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    Monday, October 21, 2019

    Ghost Recon - Ghost Recon Breakpoint | Feedback Megathread

    Ghost Recon - Ghost Recon Breakpoint | Feedback Megathread

    Ghost Recon Breakpoint | Feedback Megathread

    Posted: 21 Oct 2019 08:55 AM PDT

    This topic is about us. We that love the franchise and feel like this game CAN be improved with hard work, lots of passion and good communication. Let's push the devs to the point where they have to hear us!

    Add your feedback in the comments. I will add good, well thought-out posts to the OP.

    Starting things of, here is my comprehensive feedback collection (long post + comments + links)

    Feedback by /u/antoineflemming

    Feedback by /u/Virtual-Chris

    Feedback by /u/R97R

    submitted by /u/JohnnyTest91
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    Update to the Battle Rewards System

    Posted: 21 Oct 2019 01:01 PM PDT


    We've taken a close look at your feedback, as well as the player data, regarding the Battle Rewards system.

    There will be several upcoming changes around the way this system works.

    1. We will increase the daily cap from 400 to 600 on Tuesday, October 22, with the Live Update.
    2. The Live Update will also increase the rewards for Faction Support missions from 15 to 30 Battle Points.
    3. With the release of the next TU, 1.0.3, we will remove the daily cap.

    We will need a TU to remove the cap entirely, which is why this will occur with 1.0.3 and not the Live Update. In the short term, we wanted to move forward with the increased daily cap and increased Battle Points earned as a first step toward improving the experience.

    We'll have more information to share with you on the timing of the next Title Update very soon. Thank you, Ghosts – we appreciate all of the time you've taken to share your thoughts with us so far!

    /The Ghost Recon Team

    submitted by /u/ubiBorghal
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    To anyone that says the AI isn’t smart: you’ve obviously never had a drone literally fence you into an enclosed space before.

    Posted: 21 Oct 2019 05:46 PM PDT

    Please beware of Mexican cartel sicarios and corrupt Bolivian soldiers

    Posted: 21 Oct 2019 03:04 AM PDT

    My 100 Hour Review with Quick Fix Suggestions...

    Posted: 21 Oct 2019 08:14 AM PDT

    After a few weeks playing the game I now have around 100 hours logged with a gear level of 170, XP level 30, and 3 of 4 classes at level 10 (whew, that's a lot of levels).

    I think it's important to note off the start, that I consider Wildlands the best game I've ever played, and I invested over 1000 hours of my valuable time in that game - I'm a working professional - not a full-time gamer. I played through the campaign numerous times in different roles and spent money on buying all the packs and DLC. I would expect that Ubisoft would consider me among their ideal customers for that game.

    I play on extreme, with no HUD. I also don't like to Fast Travel or use helicopters. I like a challenge and I like to keep it real so I often put a lot of self-imposed constraints on how I play to achieve that.

    I am enjoying many aspects of the game, but there are some which are annoying and killing the immersion which may mean it has a limited life-span for me. Will I get to 1000 hours on this game? It's hard to say, but there are some things definitely working against me making it that far.

    What's good: - The world is beautiful and interesting to explore. I love the old Cold War sites, cabins, abandoned rail lines, mines and sawmill sites scattered around but I don't really care for the modern Skell infrastructure. The different types of terrain and foliage are outstanding, and the wildlife brings it alive. The lighting, wind, and weather are also well done. The snow accumulation and foot prints in the snow or sand are excellent. - The gun play is satisfying. The sounds of the guns are good, the explosions are amazing, and the sounds of bullets hitting enemies, especially in the head are great. The ballistics are ok, particularly with the Ballistics Skill Perk, but the muzzle speed and bullet flight time are still frustratingly slow. Little details like the heat off the barrel obscuring your sight picture after several rounds is excellent. - The character, gear and gun models are nicely rendered. - The animations are good. Although the walking animation still needs work in my view as it looks like he's clenching his cheeks and walking with very short steps as if he needs to take a dump. The momentum to the movement is a good balance now, better than the closed beta. - The vehicles handle much better. There appears to be more weight and friction and the steering is easier with an analog stick. - It is awesome that dead bodies don't disappear and you can shoot a body after it's dead. - I like that facilities have lots of enemies… I'm guessing anywhere from 10-20 per facility… but some could use more. - I like that when I'm out in the wild, there are enemies lurking around, and I particularly like that they come and investigate if there's action in their vicinity. This has created some interesting encounters.(note that I originally thought these random encounters were over the top, but I'm enjoying this randomness now) - The chit chat of enemies before and after engaging them is awesome. "You killed Sammy!" "I'm going to get you you son of a *****" LOL. Love it! - Prone camo - great implementation - Fence cutter - handy! - The class, perks, and skill system is good. There are some unrealistic perks I won't use.

