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    Thursday, July 29, 2021

    Ghost Recon - A word from your new Community Manager UbiHeruhoss

    Ghost Recon - A word from your new Community Manager UbiHeruhoss

    A word from your new Community Manager UbiHeruhoss

    Posted: 29 Jul 2021 06:31 AM PDT

    Hi fellow Ghosts, hope this message will find you all safe and sound.

    Today I am delighted to introduce myself as your new Community Manager working alongside with UbiPdawg, Community Developer, on Ghost Recon. I've been part of the Ghost Recon team as a Community Representative since 2017. Throughout the years, I have worked closely with Ubi-Hayve and even Ubi-Alien, 4 years ago. Kudos to everyone who were here at this time! :)

    I am sure that some of you are now wondering "why have I never seen this guy before if he's part of the GR Team since 2017?!" and the answer is that I was a French Community Representative, and as you can guess: I was interacting with the French part of the community! Firm handshake to the Baguette Ghosts that are reading this message, and with who I have interacted with during these years.

    But enough talking, just one last thing: please, believe that the team is truly thankful to all of you, that are chatting tirelessly, daily, about Ghost Recon. We are committed to do great things for you, and to work hard on topics that you are interested in.

    That is it for me today! Ghost Leader Heruhoss, over.

    submitted by /u/UbiHeruhoss
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    Nice easter egg we got here

    Posted: 29 Jul 2021 04:18 AM PDT

    Kingslayer Team somewhere in Bolivia - 2019

    Posted: 29 Jul 2021 11:52 AM PDT

    This rebel has some real cojones to refill at a SB station

    Posted: 29 Jul 2021 03:16 PM PDT

    Wolves need this. Give them something to deny our intel tools.

    Posted: 29 Jul 2021 03:52 PM PDT

    The sound of Breakpoint

    Posted: 29 Jul 2021 07:42 PM PDT

    Growing Out of Touch

    Posted: 29 Jul 2021 11:24 AM PDT

    I've been a huge fan of Ubisoft games for years, specifically the Rainbow Six, Far Cry and above all Ghost Recon franchises. But the latest/upcoming games from each of those has taking them in a different, out of touch and aimless direction. I'll use one example to save time; Wildlands was in my opinion the peak of Co-op gaming. You could turn off the HUD, they added the revolutionary Ghost Mode and the hostile Santa Blanca cartel was brilliantly designed and integrated perfectly with the environment (which was also fantastic). Then breakpoint came out and it was clear the focus was on everything but the fundamentals of a Ghost Recon game. The graphics were nice and the were some great changes to movement and a basic camouflage system, nice looking 5.11 products (with no actual gear functionality) but the looting, resource collecting, ridiculous aerial blitzkrieg and tank-bot drones, an extreme amount of dramatic cutscenes and cliché 'tough guy' voice acting just to name a few, all too vital to ignore and unfortunately way out of touch with the Ghost Recon series. As for the enemies, they are so clueless and incompetent it makes the game unplayable. Even with the HUD off. They have no sense of self preservation, do not react when shot while advancing, can not figure out the source of an unsuppressed shot from close range and are broken records. There is no interesting dialogue between them like Santa Blanca. The drones are an incredibly lazy solution for advanced adversaries, and quite frankly disappointing when you could simply have different tiers of enemy infantry AI who gradually get more intelligent, aggressive and coordinated via their respective tiers. I'm saying this because Ubisoft is now coming out with their new free-to-play xDefiant, which they say focuses on realistic gunplay (just look for yourself) and I have to wonder if they truly don't see the errors in their ways these last few years. Anyone else think something similar? I have ta ton of good ideas for Ghost Recon, and I would like to hear more, and hopefully it gets attention because that series will die if it isn't revitalized!

    submitted by /u/MasterBlaster6699
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    Strike team Lightning capturing HVT Sentinel pilot at Step-Up Startup

    Posted: 29 Jul 2021 04:07 PM PDT

    Does anyone else think it would be refreshing to get a Ghost Recon 2001 Remake?

    Posted: 29 Jul 2021 01:56 PM PDT

    I know this sub is known for being very demanding and Ubi is overwhelmed with(or ignoring, idk) outrageous requests, but do you guys think that could be a reasonable game to have in the future? I'm going to be honest here, I didn't have the honor to play the OG Ghost Recon myself, but watching playthroughs on Youtube made me think it could be an interesting idea to play the game with modern graphics and more game mechanics.

