• Breaking News

    Friday, November 22, 2019

    Ghost Recon - I really hope devs will add barrel and stock customization. (M4A1 Tactical with 416 Shorty barrel)

    Ghost Recon - I really hope devs will add barrel and stock customization. (M4A1 Tactical with 416 Shorty barrel)

    I really hope devs will add barrel and stock customization. (M4A1 Tactical with 416 Shorty barrel)

    Posted: 22 Nov 2019 12:40 PM PST

    We Need Slings!

    Posted: 22 Nov 2019 07:28 AM PST

    Despite the shit we give, Breakpoint has some genuinely beautiful moments.

    Posted: 22 Nov 2019 05:57 PM PST

    Runways in Breakpoint are infuriatingly wrong.

    Posted: 22 Nov 2019 07:13 AM PST

    They don't call us Ghosts for nothing.

    Posted: 22 Nov 2019 05:15 PM PST

    Melee Rework Request

    Posted: 22 Nov 2019 06:47 PM PST

    I'm not sure how many of you find the melee and CQC aspects of Ghost Recon Breakpoint to be a point of fun and equal frustration, but I think I may have a solution. The issue is with any suggestion, there are a lot of resources that have to be funded or expended in order to bring a change to the game of this quality. But anything is worth a shot, and I love this game series enough I want to see another game after Breakpoint because some pretty cool improvements have been made to date - let's get to it.

    The issue:

    Melee consists entirely of long, drawn out animations, which in their own right can be pretty cool from time to time. I have heard from some of you that the melee animations are too long, and I can concur. Many times, I go for a melee kill and get shot to pieces while this animation plays without any ability to pause it or speed it up - or even cancel it. This is not exactly realistic, nor is it fantastic enough to make a fun video game mechanic.

    Unfortunately I never got to play Splinter Cell: Blacklist as it did not make it across the Xbox 360/Xbox One gap (to my knowledge) when I did. However, I have watched and studied the CQC gameplay and I have not seen anything that good, varied, and cool since the likes of Hitman. Now, I understand that the scope of SC Blacklist and GR Breakpoint are vastly different. But the ability to play Breakpoint how you want is where it shines. Moving forward, I'll direct your attention to the melee kill animations of Ghost Recon Breakpoint, in case you haven't seen all of them. In all honesty, they are very cool despite the large drawbacks stated above:

    Ghost Recon Breakpoint - Brutal Takedowns/Melee Kills (CQB Gameplay)

    This video comes to us courtesy of Nemsk. Please check out their channel by clicking the channel name.

    Now, on the contrary, let's look at what Splinter Cell: Blacklist brought to us in the realm of CQC stealth kills and knockouts:

    Splinter Cell Blacklist - TAKEDOWNS

    This video comes to us courtesy of endmover. Please check out their channel by clicking the channel name.

    Now clearly Nomad is no Sam Fisher, but Nomad should be pretty good at a few of the techniques Sam uses. Namely, kills that go straight into carries or drags, kills that involve pulling the enemy around or over the cover or corner respectively, etc. Take note of the ~3 minute mark of the Blacklist video: the grappling. Nomad should be able to grapple an enemy quickly (not just in a classic cheap hostage-taker/human shield animation), armbar the enemy and hold them and shoot at other enemies nearby... QUICKLY. Ghosts are pros too, but it's even more immersion breaking when I can't interrupt or speed up my own melee kill animation while taking rounds to the ribs from an AK47 *facepalm*

    The solution:

    Ubisoft owns the Blacklist code and the Breakpoint code. I believe (but I don't know) that these games are built on vastly different game engines, but wouldn't it be worth a try to request to bring some of the Blacklist magic forward and speed up the kills so we can be fast AND stealthy? Additionally, provide me with some options: can I knock some fools out and wake them back up later if they have something important to say? Shouldn't we be able to choose? Even if nothing can be brought in from another game, the fact remains that if significant functional improvements are made in a melee rework, the value of the game for new and existing customers is going to increase. Win-win. Some requests bullet-point style:

