• Breaking News

    Wednesday, September 15, 2021

    Ghost Recon - “Sorry about this, brother”

    Ghost Recon - “Sorry about this, brother”

    “Sorry about this, brother”

    Posted: 15 Sep 2021 11:56 AM PDT


    Posted: 15 Sep 2021 10:57 AM PDT

    Hey buddy look up!

    Posted: 15 Sep 2021 01:37 PM PDT

    JSOC Special Mission Unit deployed to Auroa

    Posted: 15 Sep 2021 02:47 PM PDT

    Dear CM’s….

    Posted: 15 Sep 2021 04:32 AM PDT

    I hope you're well, and everyone at Ubi Paris. I'll get to the point, when are you going to give us info on Motherland? And the 20th anniversary stuff?

    Photo comps are cool, but (and I know am not alone here) information about the dlc would be much better. I'm not going to pester for it, but radio silence does have slightly worried / curious when we will get anything?

    For anything to change about this game, would be community reps engaging with fans more often, and trying to answer the question we ask to the best of their ability to do so within reason.

    It's not much, but it's the little things that matter.

    Peace 👍🏻

    submitted by /u/TS050Sparky
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    This thing's truly living up to its name - Inca All-Terrain Car

    Posted: 15 Sep 2021 01:17 AM PDT

    We work in the dark to serve the light.

    Posted: 15 Sep 2021 03:32 PM PDT

    PSA: The ASR 100 rounds magazine has a lot LESS recoil compared to standard magazine EVEN if it says +20% vertical recoil. Better to test than assume stats are right. I was surprised by this, huge difference. No aiming compensation at all in video.

    Posted: 15 Sep 2021 05:28 PM PDT

    Breakpoint could have easily been so great..

    Posted: 15 Sep 2021 10:08 AM PDT

    The Icarus Blues mission should unlock the Pathfinder ability, then having to assault or sneak by Bohemoths to hack one of the big relay antenna which would only give you Armaros drone ability over a certain radius around the tower. Instead there are is no reason to even fight a behemoth besides chest pounding. Is there anybody with an imagination at Ubisoft or what?

    submitted by /u/MantisTobagen77
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    One of my favorite places in Pucara

    Posted: 15 Sep 2021 07:47 PM PDT


    Posted: 15 Sep 2021 08:33 PM PDT

    A list of some random features I think would be good

    Posted: 15 Sep 2021 08:42 AM PDT

    Some random elements i think would be nice, without being overbearingly unrealistic and milsimmy like Drewski's vision for a new ghost recon - his was simply way, way too ambitious. Please feel free to discuss and debate these suggestions in the comments. To clarify a little more, these are my ideas for a new game, not updating what's in Breakpoint.

    -A greater variety of early game weapons near the start, so friends can jump in and already start making different roles for themselves (especially if the next game still has the class system) My suggestion would be: A submachine gun or short AR, two assault rifles, one in 5.56 and one in 7.62, a SAW of some kind (perhaps something that isn't a big machine gun, like the M27 with a larger mag), a breaching shotgun, and possibly some kind of DMR

    -Having night time be dark by default, accompanied by flashlights for the early game. The contrast switch should turn off when you have NVG on, so as to not make them useless.

    -A linear movement system similar to Wildlands, or an option to change it

    -More diverse and open-ended missions, like the faction missions already in BP, but many more of them and more of them on the map at once, and perhaps under a more strict time limit if you're near them.

    -Better support features like were present in Wildlands (reinforcements, mortars, etc)

    -Better long-range engagements with AI (this one goes in conjunction with the next one) that can spot you from further at high difficulties, and also have the world be less squished together so that 100 meters doesn't look like 25 anymore.

    -More expansive enemy AI customization. Being able to change AI sight range and speed separately from their damage and other stats, such as for example coordination, would make the game a much better experience for more people.

    -Better support options for AI and patrols to make reinforcements more dangerous. You should use the APCs and scout cars you already put in the game.

    -This one's a little out there, but I would like a more prevalent equipment weight system - your guns, and what you have in your equipment wheel (not so much your cosmetic equipment, in my opinion that should be kept separate)

    EDIT: I might think of more points later and those will be kept under here.

