• Breaking News

    Saturday, November 21, 2020

    Ghost Recon - This gets us every time

    Ghost Recon - This gets us every time

    This gets us every time

    Posted: 21 Nov 2020 07:36 AM PST

    ePiC sTuNtZ

    Posted: 21 Nov 2020 10:44 AM PST

    Just a Pic of my guy.

    Posted: 21 Nov 2020 06:47 AM PST

    I find this image of the Gargoyle to be kind of haunting. I had a dream of it searching the island, looking for me. I sometimes find myself really enjoying the presence of these artificially-intelligent threats.

    Posted: 21 Nov 2020 01:45 PM PST

    It says it all, fun memories from bolivia with the bois

    Posted: 21 Nov 2020 09:17 AM PST

    New phone wallpaper

    Posted: 21 Nov 2020 10:49 AM PST

    GHOST RECON SURVIVAL: Realistic Survival and immersion role playing system for ghost recon breakpoint

    Posted: 21 Nov 2020 09:52 AM PST

    Hello everyone!

    i've been working on collecting a huge set of rules that I've developed myself or have learned from others in the community for a more realistic survival game play system. These rules are really fun and I highly recommend giving them a try. I will be making a PDF of this at some point.


    GHOST RECON SURVIVAL: Realistic Survival and immersion role playing system

    This rule set seeks to provide a more immersive and engaging survival experience in ghost recon breakpoint using existing in-game systems and features.

    By using this rule set you will experience a deeper and more meaningful interaction with the food, water and foraging economy in the open world, as well as a more tactical and realistic approach to carrying capacity, equipment usage, and world traversal.


    Character prep:

    For Best results, start a fresh character with a blank skill tree. Use the following guidelines And settings in the ghost experience parameter page:

    Ghost experience parameter settings:

    -Set gear level to off

    -set enemy difficulty to advanced or higher

    -set Tactical difficulty to elite

    -set "syringes heal injuries" to OFF under tactical difficulty

    -set interface settings to minimal

    -set stamina, Weapon and items display, and class technique display to "off" in custom interface settings

    -Set HUD markers for teammates to never

    -Set HUD markers for Objectives to never

    -Set HUD markers for Communication to dynamic (you will need to use these markers for navigating with the new realistic navigation system described in this document)

    -Set HUD markers for Locations to dynamic (you will need this setting for The new realistic navigation system described in this document)

    Set input reminder- on foot to dynamic

    Set "social and bivouacs" to restricted


    Clearing out your food and plant inventory:

    Sell all of your food consumables and plant consumables so that you can start from scratch with this new system


    Skill tree settings:

    For a more realistic and challenging survival experience, it is important to NOT activate ANY stamina, movement speed, weapon performance or health related skills in the skill tree. Your characters skill tree should be mostly naked except for a few basic things like a parachute and night vision goggles etc. Keep it this way for the duration of your Playthrough.

    -Do not upgrade the canteen. Keep it at its base level of three drinks and no filter

    -for the purposes of this system we will be using the Pathfinder class as your permanent and only class. This will provide a more realistic recon experience (see "Realistic drone usage and recon" in this document)

    In summary, the more vulnerable and exposed your character is, the more you will engage with the games advanced survival systems.



    What follows is a description of the new rule sets for a more realistic and immersive survival experience. Although it is recommended that you start a fresh character with the above settings for the best results, these rules can still be used with pretty much any character type or class:


    Realistic carrying capacity rules:

    To simulate a more realistic carrying capacity, your item wheel will function as your ENTIRE inventory. No accessing of your full character inventory allowed AT ALL while in the field. Items can only be removed or added to the item wheel at the bivouac. Note that food rations count as inventory and will thus need to be packed in your item wheel.

    You are also limited to two full sets of clothing for changing in the field: the one you are currently wearing and one visual preset. You may mix and match from the items in these sets in the field as needed. It is highly advisable that both you and your AI teammates wear appropriate cloths for the climate and camouflage of each region.

    NOTE: It is also highly recommended that you always carry the canteen, binoculars and food. You will be using them frequently

    Consider what gear and clothing you need for your journey and plan accordingly!


