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    Friday, January 24, 2020

    Ghost Recon - Demolition squad

    Ghost Recon - Demolition squad

    Demolition squad

    Posted: 24 Jan 2020 06:19 AM PST

    Snow road looks so photorealistic

    Posted: 24 Jan 2020 01:53 PM PST

    Taken on Death Road.

    Posted: 23 Jan 2020 11:54 PM PST

    Operation Nuit Blanche

    Posted: 24 Jan 2020 11:50 AM PST

    30 hours in and loving it.

    Posted: 24 Jan 2020 12:19 AM PST

    Going Dark

    Posted: 24 Jan 2020 11:07 AM PST

    Marines infiltrating network stations in Bolivia.

    Posted: 24 Jan 2020 08:57 AM PST

    My take on the Immersive Mode in February

    Posted: 24 Jan 2020 03:56 PM PST

    The Immersive Mode peaked my interest and I have some ideas of how I'd like it to look:

    • Removal of loot tiers and gearscore. That's the crux of the issue and I have some immersive systems to replace them.

    Instead of loot tiers and gear score:

    • Weapon Jamming and Durability
      • Weapons have durability and must be maintained. Weapons function at peak performance at 80-100% and slowly become less effective as the percentage lowers. Failing to maintain and repair your weapon can cause malfunctions. Firing weapons and tumbling reduces weapon durability.
        • 80-100% Peak performance
        • <80% Slightly reduced bullet velocity and handling
        • <50% has the possibility of jamming after firing. Slightly reduced bullet velocity and handling.
        • <30% increased possibility of jamming after firing, chance of a reload failing to seat a round. Reduced bullet velocity and handling.
        • <10% weapon is barely functioning, high chance of jamming after firing, high chance of a reload failing to seat a round. Greatly reduced bullet velocity and handling, lowered rate of fire. Chance of misfiring.
        • 0% weapon is broken. Don't need to worry about jamming if the damn thing won't fire.
      • If the weapon jams, the player can clear it by pressing X. Worse jams can require the player to hit X multiple times.
      • If the magazine fails to seat a round, the player can fix it by pressing X. The player may be required to hit X multiple times depending on the severity of the malfunction.
      • Weapons can be repaired with weapons of the same platform or by dismantling weapons for parts to repair with. Repairing with parts is less effective than using a weapon of the same platform.
    • Gear can be repaired with Gear Parts. They currently don't do anything in the game and can be repurposed for repairing Gear. Taking damage, sliding, and tumbling will damage your gear.