    Consoles are severely lacking in realistic tactical shooters, so there could be a huge chance to bring the genre to Consoles. They could make an extensive gunsmith and loadouts that actually mattered based on the mission. They could make CQB urban missions as a call back to the old Rainbow Six games. They could make terrifying night raids that make you question your every step. Don't forget the classic M81 camo.

    We saw how well Modern Warfare was received for having a grittily realistic story with heavy attention to detail to the weapons, then Warzone happened, but still.

    I know this is demanding a lot, but I just wanted to provoke some thoughts or questions on a new game that we could all get on board with. What do you guys think?

    submitted by /u/VazTheOperator
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    Idea for New Ghost Recon Game

    Posted: 29 Jul 2021 04:32 AM PDT

    I've been spending majority of my days recently playing through breakpoint again with the ghost experience. In my opinion this brought a fresh, tactical and realistic feel to to game. After spending quite some time with these settings I came to the conclusion that THIS is what ghost recon was envisioned to be. It would be amazing to see further progress towards realism in future games in the ghost recon series.

    Features I would personally LOVE to see: - Less drones, less advanced futuristic tech, make the games for realistic to play

    • A wider variety of customisation. I acknowledge that ghost recon involves large levels of customisation and creative freedom when it comes to character design, however I believe the game would benefit from more customisation not only on the player but also the arsenal of weapons they have on offer.

    • Tactical camouflage, make camouflage a feature, add stealth bonuses when using camouflage or make the player harder to be detected while wearing appropriate camouflage for the area they are operating in

    • Realistic storyline. Ghost Recon Wildlands did this really well as it had an in depth, enjoyable, realistic and believable storyline.

    • Scenario creation. Create scenarios where clearing an enemy base/outpost/checkpoint needs thorough planning, add obstacles to the approach such as SAM turrets that could be avoided by ground entry or even a HALO drop.

    • Better Co-op communication. This isn't as much of a point as the above, however it would be nice to see a form of communication through radios to better immerse the player even when playing with friends.

    • A wider variety of military vehicles.

    • More involved AI. What I mean by this is having the option to have an AI pilot fly you over your area of operations so your whole squad can skydive down. However still have the option to manually pilot the aircraft.

    Anyway, that's about it, if you did take the time to read this thankyou greatly for that, if you agreed with some of the ideas an upvote would bet greatly appreciated.


    submitted by /u/WindexRiiice
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    just the ghost war outfits i had made

    Posted: 29 Jul 2021 02:04 PM PDT

    THE NEXT GHOST RECON : Attn Ghost Recon Dev Team and all immersive players.

    Posted: 29 Jul 2021 05:17 PM PDT

    I have been playing Tom Clancy Rainbow Six, SplinterCell and Ghost Recon since 1998 when the brand first launched. I have seen how far the Tom Clancy brand has come. So many improvements were made in Breakpoint but I believe consistency is very important when it comes to brand. Listening to the audience is important but too much change can backfire which is why I believe Breakpoint didn't do as well as Wildlands. The fan-base wanted a Wildlands 2 but instead they got Breakpoint. Players were not ready for the drastic changes they made to the game. Gear score being one of them. This is an arcade type system that defies the roots of the Tom Clancy brand/theme. Don't take this the wrong way. I LOVE Breakpoint. I think I have more hours in Breakpoint than I do any other game.

    Ghost Recon Wildlands paved the road to a whole new way on how Tom Clancy games are played. Ghost Recon Wildlands nailed it and is the perfect building block to base the Ghost Recon series off of.

    Here I have listed my ideas that I feel would allow Ghost Recon to dominate the competition and create the player experience the audience truly wants. Several years of thought has been put into this.

    NOTE: This vision of mine is geared towards the Tactical Immersive players who appreciate the roots of the Tom Clancy brand/theme.


    *** highest priority

    ** Second highest priority

    * Medium priority

    Low priority

    ***Lower time to kill. I would like to see Ghost Recon be a one shot one kill game when extreme/immersive mode is enabled. The only weapons that should not be allowed to penetrate body armor are pistols. Any DMR, ASR, SMG, Shotgun should penetrate all body armor unless bullet velocity is lost due to distance to target. Use Sniper rifles to counter this.

    Heavy Gunners: A couple shots to the chest or one grenade should get the job done on these guys. It doesn't make sense that heavy gunners are immune to all weapons from the neck down.