    If all you do is go around shooting things and exploring the landscape, this game is perfect. But that's not enough for me.

    So what makes an awesome game for me? That's a tough question, but essentially it boils down to… can I fully immerse myself in the game and imagine I am my character and pretend I'm actually in the game world doing that stuff. That requires a sense of realism and game mechanics that get out of the way of immersive play.

    So what are the biggest issues with this game in my opinion?

    • The tiered loot system is a burden to the immersion of this game and it cannot be ignored. It requires constant menu visits. You are inundated with gear and guns constantly, that turns the game into an inventory management challenge. What's most bizarre about this system is that it seems to add very little value. All it seems to do is provide a warning that some enemies are tougher than you. Since everything else scales with your gear score, it's irrelevant whether it's 25 or 250. It doesn't appear to keep people playing longer as many people are at max GS after only 2 weeks, and it doesn't support micro-transactions - there's no way to spend money to make it go away or go faster, so I really don't understand from a game development perspective, why tiered loot is in this game. Let me summarize it to say it's ruining the immersion experience without adding any value to players or Ubisoft that I can see.
    • The mission structure taxes any attempts on immersion by having you travel all over the map to accomplish the simplest objectives. It seems designed to make you busy. There's no real way to progress the story while exploring the world on a province-by-province basis. It essentially requires a helicopter or fast travel which almost ensures players following the story miss the best part of the game, which is the world itself. It also makes it impossible for players like me that role-play not using Fast Travel or helicopters.
    • The gunsmith is artificially handicapped and full of factual errors in ways that is frustrating to any gun enthusiast. There's over-simplification in the ammo implementation (no .50 BMG), factual ammo errors, scope issues (Digital Scope is a 1x/4x as in Wildlands). The limitations or compromises on stock, barrel, trigger, grips, and optics are all maddening…. Which for a shooter game is heartbreaking and inexcusable. For example, the ACOG optic is designed for ASRs and in this game they are not enabled on assault rifles. There is no grip in the world which will negatively impact a gun's performance. Any gun with a threaded barrel can take a suppressor - but many of your assault variants cannot although they clearly have threads as they can take compensators. The lack of suppressor support makes these guns useless. Ubisoft, please understand that the picatinny rail system on firearms is a standard - any accessory can go on any rail. Don't limit us. I shouldn't have to be saying this… any serious shooter game, needs to take shooting and gunsmith seriously. If there's one thing you really f#cked up on this game, its gunsmith.
    • The scope of the campaign in Breakpoint is super thin - stunningly so for an Ubisoft game. I'm not finished yet, but I've seen the mission list, it's very lame.

    The most frustrating thing is that these weren't issues in Wildlands.

    • In Wildlands there was no tiered loot, yet I spent more real money on cosmetics and packs in Wildlands than I ever will in Breakpoint. In Breakpoint, I'm inundated with gear to the point where I have a new piece of gear every 5 minutes with different buffs. I have no interest in buying much in the store. In fact it is a pain in the arse to constantly manage the loot I have.
    • In Wildlands, the missions were all organized by province and by functional unit of the cartel (security, production, smuggling, and influence). You could therefore progress geographically or choose to take down different arms of the cartel. I believe most people progressed province-by-province which was very rewarding… all intel, missions, and the boss were all located within the province. You could systematically work your way around the world and it was very satisfying - adapting to different biomes as you went.
    • The gunsmith in Wildlands allowed you to build a CQB, an assault variant, or a DMR version without having software developers meddling in your kit. There was no weapon I can recall that couldn't equip a suppressor which is a major problem with assault variants in Breakpoint… a gun without a suppressor in a stealth based tactical game is f#cking useless Ubisoft! And every weapon in Wildlands had it's proper ammo type.
    • In Wildlands, the scope of the campaign was incredible… Over 100 missions as well as many Rebel side missions. It was a major accomplishment to complete a province and take out one of the 20 bosses. It was epic to finish the campaign. In Breakpoint, most people are done with the campaign after a couple of weeks.

    I think there's one other major contributor to the appeal of Wildlands over Breakpoint, and that is the immersion draw of the story. In Wildlands, you had a premise and a story that was relatable to everyone… the war on drugs… a real-world conflict. Cartels and drugs were also a hot topic in media with movies like Sicario or series like Narcos. Wildlands threw you into a world that was gritty, oppressed, corrupt and lawless and you felt like you could make a difference.

