• Breaking News

    Saturday, October 26, 2019

    Ghost Recon - Ubisoft – “Hey Ballz, welcome back from your second 2 day ban. You seem very passionate about Ghost Recon Breakpoint and how it compares to Wildlands. It’s clear you think you could have done a better job making the game, so we’d like to bring you in and have you do just that.”

    Ghost Recon - Ubisoft – “Hey Ballz, welcome back from your second 2 day ban. You seem very passionate about Ghost Recon Breakpoint and how it compares to Wildlands. It’s clear you think you could have done a better job making the game, so we’d like to bring you in and have you do just that.”

    Ubisoft – “Hey Ballz, welcome back from your second 2 day ban. You seem very passionate about Ghost Recon Breakpoint and how it compares to Wildlands. It’s clear you think you could have done a better job making the game, so we’d like to bring you in and have you do just that.”

    Posted: 26 Oct 2019 02:21 PM PDT

    Me – "I'm no game developer or computer programmer in any way, but sure!"

    Ballz is now at Ubisoft and escorted to an office

    Ubisoft – "This is Doug, he's our best programmer. Within reason he'll do whatever you want."

    Me – "Sweet!"

    Ubisoft leaves me with Doug

    Doug – "I've got up Breakpoint. We can start here or from scratch, whatever you want. This is your fantasy."

    Me – "Awesome. Pull up Wildlands."

    Doug – "Done."

    Me – "Give me Nomad in a white room. I know you know what I mean."

    Doug – "Nomad's in the matrix, done."

    Me – "Let's bring the whole squad. You're fast. So, we got the squad here, controls untouched from Wildlands. Let's bring over the menu. In fact, let's bring over all the weapons, attachments, and appearance options."

    Doug – "So we basically got Wildlands without the map right now. UI untouched."

    Me – "Perfect. It's all there? I have 3 camera options? I can holster my weapon?"

    Doug – "You got Wildlands without the map right now. It's all here."

    Me - "I hadn't thought about it until a video pointed it out to me yesterday. Aren't a lot of games doing 'picture in picture' for their scopes these days? Can't we do that here?"

    Doug - "Yea, I actually brought that up but it wasn't a priority. There, I've added it. Gotta love fantasy time."

    Me – "Doug, you're an all-star. You got Breakpoint up too? Let's take that 'Circle, Circle' input dodge, the 'prone camo' input, and the ability to pick up and move bodies. Let's bring all that over."

    Doug – "I like those new mechanics too. Done."

    Me - "That doesn't break anything?"

    Doug - "Nope, no overlap with the inputs."

    Me – "Bring over the Breakpoint map. Just the map for now."

    Doug – "Easy. Done."

    Me – "Can you bring up Splinter Cell: Blacklist?"

    Doug – "Uh, sure."

    Me – "Let's take all those CQC animations. The standard ones, the from cover ones, the hanging from a ledge ones. I like the speed of picking up and moving bodies from this game more than Breakpoint, so let's bring that speed over too."

    Doug – "You want the whistle?"

    Me – "Fuck yea!"

    Doug - "I'm gonna make the whistle only available during cover so we don't break what we got so far. How's double tapping 'square' sound?"

    Me - "You are the best."

    Doug – "This was harder to do, even in your imagination, but it's done. I'm liking this. You got Wildlands on Breakpoints map right now. So, bad guys and stuff?"

    Me – "Yup. Ok, give me Unidad, but make them look like Wolves. I want the same Unidad system from Wildlands, with the different levels of aggression."

    Doug – "Got ya. Everything Unidad is in Breakpoint now, we're just calling them Wolves."

    Me – "Perfect. Keep the Breakpoint Wolves too, but we won't just spawn them in like you do now. I didn't play AC: Odyssey but I've heard good things about a bounty system where you get hunted by some elite bad guys? Let's get that stuff in here. Let's give these elite Wolves active camo, that way you can spawn them in far away under the guise of 'active camo' and they can creep closer in on you."

    Doug – "Ok yea, this is better."

    Me – "Did you see the reddit post about an ambush system? Twigs snapping, and putting thermal vision to use, and all that?"

    Doug – "Loved that idea."

    Me – "Let's do it."

    Doug – "Yes! We make a good team Ballz."