    Armor/Bullet proof vest system: When a player shoots an enemy AI in the chest that is wearing a bullet proof vest but the vest stops the bullet, that hostile should get knocked out. This is what happens in real life when you take a bullet to the vest. You are out of commission. The hostile you knocked out should regain consciousness in roughly 5 minutes. In order to prevent any hostile from getting back up you suspect might be knocked out instead of eliminated you can confirm the kill by doing a second run on them while he's unconscious. If this is implemented than 1 out of every 30 hostiles should get knocked out. Keep those number low.

    **Backpack/Harness/Vest/Inventory System: Create a system like Escape From Tarkov. Backpack size/type, vest size/type, harness size/type should dictate the amount/type of gadgets and ammo the player can carry. Want to be able to carry more ammo? Then you need to purchase a bigger backpack and/or an upgraded harness.

    Pros: Increase realism and create a more immersive experience for tactical/strategic players who like to fiddle with the load-out abilities.

    Cons: Reduces freedom of weapon and gadget selection. Player will be restricted due to type of backpack and vest they have equipped. This can easily be countered by having multiple variations of vests, packs, and harnesses.

    *Restructure the water-bottle/stamina system. The stamina bar should not reduce if you sprint past exhaustion. Instead I would recommend having a stamina bar that lowers over a long period of time (several hours) and increases consumption while in combat, sprinting, hiking uphill etc. Accuracy and stamina should slowly reduce if the character becomes too dehydrated.

    **Create a gear/weight obstacle. Example: If you have a massive backpack carrying an LMG and a ton of explosives then the character should run out of stamina quicker having to hydrate more often. I wouldn't lower movement speed of the player due to weight as I feel this would lower the enjoyment of the game. Having a healthy balance of realistic/tactical/immersive aspects and fun is important to keep the game enjoyable for everyone. Too many realistic aspects can very easily destroy the enjoyment of playing a game. If the devs really wanted to kick it up a notch they could even make aiming more unstable (increase sway) when a character has a massive load-out such as a huge backpack with tons of loot in it. But again. I feel this would decrease the fun factor for some people.

    ***Enemy AI Cosmetics: Enemy AI should be dressed in military camo to match the environment. It would significantly increase enjoyment if the enemies were dressed in military/tactical gear. If I am in the jungle then I want the enemies to be dressed in jungle camo so they are harder to spot. If I come across an enemy special forces unit I want them to look like an enemy special forces unit. I want to feel like I am engaging an elite hostile special forces unit. Not trying to assassinate a small group of goths.

    ***Convoys/enemy presence: Imagine firing at a convoy and having a ground unit transport truck slam on the breaks and 20 infantry soldiers rush out of the back and engage your team. What a rush that would be!! I hope to see curve balls thrown at me like this in the future. Seeing mobile mortar/launch truck that can relocate around the map at any given time would put a spin on things. One day there is a mortar patrolling a field but the next they there isn't because they move around the map depending on your Ghost Teams activity and presence. If you are operating heavily in a province and going loud a lot then more patrols such as: azraels, chopper patrols, mobile units etc should be dispatched to the province you are in forcing the player to travel to a new province to operate until the province they are currently in cools down. This should not happen instantly but slowly over a course of many hours of game-play.

    Details: The player can remain in that province if they choose but will soon find out that it's not worth it due to extremely high enemy presence. Chance of survival is significantly reduced and creates more obstacles to overcome to complete missions. Maintaining a low profile/stealth will be important for preventing increased security presence within the province you're operating in.

    ***Enemy AI Intelligence: I would love to see extraordinarily intelligent enemy AI. I want enemy sniper and infantry ground units to spot me from greater distances creating that immersive feel of avoiding enemy detection. I also want the enemy AI to be alerted/respond to our presence/activity much easier. For example if a gunshot is made than ALL enemies/bases within a 3 mile radius should be alerted to it and send forces to investigate the location of the noise. This will force the player to think strategically. Do I engage in this area? If we are heard where should we fall back to? How many hostiles are within a 3 mile radius of our current location? What is the current threat level of this province? All these factors will have to be considered from the player before advancing on targets. Critical thinking will become a factor.

    ***Enemy snipers: I would LOVE to see camouflaged hostile snipers hidden throughout the map in multiple locations forcing the player to keep an extremely close eye to the environment and in the distance at all times. Sort of like the Fallen Ghosts DLC in Wildlands or better yet the yeti mission from Wildlands. Just have a bunch of those guys patrolling the wilderness. =D HooRaw!

    Enemy trip wires: I would like to see enemy trip wires placed in key locations around the map that the player need to look out for.

