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    Tuesday, May 5, 2020

    Ghost Recon - This is the coolest bug I had

    Ghost Recon - This is the coolest bug I had

    This is the coolest bug I had

    Posted: 05 May 2020 05:26 AM PDT

    I had a good dream yesterday

    Posted: 05 May 2020 06:11 AM PDT

    lol get rekt

    Posted: 05 May 2020 10:38 AM PDT

    Come to Auroa for the beaches, forests and lakes. Stay because a swarm of homicidal drones won’t let you leave.

    Posted: 05 May 2020 01:45 AM PDT

    Note to self, don't daydream while flying a plane

    Posted: 05 May 2020 02:49 PM PDT

    Zip-on back panels would be nice for the plate carriers.

    Posted: 05 May 2020 01:45 PM PDT

    I feel like most of the big base should have a base clear mode in which you can accept the challenge when you are nearby.Then they can have optional objectives like being completely stealth or clear it with only pistol, in which the reward can be cosmetics (INSTEAD OF THEM BEING LOCKED AWAY IN RAID)

    Posted: 05 May 2020 08:35 AM PDT

    I forgot how pretty the godrays in Wildlands can be

    Posted: 05 May 2020 06:55 PM PDT

    I miss the all-out warfare that was possible in wildlands

    Posted: 05 May 2020 06:16 AM PDT

    More immersive mode 2.0 requests

    Posted: 05 May 2020 07:50 PM PDT

    More imerssive mode 2.0 requests:

    A few more requests for new immersive mode settings:

    setting to allow all six slots of the item wheel to be equipped with whatever the player desires. This includes the top and bottom slots which are currently blocked off. This could be an easy way to expand the item wheel without actually expanding it.

    Setting for clothing system:

    -Benefits to wearing appropriate camo to your environment

    -benefits to wearing warm clothes in cold weather and vice versa etc.

    -setting to only allow one or zero sets of clothes in your inventory in addition to the one you're wearing. This way you have to consider in the bivouac what you want to take with you and where the mission is. Adds a little depth and strategy.

    setting to lose all your equipment and items when you die. You can get them back at the bivouac.

    setting were navigating menus and messing with equipment does not pause the game world. for a more realistic feel. You have to make sure you're somewhere safe before you start fiddling around with your maps or gear. you should be able to hear the audio of the world as you navigate the menu in case enemies are nearby

    Add a setting to dis-allow modifying guns in the field. only in bivouacs. perhaps also for paint and color modifications to cloths. It would be cool to have to consider that stuff at the bivouac for your journey. Picking out a brown color scheme for desert etc.

    Add a setting to disable camera auto correct in vehicles. so I can do nice cinematic pans of the environment around me as I travel in my car.

    Add a setting to allow me to rotate the camera around my helicopter when I fly. For more cinematic views

    submitted by /u/yotothyo
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    Exploring the island of Auroa

    Posted: 05 May 2020 12:59 PM PDT

    Please fix the annoyances in this title Ubisoft.

    Posted: 05 May 2020 12:57 AM PDT

    Immersive update was a step in the right direction, but it feels like you're leaving this game unsupported, and lets face it - you might as well just trash it and start over if you don't (and may I, like many others suggest Africa for the next one? it is FLAT there). Once or twice a year update will not fix the bugs or annoyances it suffers from and so do we suffer. Take a developer (your QA dept obviously sucks, even if you have one), give him few days, pc or a console, audio recorder, make him RUN from Cape North to Windy Islands doing the outposts/bases/locations/behemoths he encounters and come back in a few days to listen to all the "geez", "fuuuuck", "omg" he says. Then fix those not-so-small things.

    Off the top of my head:

    • Nomad has a grace of a gas powered forklift. There is a annoying half a second delay to everything he does, whether it's climbing the ladder, picking up corpses, using the computer or simply walking of a small ledge. When he uses LMG in a firefight and runs out of bullets - he is fucked - the reload is so slow he could as well be sitting down to a three course meal. Oh and don't try to switch weapons instead, because..

    • The first time you switch weapon to a secondary (if you use two), the pulling up ironsights is so slow you will die. Workaround is to doubletap right mouse button and DO NOT SWITCH FIREMODES UNTIL YOU DO, because you will pull out the drone if you press X. The perfect thing to do while you're being shot at by 3 wolves and two drones, because you were in the middle of climbing when Azrael flew by.

    • Some takedowns are a work of art, some are not, it's all good, until you start using them. You were bragging about SF guy advising you, go ask him what he does when there are two guys standing in front of him and he has a knife. I bet the answer won't be "30 seconds fight with the first guy, while his buddy pumps me full of lead". Stab him and move on, why would you cut his tendons? The whole point of a takedown in game is quick and silent disposal of the unaware close quarters enemy. Well.. you fucked up the first part, but what about the cleanup, so that the body won't alert anyone? Forget about it because picking it up will take 30 seconds, during which you can't stop, shoot, drag, anything.