    Contrast that with Breakpoint where you find yourself on a utopian island populated by a bunch of entitled high-tech employees who live in ultra modern luxury, a mall security force trying to do their job and keep the many facilities on the island operational and safe, and a group of your former team-mates who have gone crazy and taken over. There's no obvious criminal here and there's no obvious conflict here. What are we fighting each other for? In fact, on numerous occasions I'm asking myself "What am I doing here?" The level of infrastructure on this island is also preposterous - it rivals something on the scale of Dubai which was built over decades by a workforce of 500,000 workers. It all seems too contrived and artificial… Built for a game.

    Do you see the problem here?

    The bottom lime is that this game doesn't offer anywhere near the immersion appeal of Wildlands… or a game like Red Dead Redemption 2. It's got great gunplay, in a fantastic setting if you can turn your brain off and just focus on killing everyone you see, and fly around the island in a helicopter doing errands… but this is not a game for immersion seekers.

    I just don't see myself spending anywhere near the time or money in this game. After 100 hours, I'm already thinking about what I will do next… maybe RDR2 or go back to Wildlands. This game just doesn't seem to have what it takes to keep me engaged longer term.

    Ubisoft, you failed to maintain one of your most dedicated and loyal Wildlands customers. Someone who spent a thousand hours and hundreds of dollars and brought three other people into Wildlands, is probably going to move on soon, without spending much time or money. You sold me on the initial game, but you've lost me as a loyal fan.

    The sad part is, we both lose.

    Here are some things that might have me stick around longer:

    Fix Key Bugs:

    • My drone doesn't deploy half the time
    • My guns are covered in mud, snow or grime most of the time
    • I slide down even gentle slopes like I just learned to walk yesterday
    • My game doesn't' connect or crashes mid-game a lot of the time
    • The AI enemies are often blind, deaf and dumb, staring at walls, stuck somewhere, gathering around the downed generator, or charging at me without shooting
    • My vest load-out does not match my primary
    • Even with cosmetic override on, my character is still often seen to be wearing levelled gear
    • My night vision fails too work sometimes - it just toggles between normal and thermal
    • Fact check your ammo assignments to various guns - many are wrong
    • My rewards from playing Wildlands have still not been unlocked as dialog with Holt simply won't appear
    • Everytime I try BASE jumping I fall on my face and die to the point I don't try anymore.

    Address Key Annoyances:

    • Have an option for a preset to "auto-equip" the highest gear score item. That way you can have one preset you play with that is just always your highest gear score items without having to dive into the menu all the time. Other presets can be ones you manage to pick the best buffs for the task at hand.
    • Add a few more HUD items to the HUD toggle (that currently works with Pins and the Mini-map). Although I play without HUD, I'm constantly turning HUD items on to identify what bad-guy has intel I need or to find a crate that is tough to locate. It would be great to toggle these HUD items off without diving into the setup menu.
    • Useless bandages take an important slot in my item wheel - make it a slot that you can assign a gadget or throwable.
    • Add an option to equip a primary slot with "none" and don't count that slot in the gear score.
    • Add a buff to detection in an enclosed vehicle - even on Arcade Difficulty it's non-stop detection from nearby enemies every 200m
    • Improve the AI - so they can climb ladders or use throwables
    • Speed up moving bodies so it's worth doing
    • Enable Assault variants and other special guns to equip suppressors - playing assault does not mean playing stupid
    • Enable all optics on all weapons - or at least the ACOG on ASRs
    • Fix the Digital Scope (so it works properly as it did in Wildlands
    • Add an option to turn down sliding on inclines so it's more realistic
    • Nearby drones and the swarm launchers are just obnoxiously loud... I would tone down the volume.
    • Offer an option to turn off other players in Erewhon

    Add Some Additional Difficulty Options:

    • An option for injuries to be more frequent
    • An option to increase the enemies (double the enemies would be a real challenge)
    • An option to improve enemy detection range - so they detect you sooner in the open
    • An option to reduce ammo drops to make ammo more precious
    • An option for unlimited reinforcements (as long as one enemy is still alive)

    That's probably enough for now. :D

    Cheers, -Chris.

    submitted by /u/Virtual-Chris
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    A screenshot I took while messing around

    Posted: 21 Oct 2019 05:23 PM PDT

    I’m more impressed that he shot down an azrael.

    Posted: 21 Oct 2019 07:52 AM PDT

    No matter how stealthy I am going in, I always end up shooting my way out and running for my life.