    **Treasure hunts: Treasure hunts NEED to be more entertaining. I would like to see more of a Uncharted (game) approach. Areas of operation/cave sites could be heavily guarded by enemy forces. The player can fight and/or sneak their way through enemy forces to get to the treasure maps, clues and cave sites. This way we get the enjoyment of exploration alongside the enjoyment of combat/stealth engagements. Another idea is to make treasure hunts exclusive to obtaining skill points. Meaning skill points can only be found in caves from completing treasure hunts.

    **Enemy vehicles and drones: Helicopter patrols, convoys, azrael drones, turrets, mortars, sam sites are great and should remain. Changes I would like to see are: hostile flying drones as non weaponized recon only drones so they can only spot you and alert the enemy to your presence and not kill you. I would remove behemoths and ayms and incorporate traditional army tanks that can be taken out with anti-tank mines, .50 cal rifles or rocket launchers. Other enemy vehicles can be added such as mobile mortar trucks, enemy submarines located off the coast that can detect and launch missiles at you. Battle ships out on the ocean that can shoot your team out of the sky if you get too close. Again balance is important so I wouldn't include all of these. Just some.

    ***Exploration/Side Missions: Player need to feel like the task they are pursuing serves a purpose and will benefit them in the game. Searching for gemstones does not give the player a feeling of purpose. Pulling a heist on an enemy warehouse to steel networking cables so rebel ops can establish their own network communications would serve a greater purpose and increase exploration/side mission enjoyment.

    Scavenging for consumables to make rations and sell at shops is good. Treasure hunts are another great way to incentivize exploration as long as they make the treasure hunts more action packed. Earning money for discovering an entire province would be another good incentive. Searching for and collecting intel/collectables is a great way to incentivize exploration for the immersive players and they should keep this. Bottom line: Players need to feel purpose behind the tasks they are carrying out.

    *Camouflage: Camo and especially gillie suits should affect how hard or easy it is for enemy ai to spot you. If you are wearing jungle camo in the snowy mountains than enemy ai should be able to spot you very easily. Wearing a gillie suit should give the player the most anonymity when it comes to enemy ai detection.

    Friendly Reinforcements: Calling in rebel reinforcements in Wildlands was AMAZING. I really hope they bring this back.

    *Shop/Inventory: I would like the ability to break down and sell my weapons in immersive mode as well as vehicles.

    ***Combat: Quicker weapon swap times. Example. After my character launches on M203 grenade he then starts the mini in game action where he reloads the M203 launcher with another grenade. When I am in a tight spot and press down on the D pad to swap from my M203 under-barrel attachment back to firing bullets it won't let me. It will cancel the swap because the game wants me to wait till my character is finished with the in game cinematic of reloading the M203 launcher with a new grenade. Button actions need to be more responsive and auto cancel the current action when initiating a new button action. Same thing when reviving a teammate. I should be able to instantly cancel the pickup and whip out my weapon really fast to lay down fire when things hit the fan. All these little in game cinematic/player movements need to cancelled when initiating a new input. Just to further clarify. If I am in a river sipping from my water canteen and an enemy patrol helicopter spots me and engages. My character should immediately cancel the sipping water in game cinematic and swap to his weapon by simply pressing L2 (aiming).

    Currency: In game currency (such as skell credits) could be paid out upon completing a mission. Payout amount can be dependent on performance just like in Splinter Cell Blacklist. Example: If you complete a mission on Elite difficulty rather than easy you should be rewarded a bonus. If you complete a mission undetected you should be rewarded additional income for that. More money should be rewarded with more hostiles you eliminate. Bonuses can be rewarded for completing a mission under a certain time-frame or rewarded for remaining undetected or no bodies being discovered. Your game-play performance determines the amount of in game currency you earn to put towards better equipment for your load-out.

    Purchase/reward/shop system/skill tree etc: Instead of exploring for weapon blueprints and attachments every weapon, attachment, vehicle, cosmetic, class, perk, skill tree should be accessible right off the bat. Players can freely choose what they want.

    Scavenging system: Scavenging for consumables in the wilderness to create rations that give you a temporary buff is awesome. Please keep this.

    Perks: Utilizing 3 different perks to give you an tactical edge dependent on your environment and mission is really enjoyable. Please keep this.

    Customization: Customization is so important and Ghost Recon Breakpoint did a really good job on this but more can be added. More clothing options especially tactical combat clothing. I would love to see the ability to add gilly camo to any weapon but especially snipers. Make it an add on just like a weapon attachment. Another thing that would be really cool to see is: instead of having a primary weapon attach to the side of a backpack like a magnet have the weapon hang off a weapon sling.