    • Contextual actions are bugged. You know it, you tried to fix it, you pulled a halfassed job. In many places you encounter 2 guys on the side of the road or 4 standing around a car. Can't use takedown (too long, too loud) - fine, shoot them. After that you need to REALLY try to "investigate" not "drive" and sometimes Nomad will start picking things up instead of shooting. It gets even better - he will sometimes go into a loop of picking things up (even if he is not picking anything up) in which he can't shoot, aim, melee, anything until you move away - perfect for those moments where you took one down and the other is shooting at point blank range. OK, so you chose to stealth it and sneak around - do NOT try to talk to anyone, because..

    • Each conversation you make is awkward, unfitting, unstoppable and will make you stand up. Innocent people know where to find handgun flash hider (what even is that?) - check. "Yeah, I know where to find that. Thanks. THANKS" - check. I know not everyone speaks perfect English (just look at this post), but you could at least try to make more generic lines. "Peculiar" is a nice word in itself, but if you have to listen to it 847 times, because you had to stop the conversation (you know - Azrael) - it gets annoying. Asking anyone anything or checking intel source will make you stand up, will make you spotted, will make you shot at, will propably sooner or later make you dead and you will..

    • Lose half of your ammunition on respawn. I just had 580 bullets in my LMG, how am I supposed to fight a behemoth with 200? Since I cannot fast travel to a bivouac (some people play like that) I will need to walk around for 30 minuted looking for ammo. What's that you say? Azrael magically spawned some wolves that killed me because of slow ironsights? Perfection. Well than, maybe instead of LMG I can use my sniper rifle, you know, the 5-foot-long TAC50 and suppressor which is..

    • Awkwardly strapped to my backpack, and if thats not awkward enough for you - try SC20K or P90. Slings are too much work, so you chose invisible magnetic straps? So make the weapon positions customized, I'd rather not have rifle nearly on my head.

    This whole game is like this. Some bugs in a title this big are understandable, especially since it was obviously rushed, but these are not bugs, this is bad design.

    Everybody asked for breaching torch in Wildlands - you make one, but make most fences unbreakable.
    Buildings with unneccessary recesses, that will make movement awkward and buggy.
    Stamina system with sliding and climbing animations doesn't correspond to (beautifully designed) map with so much verticality. You either slide or climb invisible walls. While trying to climb you will walk in circles.

    Reworked movement system put in the game without extensive testing and tweaking - it's awkward around corners, small steps are unscalable, pools and water fountains are deadly traps, hills are dangerous (not because they are - because of the movement system), basejumping that was and still is a death sentence (those platforms are... a bad workaround, that doesn't always work).
    Equipment wheel which is badly designed, badly implemented, is a nuisance in a fight and sometimes just straight up in the way, filled with useless junk (I suggest 1 type on nades not 3, breaching should be contextual action, wheel has 6 slots, but 2 are unusable even if I will NEVER use bandages - I will be loooong dead before that).

    Those are small things. They are not big-picture things like "offline mode" (which btw is absolute necessity), "short story", or "bad gunsmith", or "locking my favourite shirt behind microtransactions" type of things, rather annoyances for people, who despite all the above try to have fun playing the game. You fix some things like drone deployment (it's broke again sometimes), workaround others (basejumping platforms that don't realy work), but all in all we do not feel supported when we read something like Title Update 2.0.3 Patch Notes once or twice a year.

    EDIT: Fuck I forgot. You made the year-one programming mistake of refilling the ammo in bivouac at the start of the bivouac, not at the end, so if I change a weapon it's low on ammo and I have to enter bivouac again. Happens to all of us I guess, but damn if we are tired of being beta testers.

    submitted by /u/theoneandonlyllama
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    Smoking kills.

    Posted: 05 May 2020 08:12 AM PDT

    Immersive mode settings for maximum survival

    Posted: 05 May 2020 12:52 PM PDT

    Hey everyone, let's post our immersive settings that we are using. :)

    I have mine set up in order to coax maximum survival/realism from the game. For me it adds a ton of depth.

    Immersive mode settings:

    -Health regeneration disabled.

    -lowest settings possible for syringes and med kits amount.

    -stamina usage set to extreme

    -Risk of injury set to always/highest setting

    -disable the display of the stamina meter entirely (This will cause you to trigger the stamina system more, drink lots of water/refill water more and trigger all the cool animations and audio fx for it)

    -no crafting in the field, only at bivouacs. And only allow yourself to craft a single med kit.

