begrudge microtransactions, but I am in a place in life where I can afford a few now and then. Still, they're too expensive. Purely cosmetic items should be like a buck. 5 dollars for a backpack is just stupid. If they just dropped the prices to sane levels, I would not have reason to be down on them keeping the bean counters happy.

    Thats a lot of mostly negative things, so let me talk about what I have found that I really do like and what keeps me going as well.

    First off, there is more to actually do than in WL. I fully replayed WL about 3 or 4 times because once you did the missions, there wasn't much dynamism to the game. With BP there is the potential for continued growth in just running through the woods and getting a new gear piece or two. I know a lot of people are down on the looter shooter model, and I agree, it's not GR, but I already said that I don't think BP is GR, it's a Nomad game. As a different game, looter shooter means extended playability. It gets more out of the investment and keeps me playing. Your results may vary. Faction missions are also too repetitive right now and they could theoretically add more variety, but at least it's a thing I can do every day that has a pretty quick reward, even if those rewards are almost all useless crap.

    The game is pretty, just like WL. What made me love WL was the sandbox. Going through different biomes and being able to move so freely and easily through such lush landscapes. BP doesn't come up short here at least. I also like the look of Skell buildings. They are believably near-future, ikea rather than evil genius. it's a nice place to just wander around in, and I often do just that.

    When it's all said and done, if you take it on it's own terms and get past the fact that it's not a GR game, BP is not a bad game. It's a good framework that needs some fixing up. The bugs are bad, the online requirement is annoying, the mtx prices are too high, and the game has parts that are obviously just rushed. On the other hand, it's beautiful, it's got long-term playability, and it's got the potential to be expanded greatly.

    End of the day, I like it. Make more Nomad game. Also make a real GR game. Also make jeans look like jeans in every game.

    submitted by /u/jonhinkerton
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    Ubi, please let us turn off film grain

    Posted: 07 Nov 2019 11:10 AM PST

    This may be something that not a lot of people really care about, but i would appreciate a lot because i don't like this effect at all.

    submitted by /u/markmanPC
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    Just a thought

    Posted: 07 Nov 2019 12:00 PM PST

    This is probably not the most original idea that's been seen on this sub but I haven't seen it yet so her I go. So for Drones if you want to take them down without alerting others they should implement a security hub in compounds that you can infiltrate and shut down. If this were to be too easy maybe they could allow human soldiers to be able to go into the security hub and reactivate it or maybe it would only be for the unarmed drones in the game. It's probably way too late for them to implement this in the game but it sounded like such a good idea to me that I just couldn't let it go, but I want to know what everyone else thinks.

    submitted by /u/Thicco-mode
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    „You could‘ve been a better man“

    Posted: 07 Nov 2019 01:32 PM PST

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