    • Keep the long animations for when you're seen coming at the enemy and they have a fighting chance. This hard work by the programmers should still be in the game and should add to the realism by being experienced when appropriate.
    • Give us some non-lethal hand-to-hand options. Some enemies are more important than others, and that should be respected by giving us more options than just shots to the leg (by the way, who the hell can take more than 1 round of .45 to the knee?!)
    • Add a body drag option for short quick moves. Real ghosts wouldn't go to all the trouble of hucking some dirtbag over their shoulder when a simple ankle drag around the corner would do the trick. This would be useful to add as a vest drag option when moving your downed teammate as well.
    • Add a control prompt to the melee kills/knockouts to move straight into the body drag. If you want to carry from there, you have to let go and re-engage with the originally programmed body carry mechanic.
    • Make grapple faster and more realistic by implementing stress positions and armbars (as noted above). Movement in these positions can be nil or slower, I personally wouldn't care as long as there's a way to transition to the originally programmed hold and move mechanic. Again, keep the original 10-minute long grapple animations for when the enemy sees you coming to preserve the hard work of the programmers and add to immersion and realism.
    • Go the distance for the Ghost Recon community and add ground holds that allow you to pin an enemy with a knee or shin and off their buddies before choosing what to do with the scum you just dirt-napped.
    • No more locked animations - you start into a long kill animation and decide it's a bad idea, so you hit a button to cancel, then Nomad shoves bad guy number 2237 off and the player is back in control of Nomad to beat feet and return the sentiment at 1000 rounds per minute.


    Obviously as this is a multiplayer/coop game, there is no place for slow motion aiming sequences or automatic headshots as seen in Blacklist. That would ruin the good shooting mechanics the game already has and simply doesn't work when canoeing skulls with your buddies online.

    I get it - Nomad and Sam are not the same, so to reiterate, yes the game would be better if all of the moves from Blacklist were just slapped into Breakpoint, but I don't think that would benefit the current "character" of Nomad.

    Final Thoughts/Shameless Pandering:

    I just wanted to thank all of you for giving this post a few minutes as brevity is not my strong suit. I want to thank Ubisoft for this game - while some of the issues it released with are inexcusable, I still love this game series, and thoroughly enjoy the improvements made in realism (THANK YOU FOR THE DIVEROLL/DODGE ABILITY), survival and much more realistic character animations and movement programming. Please, Ubisoft - if you're listening, consider some improvements like this and come through for those of us who love this game despite it's blemishes. I know there are big plans in the works, but many of us will still be playing this game until the next (fingers crossed) Ghost Recon open world game releases - please make it worth our while.

    Fellow Ghosts: what do you think? I know it's a lot to ask for, but you only get to dip the bucket into the well once, so may as well ask for everything and hopefully receive a portion of it. Any other suggestions? Besides CQC, what additions would make this game better for you? Specifically, suggestions besides fixing the bugs and broken mechanics the game already has. Thanks again everybody, and don't forget the survey (if it's still up when you read this). It's super important for us to reciprocate when communication is opened by the developer! Keep calm and Ghost on!

    - Badger

    submitted by /u/thebadger88
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    Is blind fire too much to ask for?

    Posted: 22 Nov 2019 01:39 PM PST

    We need these types of belts & details on our characters.

    Posted: 21 Nov 2019 08:10 PM PST

    More ..xrk type paint from MW

    Posted: 22 Nov 2019 07:27 PM PST

    Oh how i missed bolivia and the mk18

    Posted: 22 Nov 2019 07:25 PM PST

    Talos armor in breakpoint

    Posted: 22 Nov 2019 07:52 AM PST

    Not going to buy any Ubisoft product at launch

    Posted: 21 Nov 2019 11:46 PM PST

    As per topic, will wait a couple months and buy it a lot cheaper instead.

    submitted by /u/Lagna85
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    To the bivouac.

    Posted: 22 Nov 2019 07:11 AM PST

    The “Extract Enemy Soldier” mission type has one grating flaw.

    Posted: 22 Nov 2019 06:50 PM PST

    So I've been playing this faction mission for Fat Boy Madz, and the mission states to go into the complex and kidnap the enemy lieutenant. So that's what I do, I go in, stealthily kill the guys in my way and get him out. It was all fine and dandy, the drop point was only 500 meters away so I just walked it. The issue started when a helicopter flew over and spotted me, usually this wouldn't be an issue as I'd just shoot it down, but for some reason they don't have an option to let go of an enemy soldier, you can't even knock him out and carry him unconscious cause that counts as a "kill." (Even when he's the objective, such as the case of this mission) I did my best, the chopper kept shooting me and I tried weaving behind trees and stuff but it just flew around and kept shooting. Long story short, the asshole gets shot to death by his own men in the chopper and I get a mission failed. They need to implement a new mechanic where you can knock out enemy targets or at least shove their face in the dirt and go prone, this really frustrated me, I don't know if anyone else came across this but random fly over by choppers or god forbid a drone when you have no way to hide let alone protect yourself. The game has so many options as to approach a mission, so I feel adding stuff like this will just help missions like this feel less like a chore and much more tactical, realistic and just cooler. Thoughts?

    submitted by /u/Curly_Cinnamon
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    What's the word on the 2nd November update?

