• Breaking News

    Monday, April 12, 2021

    Ghost Recon - You guys never fail me

    Ghost Recon - You guys never fail me

    You guys never fail me

    Posted: 12 Apr 2021 02:44 PM PDT

    I don't have a title, I just thought the lighting was crisp here

    Posted: 12 Apr 2021 07:30 AM PDT

    Prolly gonna get hate but you know what Wildlands is the better game

    Posted: 11 Apr 2021 09:33 PM PDT

    My people need me

    Posted: 12 Apr 2021 01:22 PM PDT

    Banner for upcoming group - "The Element"

    Posted: 12 Apr 2021 04:23 PM PDT

    Fen bog can have awesome daybreaks and sunsets.

    Posted: 12 Apr 2021 11:20 AM PDT


    Posted: 12 Apr 2021 04:16 PM PDT

    Peacekeeping in Villa Verde (Wildlands)

    Posted: 12 Apr 2021 05:12 AM PDT

    I only told you to blow the bloody doors off!

    Posted: 12 Apr 2021 04:13 PM PDT

    Recently came back after seeing the Road Map and man does it feel good

    Posted: 12 Apr 2021 02:20 PM PDT

    I wouldn't venture out there fellas, this sniper's got talent....

    Posted: 12 Apr 2021 04:31 PM PDT

    2 beautiful images from Wildlands

    Posted: 12 Apr 2021 06:26 PM PDT

    Is there a fashion group where I can post/get inspiration from?

    Posted: 12 Apr 2021 11:49 AM PDT

    I'm looking for ideas for my own character, but I don't wanna go through Google images, looking at SF guys lol.

    submitted by /u/MTOates
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    Swamp Ghost

    Posted: 11 Apr 2021 10:55 PM PDT

    I’m hoping with the coming updates we see a lot more authentic SOF gear. Yes I realize the mk18 is another AR15/M16 variant, I don’t care. I’m also hoping to see more ghost recon content.

    Posted: 12 Apr 2021 04:26 PM PDT

    'Self flying' helicopters in single player that will hover so you can aim out of them and fly away when you jump/rappel out

    Posted: 12 Apr 2021 01:11 PM PDT

    Please Ubi. I want to halo jump into enemy bases but I hate that I have to crash an aircraft outside it's front door to do it.

    submitted by /u/OJSimpsonTheMusical
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    de nada amigo

    Posted: 12 Apr 2021 05:49 PM PDT

    Tango down!

    Posted: 12 Apr 2021 05:14 PM PDT

    New Group Work In Progress, ill be ready for members in a about a week but here is a sneak peak at some of the stuff we'll have incorporated. Hopefully I can get some of you guys to hop in, hoping to have some fun times here. Hit me up and I'll keep you updated

    Posted: 12 Apr 2021 02:44 PM PDT

    Hit the f*cking deck!!

    Posted: 12 Apr 2021 04:15 PM PDT

    Help with Echelon rank 9 (and future ranks)

    Posted: 12 Apr 2021 07:13 PM PDT

    I've been having some issues with Echelon rank 9. Specifically the objective of "kill 20 enemies without being detected". I've probably stealth killed at least 50 people, but I haven't ranked up. Its the last damn objective and I really want the damn Silencer Set.

    submitted by /u/Jack_Hue
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    An Open Letter on the Improvement of Friendly AI

    Posted: 12 Apr 2021 09:08 AM PDT

    I created a new account for this, so there's no baggage tied to any of my previous comments, and this is presented without bias.

    This is not a trend unique to Ubisoft; AI in games, especially AAA games, has gotten progressively dumber throughout the years. Friendly AI, never much more than cannon fodder anyway, have lost any semblance of intelligence they once had. Rank structure, at one time being significant in games, has become little more than aesthetic and health changes to enemies. Gone are the days of games such as Halo 3 and Halo: Reach when killing a commander would cause less disciplined troops to scatter like roaches in the light, and the days where enemies would surrender more readily like they did in SOCOM. I won't go in to who is to blame for this, because I believe there to be blame all around, journalists, consumers and studios alike, but I would like to talk about how this could be improved, specifically in Ghost Recon, but these concepts can be adapted for other games as well.

    We can start with friendly AI, henceforth called FAI. FAI in Breakpoint was obviously an afterthought, and hastily implemented. I hold no hope for the future updates correcting this, because I hold no hope that studios actually care, or actually understand HOW to fix FAI. For this reason, I'll be comparing what FAI do in Wildlands, and how that can be improved upon to produce a better product and end-user experience.

    • Callouts - Problem - With enemy markers turned off, you rely more on FAI callouts to maintain situational awareness. Currently FAI will call out enemies using landmarks. This can be extremely useful, but only if you know what you're looking for. Holt calling out "Sicario with a submachine gun; near the dump" works, if you know where the dump is, and can actively see it, or look for it. If you have to search for a landmark, you'll more than likely see the Sicario yourself.
    • Callouts - Solution - This solution can range from fairly simple to extremely complex. Utilizing the compass in-game, FAI could give directions and distances to targets. For example: "Two sicarios, zero-three-zero, twenty meters." Now I can utilize the otherwise useless compass to search for enemies that I may have otherwise missed. Complexity can be added by giving altitude callouts such as "High" or "Second Floor". The latter example would be significantly more difficult than the altitude comparison that the former would require, but it could be feasible in certain situations.