    -More AI counters to you using armor assets. There should be a few more guys around with counters to your APCs and other armored vehicles. My thinking is that there could be a new "Grenadier" soldier, with an underbarrel grenade launcher to pop your lighter armor, and the rocketman enemies should be more prevalent and more mobile (anything but being stationary lol), and able to kill you really quick in a vehicle, to make them priority targets. This would surely negate the "roll up with armor and be invincible while slaughtering everyone" strat and make using vehicles a more risky play.

    -Nerf the machinegunner enemy, or change how they work. I'd like them to be more prone to hanging back and staying low to suppress you (this would work in conjunction with making the fighting in general longer ranged, as I mentioned earlier - don't take this the wrong way, I'm not asking for you to program in enemies doing suppressing fire and shooting around you, I just want them to attempt to shoot you if you stick your head up too long) while their breacher buddies rush up and flank you to get the drop on you. Also, don't give them a minigun. Their armor as of now is fine by me, if a little too strong when bodyshotted, but they shouldn't also carry a minigun. Give them the firerate of a normal SAW.

    -Another new enemy type, a Marksman who carries an automatic DMR as sort of an in-between between snipers and machinegunners. This enemy type would be more mobile than the sniper, but have less DPS than the machinegunner due to firerate restrictions (would have more damage per shot). The only problem with this is, I'm not sure where it should be placed. My initial thought is that it could rarely replace the rifleman, but I think that might be a little unbalanced so I'd like to hear other people's thoughts.

    -Make enemy unarmed drones have the same mobility as your own, just for balance reasons. Those damn things are almost impossible to shoot on a controller (for me at least). If that makes them weak, I would give them faster spot time than other enemies to compensate.

    -Give the breacher enemies high RoF submachine guns more often than shotguns. The shotguns are a little annoying to deal with in general. (especially if the last point applies)

    -This might be a really contentious point, but at higher difficulties, the (individual) enemy and you should be equal in terms of fighting strength and endurance in my opinion - they should hit as hard as you, and last as long as you in terms of health. This might be already true in BP (I'm not sure off the top of my head), so please tell me if it is.

    submitted by /u/chernoprincess
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    Wildlands or Breakpoint

    Posted: 15 Sep 2021 02:19 PM PDT

    I've put a lengthy amount of time into Wildlands back when it was released, and I really enjoyed my time with it. I haven't given Breakpoint much of a play through but in 2021, what would you prefer to play?

    submitted by /u/hudgyyy
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    Belgian Special Forces Group outfit

    Posted: 15 Sep 2021 08:14 AM PDT

    Outpost Mechanics: How would you like to design it? Should it stay the way it is or should it be expanded upon?

    Posted: 15 Sep 2021 08:25 PM PDT

    Wth is this!?

    Posted: 15 Sep 2021 10:35 AM PDT

    Suboptimal Performance Regardless Of PC Settings

    Posted: 15 Sep 2021 07:07 PM PDT

    Suboptimal Performance Regardless Of PC Settings

    Hey all-

    This is operator KittehKun, I'm having some troubles running Ghost Recon Breakpoint (DX12). I am using the DX12 mode as I experience a significant performance downgrade when using Vulkan even if the settings are all turned to low.

    Here's the situation:

    I have been constantly messing with the settings for a few weeks now testing a variety of graphics settings in order to make this game run at a stable 60fps. I've looked at multiple optimization guides from this subreddit, YouTube, and forums in hopes of getting the game to run properly.

    Regardless of what settings I choose, I can only seem to hold ~50 - 55fps average. Sometimes, my FPS will dip to the 40s in towns/cities/villages.

    Here are my current specs:

    CPU - AMD Ryzen 5 3600 6-Core Processor (4.2GHz max)

    GPU - AMD Radeon RX 5600 XT 6GB (Driver 27.20.22001.14011)

    RAM - 16GB (Clocked at stable 3000Mhz)

    Note: Breakpoint is installed on an M.2 SSD

    I really enjoy Breakpoint, I just need to find a way to get the game running at a stable 60fps. Are there any suggestions you all might have? I've already ran DDU to rule out any driver issues.




    submitted by /u/KittehKun
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    How long does getting back a deleted character usually take?

    Posted: 15 Sep 2021 06:01 PM PDT

    So I lost my main level 24 Echelon and around 48-53 hours of play. I contacted Ubi Support around 3:45 my time, they were kind and help full, asked me some questions then told me that they will Email me when they get my character back. Does anyone know how long the process usually takes? They didn't exactly say and just want to know when I should start expecting an email.