    Posted: 22 Nov 2019 09:54 AM PST

    According to the roadmap we should be getting a pretty decent patch super soon right? I mean if it's roadmap-worthy, I should be excited and looking forward to it. That's what roadmaps are for, they're to let the community know what's coming down the pipeline and to build excitement. . . We've got 5 business days left before the end of November. . . And who would be so silly as to put a simple bugfix patch on a roadmap. . .

    submitted by /u/RiggityRow
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    Anybody ever encounter a random crashed Gyps?

    Posted: 22 Nov 2019 04:10 PM PST

    To Buy or not to Buy..now

    Posted: 22 Nov 2019 11:06 AM PST

    is this game ready to buy...50% off...or should I wait...I loved WL BTW

    submitted by /u/cam7667
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    Delta Force 2016-2019 Undisclosed Location

    Posted: 22 Nov 2019 12:38 AM PST

    "A Polite Conversation" & "Inquisitor Rex" Missions Need a Rework

    Posted: 22 Nov 2019 07:46 PM PST

    "A Polite Conversation" & "Inquisitor Rex" Missions Need a Rework

    Both are extract the Sentinel captain. Both can be a complete cluster if you haven't killed absolutely everything in a 5km radius. Here are a few issues:

    1. You can't stow the captain into any available vehicle/helicopter. Why not?
    2. Press F to knock out. Hold F to stow. I hold down F to stow (when I finally find a vehicle I can stow him in) and it knocks him out anyway. Mission failed because the captain is dead. WTF
    3. You have the captain and can only use your pistol and some enemies show up. You can't do anything with the captain while you deal with the enemies because knocking him out fails the mission. You should be able to knock him out, deal with the enemies, carry/drag the captain to a vehicle, stow the captain.

    Please Ubi, fix these stupid missions.


    submitted by /u/mfinite
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    Breakpoint's biggest flaw - An opinion

    Posted: 22 Nov 2019 01:35 PM PST

    I've been one of the minority. One of the people who've genuinely, despite the issues, enjoyed Breakpoint. I can put up with a lot of the niggles and teething problems, the goofy glitches, wrong magazine pouches, lack of gunsmith etc.

    The one thing, however, that's made me alt+f4 more often, and log in way less is this:

    Loss of control.

    Nobody likes this, Ubisoft. Not in any game, ever. And Breakpoint is absolutely packed with animations, transitions, glitches and scenarios that cause you to lose control of your character. This, for me, is the thing that might drive even me to toward that uninstall button.

    To name a few:

    • Falling/Sliding -Oh my god, Nomad. Why can't you handle a 5 degree incline?
    • Vaulting - This has straight up killed me multiple times. I'll choose when i want to jump over something, thank you. Stop it.
    • Cover - Once again -- Sometimes I don't want to hug a wall! I especially don't want to display my entire body turning out from cover to shoot. If this was a button press I could happily choose when to start/stop it.) I'd much prefer a basic q+e leaning system.
    • Picking up enemies - This is possibly the longest animation in the history of animation. It's not like I'd even want to do it. Why can't I just drag people?
    • Takedowns - eeeeeeeguh
    • Knife kills - E EEEEEUUGHHGHGH
    submitted by /u/MeezyChu
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    And these guys banter

    Posted: 22 Nov 2019 07:27 PM PST

    Mysterious Carillon trophy glitches?

    Posted: 22 Nov 2019 07:02 PM PST

    I found all 8 and shot them just like the video I saw, but it still hasn't popped up. How many glitched trophies are there? Seriously.

    submitted by /u/xwolfionx
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    I used to be a sentinel like you , then took a karambi knife to the knee :D

    Posted: 21 Nov 2019 10:00 PM PST

    Story level barrier

    Posted: 22 Nov 2019 05:08 PM PST

    Hi All

    I'm up to the final mission to take out walker, but the difficulty recommends 150+. (I recognise this is more of a guide than anything else). Thing is I'm a solo player and honestly can't be bothered with spending hours trying to exploit the dumbass AI and take the Airfield. However, I only have some side missions to do, which feel completely pointless.

    Does anyone have any ideas of actually fun things to do to continue to play the game because at this point I've run out of steam to bother continuing if there's only irreverent side quests.

    submitted by /u/harosokman
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