    High fives

    Me – "Oh yea, almost forgot. Let's go back to Wildlands and grab all that civilian AI. That's good. Now we have more civilians driving around, makes it easier to find a ride."

    Doug – "That's a good quality of life change. What else?"

    Me – "You can rappel in Rainbow Six Siege; I love that game. I want to be able to rappel off buildings and cliffs and ledges."

    Doug – "I've seen lots of people ask for this. Good stuff."

    Me – "Alright, so we got Wildlands controls and UI on Breakpoints map with the addition of some of the new input mechanics from Breakpoint in here; the dodge/dive options, and the prone camo ability. We added a whistle function. We also turned the Unidad into Wolves and kept their AI and behavior from Wildlands. We also have 'bounty hunter' style Wolves running around."

    Mr. Ubisoft walks back in

    Ubisoft – "How's it going guys? Let me look……. I like a lot of this, but we need enemy drones and an item wheel. Binoculars can't be down on the D-pad because that's our 'no HUD' button."

    Me – "Alright. Doug, grab Breakpoints item wheel, but we're adding 2 more slots to the top half and the bottom half, each. Also, make it so that I can swap my drone out for my binoculars. Binoculars are not a consumable and I want quick access to them like I had in Wildlands. Just add another wheel so we can keep all that rebel stuff too."

    Doug – "How about you can press up on the D-pad once for drone, or double tap for binoculars?"

    Me – "Doug that's brilliant! Mr. Ubisoft, I think we're don- oh wait drones. Doug, bring over the drones, but make them audible from much further away. Also, let me take them out without alerting a whole base."

    Doug – "Mr. Ubisoft I think this is good. He's an idiot, but I think he knows that."

    Ubisoft - "So, you're cool with the 'always online' stuff?"

    Me - "Oh fuck no, thanks for reminding me. Take that shit out, Doug."

    Doug - "Never brought it over."

    Ubisoft – "Alright, Mr. Ballz, if this is what you think you and the people want, let's get it out to r/ghostrecon and see what they think."

    r/ghostrecon is given beta access to the new and improved Ghost Recon: Ballzpoint

    One week has passed

    So, you've all now played my new version of this game, what do you guys think? How does it compare to the original version of Breakpoint?

    Edit: Thank you everyone. Doug is working in a lot of these suggestions. I've got a good little team coming together. First real update is going to bring back the tripping and injury stuff but we're gonna work it so it feels right. At the same time, Doug has contacted some of The Crew crew to overhaul all the driving stuff, all of it.

    But before all of that, I have a gift. No one asked for it, but I'm kind of a visionary. Small patch going through right this moment; your parachute can now get stuck in a tree. You can cut yourself down after a second, or your friends can help. You might get injured on the fall.

    Again thanks everyone, you've given me plenty of dopamine for today.

    submitted by /u/Ballzinferno
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    To everyone saying the AI is stupid... I have no clue what you’re talking about.

    Posted: 25 Oct 2019 10:14 PM PDT

    My suggestion to make Wolves actually hunt you and other things

    Posted: 26 Oct 2019 10:58 AM PDT

    Right now the Wolves don't actually hunt you in the game. Aside from the occasional Azrael drone and random patrols you only ever find Wolves in their bases.

    My suggestion is to implement a system where depending on your actions in the game world you attract attention from Sentinel and the Wolves. The more attention you attract the more they respond.

    So let's say you decide to attack Base A. You go in guns blazing, the radio operator calls in reinforcements, stuff blows up. Then you go to Base B down the road and do the same.

    Right now both encounters would play out the same. Both bases start off not alerted, get alerted by you going loud, respond to gunfire by calling in reinforcements and by moving towards you and getting cut down one by one in the same place.

    With an escalation system when the first base gets hit, all bases near it go to high alert. They deploy their drones (they wouldn't have them deployed at first, to make stealth viable), set up additional patrols and call in reinforcements.

    The more targets you hit in the same area, the more the remaining forces respond. It starts with bolstering defense, then expanding patrols to outside the base, then sending more and more forces towards your location.

    Eventually they set up additional roadblocks, call in helicopter and vehicle patrols, and send drones in to actively engage you, such as for instance sending a group of murmur drones to take over the area you were last spotted in.