    ***Get rid of sliding down hills and mountains. Please please please.

    ***Ghost Mode: Ghost Mode in Wildlands IS AMAZING PLEASE BRING THIS TO BREAKPOINT.

    User Interface: UI could be simplified as it is in Wildlands. Example: The weapons list has pistols, dmr, asr, shotguns, sniper rifles and smg all in their own tabs that allowed for easy selecting. In Breakpoint all those weapons are in the same list and takes forever to navigate.

    Story-line: Criminal underworlds, covert CIA ops, black-ops, drug trafficking, inside jobs, double agents, rebel forces, deception, conspiracies, computer hacking, bio-hazard materials and generally darker story lines that shock and captivate the audience is one effective method for increasing interest in the game. I LOVED episode 2 and 3 as well as Amber Sky and Resistance in Breakpoint.

    Friendly AI: Since the AI update I have been very happy with how combat effective the Ghost teammates are. Just wish they would secure an area before reviving me instead of reviving me as 4 wolves are standing next to me with shotguns leveled at my head ready to end me the second I stand back up.

    Banter: Funnier banter with Ghost AI like in Wildlands. Whenever I accidentally killed a civilian my team would rip into me. I really miss that. Maybe have the team AI crack a joke or make a comment from something in the environment.

    Create an underwater mission where scuba gear needs to be used. Some ideas are planting C4 on a submarine or naval ship. Clearing an underwater mine field for friendly submarines. Severing an underwater networking cable line etc. Hostile special forces divers, sharks, submarines, giant whales should be present to enhance the wow factor of exploring the depths of the ocean as an elite special forces unit.

    PVP: PvP needs to be structured very differently from the PvE experience. PvP was incredible in Wildlands. Specific characters with specific abilities I feel is the way to go rather than using perks. You shouldn't have to scavenge items in the map such as frag grenades, intel grenades, smoke grenades flash bangs. These items should be equipped from the load-out menu and dependent on the class you are using. The use of drones with the drone operators need to come back. That is what made pvp so much fun in Wildlands. It was a main feature that everyone loves and utilized all the time. Head-shots should be an instant kill no matter what weapon you are using. Objective based matches where teamwork is more important like hostage rescue or planting a bomb is a lot of fun. More maps could be added to pvp more regularly.

    NOTE: If there is something I didn't mention in this post that means it's good. Keep it in the game.

    NOTE: The ability to customize the environment is an incredible feature and this needs to stay so players have the ability to fine tune the game towards their preferred play style.

    submitted by /u/TacticalCyberpunk
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    Splinter Cell Returning Wouldn't Fix Ubisoft's Tom Clancy Problem

    Posted: 29 Jul 2021 05:57 AM PDT

    This was a neat little easter egg hunt, like most I wish the pistol was suppressed.

    Posted: 29 Jul 2021 04:57 PM PDT

    Accidentally took out my friend

    Posted: 29 Jul 2021 04:31 AM PDT

    PS5 makes this game look next - gen .

    Posted: 29 Jul 2021 08:07 AM PDT

    Stuck that landing..twice. (Near death gameplay)

    Posted: 28 Jul 2021 11:34 PM PDT

    Don't say it don't think it don't say it don't think it don't say it don't think it don't say it don't think it don't say it don't think it don't say it don't think it don't say it don't think it

    Posted: 29 Jul 2021 01:22 PM PDT

    Sentinel investing in underglow for their dune buggies ��

    Posted: 29 Jul 2021 03:58 AM PDT

    Wait for my mark.

    Posted: 29 Jul 2021 05:42 PM PDT

    Fireteam Foxtrot moving to objective.

    Posted: 29 Jul 2021 09:32 AM PDT

    [EASTER EGG] So I found this small reference to Peter Jacksons first feature length film!

    Posted: 29 Jul 2021 01:21 AM PDT

    I came up with this classed based concept for me and the guys and I wanted some feedback. All the classes have been tested and carefully catered to taking on a Behemoth Drone solo. The equipment is so that there can be a healthy area of not over specializing in one class.(everyone having assualt)

    Posted: 29 Jul 2021 07:52 PM PDT

    Tom Clancy's XDefiant Closed Test Map Preview #1 | Ubisoft [NA]

    Posted: 29 Jul 2021 07:27 PM PDT


    Posted: 29 Jul 2021 08:24 AM PDT

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