    Thanks to anyone whos got an answer or theory.

    submitted by /u/Doctor-Nagel
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    Acquiring P227 Blueprint Fast & Not Furious | Ghost Breakpoint | Behemoth Camp

    Posted: 15 Sep 2021 04:06 PM PDT

    Things My brother and I want in a new ghost recon game. What does the community think? Anything I should be more specific about?

    Posted: 15 Sep 2021 11:37 AM PDT

    1. Open, living world.
    2. Vehicles
    3. Up to 12 player co-op
    4. Character Customization (including height, and body type. Why does the PC tower over literally everyone else? Are they a titan?)
    5. Realistic Sound design. The sound of gunshots and explosions don't magically disappear after 200 meters.
    6. More advanced gunsmith. You have an AR-15 as the base platform, then you should be able to change the barrel length, stock, attachments, fire switch etc. There shouldn't be multiple types of the same platform. There should not be a DMR version of the AR-15 and an Aussault version. They are the same gun.
    7. More camo options for clothes and equipment.
    8. More clothing options.
    9. Mod support
    10. Better ai tactics, i.e. have them attempt to surpress and flank. (this does NOT mean making them more accurate and deal more damage)
    11. Be able to call in Air support (ac-130 gunship? Cobra or apache attack helicopters would be cool, maybe even allow the player to control the gunner on the ac-130) Maybe have the predator drone circle around a little instead of just flying over in a straight line.
    12. Better ballistics model
    13. A.i. should be able to use tanks/apcs and other vehicles.
    14. More weapons
    15. Destructible environments. Similar to BF3. I should be able to demo a building.
    16. Firefight mode, where you have to fend off waves of attackers before eventually getting an evac.
    17. Dynamic missions. If you are attempting to EXFIL and your Blackhawk gets shot down, you should have to go and secure the crash site.(Think of the movie black hawk down).
    18. Extract enemy VIPs (like in mercenaries playground of destruction.
    19. Guerilla warfare tactics should be an option for you to use or have used against you.
    20. Mine fields
    21. Constructable defenses, make a temporary FOP, if it's left and not visited in 72 in game hours the locals and enemy will start deconstructing it.
    22. Base building (where it's an actual location in the world with no loading screen to enter.)
    23. Mission designer with friendly and enemy ai controls and commands (add some rts into the mix think Tom Clancy's end war or Arma 3 Zeus mode)
    24. Enemy a.i. ambushes (the game sees you travel a certain road a lot, maybe the a.i. puts up a sniper there, or an i.e.d. in the road. Maybe they set up a machine gun nest with the road as the killing field.)
    25. Mod support
    26. Camouflage should matter. (Someone dressed in all blue should be easier for the A.I. to spot in the forest than someone dressed in A-Tacs FG
    27. Custom patches, sorta like in BF where they have the emblem creator and it shows up in game.
    28. Vehicle skins.
    29. Fast ropes on helicopters and on buildings, like in Rainbow six Vegas 2.
    30. Usable mortars for players. (Similar to BF3)
    31. Choosable callsign, have like a list of 20-30 different callsigns for players to pick from, so in single player they can hear a voiced "custom" callsign.
    32. More bit more linear story.
    33. Map maker.
    34. Ship and boat boarding.
    35. Troop trucks should be able to hold more than just 2 people, let people sit in the bed of the truck, and in the bed of the pickup truck.
    36. Be able to load friendly A.i. into vehicles to come and assist you in fighting. (Think mercenaries playground of destruction).
    37. No leveling system
    38. No micro transactions
    39. No bugs
    40. Loadouts should consist of 1 main weapon, 1 side arm or rocket launcher, 1 taser.
    41. CBERN hazards
    42. War crimes, acknowledge them. (Probably one of my most memorable video game moments was in Arma 2 when I came across a mass grave and my objective changed to docuemt the crime scene.)
    43. 1.2k draw distance.
    44. No loading screens except to load up the game. Or to synce when players join.
    45. Optional first person mode.
    submitted by /u/Firefly-0006
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    The Classic, Ghost Recon Island Thunder!

    Posted: 15 Sep 2021 12:40 PM PDT

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