    In addition to all this the Wolves will independently respond as well. Once Sentinel forces confirm you're a Ghost they also move in to hunt you down. Once they reach your location they'll commandeer the local Sentinel forces and coordinate them more, resulting in Sentinel forces having smarter AI (more flanking and strategic movement).

    To avoid all this you focus on stealth. Bases start off with most of their drones inactive (except Wolves bases and high security bases) to solve the problem of drones making stealth pointless.

    Taking out the radio operator reduces the range of eventual alerts going out, taking out the power generator knocks out other communications, and other communications systems could be added for players to sabotage as well.

    Even if you play it stealth and avoid alerts, bases going dark would still attract attention. Wolves will show up to hunt for troublemakers (since they know you're out there). To avoid getting caught you should move swiftly and avoid staying in the same area for too long.

    So for example if you sneak around Liberty province's city area and take out the enemies, eventually the remaining forces should send out a patrol to check out why they've lost contact with the other checkpoints in that area. And if you repeatedly take out these patrols they should respond intelligently, meaning calling for a helicopter patrol or calling for an armored vehicle patrol, maybe even calling for Wolves to come back them up.

    I call these two approaches high profile and low profile. High profile is the assault playstyle, alerting enemies and drawing attention.

    Low profile is the ghost playstyle, avoiding the enemy, killing quietly and preventing alerts from going out.

    In addition the relay stations located at Behemoth defense areas could be given an actual purpose by letting players sabotage them to prevent alerts from being sent beyond the local bases. Right now those relays are just props to put some chests and items on and to serve as a barrier for Behemoth projectiles.

    Letting players sabotage them means they'll actually act as relays and gives you a reason to fight the Behemoth instead of sneaking past, grabbing the items and leaving.

    Sabotaging relays should also attract attention. In fact these could easily be faction missions (laptop defense missions with consequences). It gives players something useful to do every day, adds a real challenge (defeat the Behemoth before sabotaging the relay, then defend it) and can give more points for completion as well.

    Of course laptop defense missions fail if the laptop is destroyed and they won't destroy their own relay. An easy solution is to simply let the player connect a laptop that has to do the sabotaging that then needs to be defended. Behemoths can destroy these laptops easily with their mortars so taking them out first is thus necessary.

    I think that would do a lot to make gameplay more interesting and dynamic compared to the "every base is in its own world" kind of thing there is now.

    submitted by /u/Solokiller
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    Hey Ubi, can we get ghillie suits like this in Breakpoint?

    Posted: 26 Oct 2019 03:59 PM PDT

    Just got the AMP24, few small gripes but I like it.

    Posted: 26 Oct 2019 09:00 AM PDT

    Battlepoints/faction missions have made me HATE this game! (from a "FanBoy")

    Posted: 26 Oct 2019 04:14 PM PDT

    As someone who defends this game TODAY I reached my Breakpoint. It took me Two Hours and Forty Five minutes to complete todays challenges. Thankfully I finally got the gold camo and have one page left to go. I have well over 100 hours into this game. Felling forced to play MULTIPLE hours EVERY day or miss out on content Does NOT make me want to grind or buy boosters. It makes me want to delete the game. Seeing where Ubisoft is taking its games, It makes me not want to buy another Ubisoft game. Ive played so many Ubisoft games NOT because they are Ubisoft titles but because they are games that interest me. BUT all these games seem to be taking a drastic turn to antigamer directions. Seems the focus now is forcing people to play every day and/or buy boosters. That takes out 100% of the fun of gaming.

    The battlestream needs to be drastically changed or I wont participate in the next one. Theres a real world outside of gaming that constantly interferes with game time. Punishing players by keeping content from them since they couldnt log on and play 1 to 3 or more hours every single day is BullS#!t. Yes I know they upped the cap to 600 and it will got to unlimited in the next TU but realistically something else needs to happen.

    submitted by /u/PizentuDeWind
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    Improved A.I. they said... all running into bullets

    Posted: 26 Oct 2019 03:51 PM PDT

    If you replace the desert with Aurora, the Mexican Soldier with Holt, and the insurgents with Sentinels. All swarming your location after the crash... would have been a hell of an opening for Breakpoint.