    • Command - Problem - This is obviously one of the largest steps backwards in the series that progressed slowly, but ultimately eroded the foundation of Ghost Recon until reaching what had, at the time, been rock bottom in FS. Wildlands only had moderately more control over FAI than FS, and about on par with GRAW/2. We have 4 commands in Wildlands, but functionally we only have 3. "Fire", "Hold (Position)", "Move (Position)", "Regroup". Functionally, "Hold" could be removed and the "Move" command could be used to have your FAI stay in one place. Additionally, each of these commands is given to all 3 FAI with no nuance. Midas, who holds a(n) SMG, and Weaver, a DMR, will both move to and engage from the same position. The command wheel is clunky and difficult to navigate under-fire. The "Fire" command, is functionally a "Kill everything with laser precision" command. FAI disregard their own well-being (another issue we will discuss later) to eliminate all hostiles, removing the player from the game all-together.
    • Command - Solution - The ability to command squad members individually. More commands. More nuance to commands. Simple to say, difficult to agree on, challenging to implement correctly, but that doesn't mean a studio should throw up their hands and say "We can't". Options for commands:
      • Open Fire - Yes I know I complained about this command, but instead of it being killing everything, the FAI will fire on anything in it's FOV without changing positions and hunting enemies, unless flanked by enemies.
      • Hold Fire - Unless the player or the FAI are at risk of being detected, or are actively being fired upon, FAI will hold fire until given a command to the contrary.
      • Move and Clear - 2 FAI will push from cover to cover, covering one another in the process eliminating hostiles until clear
      • Move - Same old move to a location command. FAI will seek cover within a 3m radius around the area told to move to.
      • Suppress - FAI will cover a conical area and fire at enemies who stick their head out to keep them suppressed, and unable to tell where the player and other FAI are.
      • Regroup - FAI will move to the player's position, as quickly, and quietly as possible.
      • Retreat - FAI will move to the player's position, as quickly as possible, eliminating hostiles that are in their way.
      • Flash/Smoke/Frag - FAI will throw the selected grenade at the selected area, allowing a pinned down player to move out of a potentially deadly situation
    • Command - Solution (Cont.) - Additionally, quick command button(s), that would allow the player to preset command that can be used quickly under fire. The necessity of a deep command system is inversely proportional to the intelligence of FAI; however, I don't think a FAI that exactly replicated the thought processes and actions of a real SF operator would eliminate the need for a command system altogether, but that does nicely introduce our next topic.

    • Intelligence - Problem - There's none. FAI will allow a squad to walk right up onto the player. Their pathfinding is atrocious. They lack a sense of self-preservation. I can never expect them to think like a SF soldier. I can expect them to take certain actions in certain situations.
    • Intelligence - Solution - FAI should be calculating priority targets, and engaging them before or as soon as a situation goes sideways. FAI should never be waiting for a player to give a command if the player is under direct fire. FAI should also be proactive about engaging hostiles. If a patrol is about to walk up on a player from outside their FOV, FAI should take action to prevent that. If a hostile is about to detect the player, and a FAI has the ability to engage, the FAI should do so. FAI should never be standing out in the open. If there's no cover, FAI should be prone, and moving to cover. If FAI has no LOS on a target, but a last known location, FAI should be suppressing that position. FAI should never be attempting to revive a downed Ghost if a heavy weapon, or a victor is in play. The exact mechanism of this isn't simple, it will require the FAI to be able to process certain data from within their FOV and make decisions. This isn't something basic, by any means, but I believe it can be implemented, by giving the FAI certain criteria it has to meet before it engages. This could be:
      • Prioritizing targets:
        • Targets with LOS of the player, who are outside the players FOV are primary
        • Targets with LOS of the player, who are outside the player's immediate crosshair, but inside FOV are secondary
        • Targets with LOS of the player, who are inside the player's immediate crosshair are tertiary
        • Targets with LOS of the FAI are quaternary
        • Indirect fire and heavy weapons (MGs, snipers, victors) that don't have direct LOS are quinary
        • All other targets
    • Intelligence - Solution (Cont.) - Again, this is by no means an easy task, but improvements to FAI is critical to making a better game.

    This post has gotten long, and while I intended to talk about enemy AI in this as well, I'm going to break that off into a separate post. I'm going to end it here, for now. I welcome feedback. I'll probably write up the enemy AI post shortly, and post it after the discussion on this, if any, has died down.

    One last thing, this is by no means a comprehensive list of what could or should be changed about AI or the game in general. I'm interested in the feedback the community has to see what their thoughts on AI changes are.

    submitted by /u/Warheads_On4heads
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    Thought about picking up Breakpoint, but...

    Posted: 12 Apr 2021 06:22 PM PDT

    ...downloaded the trial and the game crashed twice during the tutorial. Has this been a normal experience for people on PS5? Seems like a good enough game for $15, but crashing twice within an hour kinda turned me off to it.

    submitted by /u/Ragnarok_MS
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