    Posted: 21 Oct 2019 02:56 PM PDT

    Oh be a Ghost they said, visit tropical paradises, meet exotic woman, drink pina coladas WTF! ...radio check, whats the call sign for FREEZING MY BALLS OFF!? over

    Posted: 21 Oct 2019 03:50 PM PDT

    The Last Of Us in Breakpoint

    Posted: 21 Oct 2019 09:10 AM PDT

    They should remove loot from the screenshot mode

    Posted: 21 Oct 2019 02:15 PM PDT

    Throwback to when we had AI in Wildlands, they may have sucked but still miss em

    Posted: 21 Oct 2019 04:24 AM PDT

    Getting back into that Photo Mode.

    Posted: 21 Oct 2019 01:47 PM PDT

    SEAL Team vibes...

    Posted: 21 Oct 2019 01:01 PM PDT

    The face you make When you're the support by fire, and you see your buddy roll down the mountain trying to infil into a Skell Lab.

    Posted: 21 Oct 2019 09:14 AM PDT

    Bug. Defeated Behemoths always drop ammo directly underneath the chassis making it impossible to reach.

    Posted: 21 Oct 2019 03:00 PM PDT

    Can we please get NVG on Boonie Hats ? It makes no sense for me to be able to activate NVG and Thermal with nothing on my head. Modern Warfare comes out Friday and Captain Price literally uses just a head strap on his boonie to hold the NVG.

    Posted: 21 Oct 2019 03:16 PM PDT

    Unpopular Opinion: The Movement System is Incredibly Well Implemented

    Posted: 21 Oct 2019 12:48 PM PDT

    The character movement in Breakpoint feels great and is totally unique among games today. There's weight to your movements, the slower pace makes you have to consider your actions more than other games. I like the slightly faster tweaks made since beta, although if I had it my way, the weapons changes would go back to the slower beta version. One of the most exciting moments in this game is when you're falling back from enemy fire down a ridge or steep slope. You have the choice to descend slightly slower, find cover to return fire, and continue down to the next cover. Or, you can run down the slope and slide to make a quicker escape. OR you can go balls out and roll down to really get out of dodge but risk injury. It always reminds me of that cutscene in Medal of Honor where you choose between "bullets and broken bones." There's even a difference between movement and combat based injuries.This mechanic was well advertised and implemented in a way that totally nailed what they were going for. Without throwing shade, I feel as though the complaints about this mechanic are unwarranted. If you don't like it, either you haven't been paying attention since the game was announced, or you'd prefer it to be the same as Wildlands or every other game.And I don't know, maybe try running face first down a slope in full kit while tired and diminished, seems pretty legit to me.

    submitted by /u/JameelWallace
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    A fun day at the beach she said....

    Posted: 21 Oct 2019 06:40 PM PDT

    The Behemoth wheels are 3D printed.

    Posted: 21 Oct 2019 02:35 PM PDT

    Just a sentinel meme

    Posted: 21 Oct 2019 06:06 PM PDT

    Now this is camofluage

    Posted: 21 Oct 2019 08:55 AM PDT

    Hey developers fix your shit. I want to be able to walk nomad around without the camera view being up his crack. Back it off a meter ey

    Posted: 21 Oct 2019 10:29 AM PDT

    [Spoilers!] New Drones from the Raid on Golem Island can be seen in Breakpoint's Video Files.

    Posted: 21 Oct 2019 02:16 PM PDT

    I love taking photos in these games

    Posted: 21 Oct 2019 05:58 PM PDT

    Now that the daily limit is being removed, we’ll be able to earn 640 Battle points each day in PvE

    Posted: 21 Oct 2019 02:02 PM PDT

    Announcement from Ubi here, also confirming that they're doing something about the "duplicate battle rewards" bug, particularly regarding the Nightmare | Brown knife.

    According to this, the limit is being raised to 600, and then will be removed entirely in 1.03. Therefore, we'll get Battle Points for each faction mission and support we do, and the rewards for supports are being increased to 30.

    Each day, you get:

    • 4x Faction Mission (50 each: 200pts)

    • 2x Elite Faction Mission (100 each: 200pts)

    • 8x Faction Support (30 each: 240pts)

    This leads to an overall total of 640 points/day, assuming they don't add more/repeatable Faction missions, which I'm really hoping for personally. And, of course, you can presumably earn more each day by playing Ghost War- I just hope there's a way to grind them indefinitely while playing solo too.

    It's a small change, but a very welcome one.

    submitted by /u/R97R
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    Can we get a waypoint to follow while we drive?

    Posted: 21 Oct 2019 06:05 PM PDT

    Wildlands had a gps navigation system, even make it a mission to where you unlock it.

    submitted by /u/R_Smite
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