    Posted: 26 Oct 2019 11:49 AM PDT

    Spawned right at the edge of level 200 Wolves camp

    Posted: 26 Oct 2019 06:53 AM PDT

    When you're playing with your friends but then a random joins your group

    Posted: 26 Oct 2019 10:09 AM PDT

    That moment when you realize that CoD has better NVG

    Posted: 26 Oct 2019 12:10 AM PDT

    I guess I just have to wait for the raid...

    Posted: 26 Oct 2019 01:58 PM PDT

    Multicam when ?

    Posted: 26 Oct 2019 04:47 AM PDT

    Trophy Truckin it!

    Posted: 26 Oct 2019 12:29 PM PDT

    Feeling a bit "froggy"

    Posted: 26 Oct 2019 06:23 PM PDT

    'Tis a sad time we live in.

    Posted: 26 Oct 2019 01:46 AM PDT

    “Keep your eyes open!”

    Posted: 26 Oct 2019 05:42 PM PDT

    All my Palettes are broken, I know can only customize (!) the figure skins only but not an own character anymore. This is Fury with a customized male haircut and custom clothing...So im actually betrayed with the cosmetic items and tattoos I have bought because I can use them only on figure skins...

    Posted: 26 Oct 2019 01:58 PM PDT


    Posted: 25 Oct 2019 10:41 PM PDT

    Ghost War - Base Infiltration

    Posted: 26 Oct 2019 08:24 AM PDT

    I would love a Ghost War game mode where the two teams had to compete to steal an objective from inside an AI controlled base without being detected.

    The idea would be that you could hinder or kill your opponents, but if neither team obtains the objective the match would be a fail for both. So the primary focus is to extract the objective without being detected.

    Alternatively, a Ghost team of up to 8 has to defend a base whilst a team of 4 infiltrate to extract an objective.

    Edit: I'm fairly new to Ghost War, I never played it in Wildlands so I have no idea if either of these have been done before (or similar).

    submitted by /u/AngryPenguin7
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    COOP is getting annoying and boring, but I have an idea. (Ghost ops mode)

    Posted: 26 Oct 2019 03:28 PM PDT

    Just an Idea that I think would give Breakpoint more replay value. Might be too much to change, might not. Could be good bones for next ghost recon.

    Ubi could add a mission planer to help streamline coop play. Now first off we start from the main camp where we get to choose a a mission and add on small secondary task like don't get spotted, or destroy all assets in area. Put a timer on it that can help decide how the team is rewarded after completion to both motivate people to actually do the mission as well as end it so people don't waste time. Add spawn pool like Rainbow six Vegas 2 where you either get 2 spawns each, no respawn or a shared pool. The group can either opt in for a taxi insert from a helicopter or get to the area on their own at the risk of being intercepted, alerting the base ahead. If you opt in for the taxi to area its random rather or not the enemy knows you're coming depending on how close you want to be dropped. Opting out lets you choose what vehicles you would rather take and you have to find your own way. Let players set a route lined with objectives, lets say you can set up a mission to reach an area and do recon before pushing past an outpost that has vital info before moving on to the next base. Or a behemoth mission where there's a behemoth nearby that could scuff you up, but if you choose to deal with it before hitting the base you won't have to worry about it crashing the party later.

    Difficulty. We can pick and choose through a selection of nerf's and buffs to players and npc's.