    Realistic hunger and foraging rules:

    To simulate eating and hunger in the open world, this rule set uses the "buff timer" from rations as a stand-in for "hunger". Heres how it works:

    you must always have a ration-based buff active. For our purposes we are using the countdown timer of the buff to represent how much time you have until you need to "eat" again. When the timer reaches zero you should eat as soon as you can.

    To eat you need to consume one full "meal"

    One "meal" equals one FULL set of basic protein based rations, OR two FULL sets of any plant based rations (non protein based). A full "set" is a ration that has reached maximum capacity; for example a ration with 5/5 next to it is a full set. A ration with 3/5 next to it is not a full set and thus not valid for eating.

    To eat the "meal", you must equip the full set of rations and eat the entire set in one sitting in rapid succession.

    No eating of incomplete ration sets! A "meal" is only valid for eating when its a completely full set!

    Meals can only be prepared at the bivouac.


    Note that the reasoning for eating an entire "set" of rations rather than individual pieces is to create more scarcity and rebalance the over abundance of resources in the game.

    Also note that different rations have different durations and thus different durations for how long before you need to eat again.

    Also note that any buffs gained from performing any actions in the bivouac "preparations" tab are not part of this system and are simply treated as additional buffs. That timer is not part of the hunger system.

    If you run out of plants or proteins for crafting meals you will have to hunt and forage for them! Note that different plants grow in different regions. Get to know where things grow so you can find them when you need them.

    Keep track of your supplies and plan for your journey accordingly!


    Realistic healing system rules:

    To simulate a more immersive and realistic healing system, no usage or equipping of syringes is allowed AT ALL. Bandages are the ONLY healing item allowed and must be set to "few" in immersive settings.

    Note that when using bandages to heal, you do not have to use the full set of bandages. You can interrupt the bandaging animation partway through and only use a little bit of it. This is great for when you're wanting to save one last bandage for an emergency.

    If you're out of bandages, you will need to craft more at a bivouac. If you are severely injured and out of bandages, and cannot climb hills without falling, you'll have to find a car and drive to a bivouac to craft a bandage and Heal.


    Realistic crafting and modification rules:

    For a more immersive crafting experience, ALL crafting/modification/changing of consumables, weapons, gear and clothing must be done at bivouac.


    Suppressor "degradation" rules:

    To simulate limited suppressor availability and simulate degradation, all suppressors must be UNEQUIPPED on both rifle and pistol while traveling and fighting in the open world. Suppressors are only allowed to be equipped for stealth missions or base clearing and must be unequipped when the mission is over.

    Think of it as your character preserving his suppressor for when he really needs it.

    This rule has the added benefit of stirring up more enemy activity and dynamic gunplay in the open world. It is particularly fun with rebel presence activated in the world parameters settings.


    Limited drone usage rules:

    To make recon a more challenging and immersive experience, personal drone usage is not allowed at all. All drone recon must be done with the Pathfinder drone, which is limited to up to two uses and has a limited timeframe for each use. This creates a more immersive and challenging experience for scanning bases and looking for clues. Please note that the Pathfinder drone can be used to mark enemies for sync shot and Identify objectives and intel just like the binoculars.


    Realistic mapping and navigation rules:

    To simulate realistically navigating the open world using only landmarks and your binoculars, you may ONLY access the in-game map when you are standing in front of actual maps in the game world. This includes maps on computer screens, displays, maps hanging on walls or laying on tables, etc.

    Take note of the directional bearing of your destination on the map and use the compass built into your binoculars to guide you while traveling the open world! Note: while accessing the map, you may place a marker for bearings/destination if desired. This is why we have markers enabled for "communications" under the interface tab.