    -Don't carry syringes is in your item wheel. The Insta heal is very immersion breaking. Keep them locked away in your bag and don't use them at all. Only keep one med pack in your item wheel. More realistic. when you get injured it will be a big deal to heal, and you might even not a med pack left, which forces you to walk to a bivouac to heal. Which is pretty fun.

    Use the characters audio visual cues and animations to gauge your stamina level and health level. He has a whole slew of interesting and fun animations/sound fx that show various levels of injury and stamina depletion. really cool and adds to the immersive survival feel.

    Turn objectives display and item pick up displays to off. This will make you engage the binoculars more to spot things. When there is an item or person that has intel, your binoculars and drone reticle will dilate when looking at something of interest .This forces you to go investigate the thing, to see if it's the info you need. More engaging that way. Rather than seeing a sea of floating "i" and chest icons that you're just running straight towards. This encourages more exploration/discovery.

    Keep communications to ON so you can set a single marker for far off destinations etc.

    Almost all hud disabled. Radar, compass enemy markers MUST be turned off of course :) I keep weapon crosshairs and my ammo count on because I like to see how much ammo I'm tossing on reload.

    Single primary weapon and pistol. Advanced enemy difficulty.

    A couple of general practices: Travel on foot lots when exploring the world, and go loud when you're out wandering around. You will scare up more combat and more overlapping encounters this way. Lots of great gun fights will happen. Especially if you're low on health...super satisfying. you will have more combat and will be doing more healing and drinking of water.

    submitted by /u/yotothyo
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    Grind Gear score after switching from immersive mode?

    Posted: 05 May 2020 08:04 PM PDT

    So I'm wearing the Vasily pants which use this specific camo, but the only way to match the camo with the rest of my gear is to get it from a chest on golem island which I can't do because I need gear score. Incompetent design aside is there a way for me to quickly get gear score if I'm already a high level character? Is gear score drops dependant on your level or current gear score?

    submitted by /u/Golden_Acapulco_Nite
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    "Disciple 6, Oxide. We've lost all contact with Disciple 5... Go check it out, over."

    Posted: 05 May 2020 06:31 AM PDT

    The no HUD glitch in Ghost War is irritating.

    Posted: 05 May 2020 07:40 PM PDT

    Every other match I spawn in with no hud. I can't even see my freaking gun cross hairs.

    Please fix UBI

    submitted by /u/sophicpharaoh
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    Tier One Mode in Breakpoint

    Posted: 05 May 2020 07:36 PM PDT

    One of my favorite additions to Ghost Recon Wildlands was the Tier One Mode, it would start out easy and the farther you progressed the harder it would get and more tactial you'd have to play. Earlier I was thinking about how awesome it would be if Breakpoint had the Tier One mode and how perfect it would fit with the Ghost Experience!

    Not only would the difficulty increase the farther you progressed in the Tiers but you could mix it with the Ghost Experience. Whenever the difficulty goes up you could lose the amount of Bandages you hold, or the Minimap gets removed like how it disappears in the Ghost Experience. Imagining Breakpoint with the Tier Mode mixed with GE just seems so cool and something about reaching Tier One, playing in the hardest difficulty, not having any HUD, and having to play tactically and smart to not die just seems awesome!

    I don't know what everyone will think about this but I just hope you give it a thought! Thank you

    submitted by /u/ACLK_Everman
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    So I may have discovered a hidden offline mode in Breakpoint...

    Posted: 05 May 2020 07:27 PM PDT

    I was setting up a bivouac in the New Argyll province when about halfway through I got a 'lost connection to Ubisoft servers' message. However, the bivouac animation etc. carried on to completion, the usual bivouac menu showed up (and Nomad was shown as being at the bivouac), I was able to access the loadout menu, and I was even able to leave the bivouac and resume normal gameplay.

    Since I was in the middle of a side mission I wasn't feeling too confident about carrying on playing like this for any length of time so I logged myself out and then logged back in to be online again, but the fact remains that for some reason or another I was able to have at least some interaction with the game despite being offline.

    What are your guys' thoughts on this? Is this just some random glitch, or does it signify something else entirely?

    submitted by /u/dvaderv2
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    Task Force 141 brings in El Cerebro

    Posted: 05 May 2020 07:26 PM PDT


    Posted: 05 May 2020 02:43 PM PDT

    Why is "Recon" added after "Ghost"? I don t find the Ghosts like a reconnaisance team.They conduct special recon but its not their primary role.They are more like direct action groups (Delta,Devgru etc)

    submitted by /u/NotCorny
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    Can I put a STANAG 30rnd mag on my 416? (Wildlands)

    Posted: 05 May 2020 06:25 PM PDT

    Bought the 416, noticed the default 30rnd mag seems to be a PMAG? I prefer how the Stanag looks with the gun, is there any way to change that mag to a stanag?

    submitted by /u/Trini_Gamer10
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