    1. Npc buff paranoid. Npc's are more likely to go yellow or orange from the first hint of contact and will never go back to white phase. Radio guy calls reinforcements faster. If a shot is heard base goes red phase.
    2. Npc buff tech savvy. Npc's can reboot turrets and generator, there will always be atleast 3 engineers who can repair techs. Drones are now more dangerous and spot you faster. All units who have night vision get thermal instead making it easier to spot players at night.
    3. Npc buff Wolves. Npc's will engage using advanced tactics, move faster and increased accuracy as well as more armor and is equipped with standard night vison on all units. This stacks with all other buffs and even cancels some debuffs.
    4. Npc buff This is my house. They are less likely to come outside base or leave cover, and will engage from inside of buildings and bunker down or form up near power supply and base turrets protecting assets and mvp more often.
    5. Npc buff hermit. They will take less risk and stay behind cover and shoot less, but this could burn time and cause failure by time out.
    6. Npc buff Vehicle support. More likely to have vehicles on base or on standby to intercept and engage players in or between bases.
    7. Npc buff Heavy unts. They get heavy units.
    8. Npc buff Shoot Move Communicate. Npc's will always move and engage in groups of atleast 3. will only move if provided cover fire as well as distract confuse and terminate tactics engage and surrounding you.
    9. Npc nerf naked and afraid. Npc have little gear and effectiveness is reduced. They are more likely to stay behind cover but are easier to flank. Wolves buff always cancels this.
    10. Npc nerf green horns. They behave like they do in the game now, leaving cover very often and rushing you without backup and snipers are less likely to take a shot and less accurate.
    11. Npc nerf low on supplies. Npc have less ammo and can run out and don't receive any backup or support.
    12. Player buff Rested. Players are able to equip more gear with less penalty letting them carry more than usual, and fatigue and injury are less frequent.
    13. Player buff improved tech. All player equipment gets a buff in range, health, stealth, and cooldown speed.
    14. Player buff Locals love me. Outcast and Homesteaders have a greater chance of showing up and respond to calls for backup much faster.
    15. Player buff One with nature. All players are harder to spot in wilderness and player gear and camo stealth debuffs are removed allowing for more freedom to operate in different gear that might decrease stealth stats.
    16. Player buff Cold blood. Thermals cannot spot players.
    17. Player buff Cloaking. You're a real ghost Harry. Turn invisible when crouched and moving slowly. If you equip this it will take up 3 of your buff slots.
    18. Player buff Inside job. All enemies are marked by default.
    19. Player nerf Shirt on my back. All you have is one weapon of choice, no gadgets and one bandage. Just you, your weapon and your trusty battle belt with 2 spare mags. Picked up weapons cannot be silenced unless the weapon shares a class with what you came in with. Atleast you move faster.
    20. Player nerf EMP. All electronics are disabled for the player including HUD. Communication is very important.
    21. Player nerf Last Day. Player is worn down from days in the field. Stamina reduced, drone battery reduced, weapon less effective, no bandages, and injury and fatigue are more likely. Player movement speed reduced. Gear visibly damaged.
    22. Player nerf Weather. Dressing for the occasion would be smart. You will suffer from weather effects like cold, heat and getting wet. HYDRATE!!

    Map usage. There are plenty of areas we could use on the map. Put some guidelines on how we can plan out missions and figure out a way to concentrate resources to that area for more engaging gameplay. for example, setting the AO to the mountains can help decide what type of npc's and equipment that will be loaded in along the route planned by the players or devs so you don't see guys in T-shirts in the middle of a blizzard.


    1. Urban. more civilians present including traffic. Nice weather and no real need to blend in so wear what you want.
    2. Woods. Less buildings and troops, but more drones. Temperate weather. Camo is recommended.
    3. Mountain. Buildings are rare and bases are smaller with less enemies. Cold so make sure to bring your woobie and gortex.
    4. Volcanic. Golem island super villain. All the troops, all the drones all the heat and all the moans. ITS HOT!
    5. Tropic. Pretty nice place to die. scattered troops on patrol and more flying drones. Bring yuh scuba suit.
    6. Plains. Behemoths live here.....
    7. Swamp. Bring baby wipes...... Less robutts.

    Matchmaking. Have a quick playlist with set values. A random playlist that throws an unpredictable mission toether. Allow players to filter for different playstyles and areas. No easy hard or extreme mode because the buffs and nerfs should help with that. They could also add a casual mission mode that has the game behave the way it does now letting people bring what they want without having to worry about debuffs and stuff. They could motivate people to try i by it rewarding battlepoints and special gear from challenges and even get to the point where they can start going off island in later dlc's. Its just a thought, so what do you think? Add something to it in the comments.

    submitted by /u/Hunhwhut
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    Can we have Ghillie Hoods returned to Breakpoint like in Wildlands? As what’s used by real special forces- Example Pictured: 2CDO Aussie Sniper.

    Posted: 25 Oct 2019 11:10 PM PDT

    Beat *boss* on third attempt with a level of 122! (Recommended level 150)

    Posted: 26 Oct 2019 07:02 PM PDT

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