    Realistic fuel system for vehicles:

    To simulate vehicles having limited fuel capacity, all vehicles are limited to maximum travel distance of 3k. Vehicles MUST be hidden and destroyed after each use to maintain cover.

    submitted by /u/yotothyo
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    Definitely one of the strangest visual glitches in game. At certain distances, hills vest adds another mag pouch and the radio is moved over. I hope when they fix this they leave the 3 pouches

    Posted: 21 Nov 2020 01:21 PM PST

    You merely adopted the dark

    Posted: 21 Nov 2020 01:30 PM PST

    Just Breakpoint Things

    Posted: 21 Nov 2020 05:41 PM PST

    Alpha One

    Posted: 21 Nov 2020 09:29 AM PST

    Idea For A Next Ghost Recon Game, this took me day and nights to make this and I hope you like it. ( Based off of the current conflict between Russia and Ukraine)

    Posted: 20 Nov 2020 11:16 PM PST

    Idea For A Next Ghost Recon Game, this took me day and nights to make this and I hope you like it. ( Based off of the current conflict between Russia and Ukraine)

    Overview Of The Operation

    Red= Russian Territory, Grey = Russia

    You and a group of 6 ghosts are deployed in North East Ukraine near the start of the Dnieper River posing as operators from a Ukrainian PMC. Your goal is to assist Ukrainian forces deal with Russian forces. Russians have taken over the East side of the river.

    Home Base

    You and the other ghosts will be set up at FOBs on the eastern bank of the river. FOBs will be places where you can eat, sleep, setup gear loadouts, customize weapons, train, and socialize with Rebels. When you socialize with rebels, it's like your making friends, everyone has different personalities and traits. The more you come to bases, the closer bond with those that reside in it. The two games that portray this idea best are Red Dead Redemption 2 (The gang camp) and MGSV (home base.)


    At any base, you conduct training, training helps increase precision and accuracy. Instead of having a skill tree, you get all those skills from training. You can also give the other ghosts certain objectives to do while training, making them reach certain objectives can make them for effective in combat. This can help them endure and adapt to different situations and yes you can train the Rebels. But you can especially provide them with certain gear to change their arsenal and uniform. The more you train Rebels, the more you're helping Ukraine and their fight against Russia.

    Enemy Types

    Russian Infantry

    For your standard enemies, there is the Russian Infantry. For the elite enemies, there's Russian FSB.

    Enemy Gear

    Infantry Assaulter - AK74M, AKS-74U, AS-VAL w/ red dot

    FSB Assaulter - AK-105 Alpha (Increased Accuracy And More Agile)

    Infantry Heavy Gunner - RPK-16 (More Compact)

    FSB Heavy Gunner - PKP Pecheneg w/ 4x Scope (More Effective In Long Range Firefights)

    Infantry Breacher - Vityaz SN (No Attachments, lower precision, higher accuracy)

    FSB Breacher - MP9 (red dot attached) and Vityaz SN (holographic sights and red dots)

    Infantry Marksman - SVD Dragunov w/ 3x-9x Scope (Effective at 800m, less accuracy, less precision

    FSB Marksman - HK417 w/ 3x-21x Scope (Effective at more than 650m Lower range, but higher precision, higher fire rate)

    Infantry Sniper - SV-98 (Effective at 800m, chambered in .338 Lapua)

    FSB Sniper - Accuracy International AX50 ELR (Effective at 1km, chambered in 50 BMG)

    Jammer - They are average FSB Assaulters

    Enemy Behavior

    Standard Infantry Troops come in larger groups, 15 man patrols. There is a Marksman in every squad due to the low magnification on their rifles and are more accurate at closer range. Infantry SniperThere are fewer Heavy Gunners on patrols, but can be found at FOBs.

    FSB Operators patrol in groups of 8, FSB Marksmen are found traversing the terrain in ghillie suits. Their ghillie change depending in their environment. They do patrols of 5 and are equipped with suppressors so you can't see muzzle flash. FSB Snipers are similar,the only difference is that they have one less person and they have a 50cal with a suppressor.

    FSB Operators will try to have a more stealthy approach when they spot you, similar to the camouflaged enemies from the Fallen Ghosts DLC in WIldlands.

    Different NPC Actions

    • Enemies will not die instantly but will be injured depending on where they are shot. Shoot an enemy in the arm, the drop their primary weapon and will use the other arm and use their sidearm.
    • Russians and Ukrainian Rebels will drag the injured into cover, while a heavy gunner provides suppressing fire.
    • Asking Rebels for vehicles won't just spawn vehicles, Rebels will actually bring them to you. An Example is requesting a vehicle in Mafia 3. You will see a rebel drive up in a car, land a helicopter, or bring a boat from the other side of the river.
    • Enemy Snipers and Marksmen will provide overwatch for injured enemies in a similar way as Heavy Gunners provide suppressing fire.
    • Instead of rebel reinforcements being a small squad arriving on foot, it will be a small platoon in a vehicle.
    • Russians will often setup ambushes

    Special Fights

    In Breakpoint we have Behemoths and Tank Drones, my idea. There will be certain missions where it will be an all out war between Infantry and Rebels. The special part? There will be a tank. Where will these type of battles occur? The border of Crimea and North Eastern Border of Russia.


    Wildlands and Breakpoint had random physical takedowns. But my idea is that we no longer have preset animations, but actual hand to hand combat system. The game that has the best system for this type of combat in my opinion is Red Dead Redemption 2. You're unarmed and your enemy only has their knife, you can counter and disarm your opponent. And the best form of hand to hand combat that would be implemented is Krav Maga. Its lesser known compared to forms such as Jiu Jitsu or Judo. US Navy SEALS are taught Krav Maga and it is known to be a brutal form used by many militaries. It is also a mix of boxing, Karate, Judo, and Aikido.

    Well thank you for reading, give me some constructive criticism in the comments. Tell me what you would change and your take on another Ghost Recon Game. Have a Great Day

    submitted by /u/TwistThisRamz
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    I have no idea how these happened

    Posted: 21 Nov 2020 06:10 AM PST

    Pink Sniper

    Posted: 21 Nov 2020 07:32 PM PST

    I love those challenges!

    Posted: 21 Nov 2020 05:05 PM PST

    Oooo that guy dead

    Posted: 21 Nov 2020 09:00 AM PST

    Ah shit. Here we go again!

    Posted: 21 Nov 2020 09:17 AM PST

    My AI teammates are curious about what Ubisoft is up to with these wires....

    Posted: 21 Nov 2020 02:47 AM PST

    Dunno if anyone has found this

    Posted: 21 Nov 2020 09:02 AM PST

    Breakpoint karambit takedown problem

    Posted: 21 Nov 2020 02:12 PM PST

    They take way to long in my opinion. Even when coming from behind my character rather wrestles then just rip open the troath of my enemy. I would understand the resistance if your already spotted but when you come in the back it should be quick and effective . At least in my opinion.

    Edit: perhaps make it so that just pressing f is a quick takedown and holding is the whole takedown so no data is put to waste.

    submitted by /u/The_Flamish_bastard
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    Is the year one pass worth it for breakpoint?

    Posted: 21 Nov 2020 06:47 AM PST

    The title basically. Looking to grab the gold edition of it but standard is cheaper.

    submitted by /u/RahulSingh16061998
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    Things I'd like to see added to the game, tell me if you agree

    Posted: 21 Nov 2020 05:59 PM PST

    1: More attachments for weapons, I'd like to see more customization added to the game instead of like 7 scopes (most of which I don't like) 15 underbarrel attachments that most look awful, you get what I'm saying.

    2: A lot more clothing options, in Wildlands there were so many awesome clothing options (sure you had to most from the store) and I would love to see more awesome clothing options like that added to the game.

    3: MORE GUNS!!! In wildlands there we're so many cool and amazing weapons and they made the game so much more enjoyable (in my opinion). I'd also love to see different guns added to the game, not ones that weren't added in wildlands.

    And here are some honorable mentions I'd like to say:

    Take the reloading debuff of the underbarrels, It makes no sense how a little foregrip can make a reloading feel 2x slower than it has to be. I've done the research and yes the number may be -15 but there's no point.

    I encourage anyone to put there suggestions in the comments and if you read this far thank you and have a nice day.

    submitted by /u/ThatOneBoi491
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