    • Reloads
      • Admin Reload: Tap X and the player will remove the old mag and insert a new one. Nomad then reindexes the old mag. Reloading while rounds remain in the magazine will initiate a Tactical Reload and retain the remaining ammo, leaving a round in the chamber.
      • Speed Reload: Double tap X and the player will discard the current mag and all remaining ammo for a fresh mag (fastest). Discarded mags can be manually retrieved. (Instead of equipping a perk)
      • No automatic reloading.
    • Weight and Balance
      • Equipping gear, weapons, and gadgets will affect how fast you can move, stamina costs, and how well Nomad can maintain his balance.
        • Low weight: Nomad can move faster for longer and is less likely to slide when traversing.
        • High weight: Nomad is slower and actions cost more stamina. He is more likely to lose his balance and slide.
      • Plate carriers and armor affect damage resistance to the chest and back but also weigh more than a harness.
      • Ballistic helmets affect damage resistance to the head but also weigh more.
    • Option to choose 1 primary, 2 primaries, or none. This will effect Weight and Balance.
    • Night Vision/Thermal Vision only usable with NODs equipped.
      • PS15ATN will obstruct your peripherals as if looking through a tube.
      • L3GP will only obstruct the corners of the screen, similar to a vignette.
      • I've never used the Steiner Vision IRL but doesn't look peripheral friendly.
    • Thirst and Hunger with their own effects. Drink water from your canteen and eat rations/MREs in the field to keep from losing stamina and other negative effects like losing accuracy or moving slower.
    • Stamina will naturally fatigue the longer the player goes without resting at a bivouac or Erewhon.
    • Maximum health will reduce by small amounts as the player takes damage regardless of injury until resting.
    • Carried ammo has weight. The player can choose how much ammo Nomad carries.
      • Ammo count is broken up by magazines not ammo pools.
      • Picked up ammo must be loaded into magazines in the inventory, assuming the player has mags available.
      • If there are no mags available, the player can hand load and fire individual rounds. (Might take a lot of work but will be a great detail)
    • Can only change weapons and loadout at bivouacs and Erewhon.
    • More intense injury system (I actually have a mockup planned)
      • New AID Menu accessed via IFAK item, like the Survival Viewer in MGS3
      • Treat injuries and perform surgery using limited supplies and items
      • Players can remove bullets/shrapnel, disinfect, suture, and bandage themselves
      • Players can set broken bones and dislocated joints
      • Players can treat burns
      • Each individual injury can be Minor, Severe, or Critical based on damage. Untreated injuries can get worse if Nomad goes too long without surgery or in combat. All injuries vary in effect based on location.
        • Tumbling, falls, and impacts can cause cuts, bruises, broken/dislocated bones, and impaired hearing
        • Gunshot wounds can leave bullets inside Nomad's body, though there is also a chance of bullets passing right through
        • Explosions can cause shrapnel wounds, broken/dislocated bones, burns, and impaired hearing
        • Fire causes burns
      • Treatment in the field is not as effective and will leave lasting effects until receiving proper medical care. The possible lasting effects include:
        • Pain - Edges of screen will flash white based on intensity. Affects all aspects of Nomad's performance unless treated with Morphine. It will go away on its own eventually unless from a broken bone or critical injury. Pain can also be caused by taking damage even if it doesn't leave an injury.
        • Bruising/Burns - actions take more stamina, occasional limping if on the leg, less accurate aim if on the arm. Movement can cause Pain based on injury location.
        • Headaches - periodically interrupts non-movement actions, periodically slows movement, can be temporarily treated with morphine.
        • Coughing - interrupts non-movement actions, affects aim, risks alerting nearby enemies. Can damage health if severe. Can be temporarily treated with medicine.
        • Impaired Hearing - periodic ringing in ears, temporary deafness that also affects game chat.
        • Illness - increased stamina cost and fatigue, less accurate aim, can be temporarily treated with medicine.
        • Bleeding - slowly lose health depending on severity. Enemies can follow the blood trail. Can be temporarily treated by bandaging, can be stopped by suturing and bandaging or with one of the player's valuable syringes.
        • Reduced maximum health and stamina. Self explanatory.
      • Field Medics can treat other player's injuries using fewer medical supplies.
      • Bandages on their own can reduce the effects of injury but are no substitute for the AID Menu. Bandages are limited.
      • No health regeneration.
      • Syringes cauterize wounds and stop bleeding but do not cure injuries. Much more rare.
    • Damage is caliber based
      • It will typically take 3-4 bullets to kill, including the player. Enemies however will not be Terminators with perfect accuracy. Plate Carriers and Helmets can catch a small caliber round.
      • Larger bullets deal more damage and will ignore Plate Carriers and Helmets.
    • Radio and Communication (This would take considerably more to implement)
      • Game chat is proximity based
      • Enemies are able to hear the player's voice depending on how loud the player speaks and, depending on distance and alert status, investigate or go on alert. Enemies will not hear player whispers regardless of distance.
      • Players are also able to use hand signal emotes for silent communication.
      • Tapping Down on the D-Pad will activate the radio allowing for long range communication with other players. Tap the button again to deactivate the radio. (This part would require changing the "Toggle Interface" button mapping. I recommend moving it to Hold the View Button on Xbox)
    • No permanent death
      • Player drops entire inventory, including equipped weapons and gear, at the location of death and must be retrieved.
      • Downed players have a bleedout timer in co-op. Bleedout can be stopped by stabilizing the downed player.
        • Players can treat downed player's injuries before reviving assuming the downed player has been stabilized.
        • Field Medics can stabilize players without costing medical supplies.
      • Longer respawn timer in co-op.

    At this point in the development of the immersive mode, I doubt most of these ideas would be implemented in time but maybe in the future?

    Don't downvote if you disagree, let me know what you guys think and if you have any other ideas!

    EDIT: New suggestions courtesy of u/CharlieTheParakeet

    • Fast Travel
      • Costs the amount of food and water Nomad would consume on the trip. Nomad can't fast travel to areas if he doesn't have enough supplies for the trip.
      • Nomad will be fatigued based on distance traveled.
    • Vehicles
      • No more unlimited vehicles
        • Players can't buy vehicles from Maria
        • In order to get a vehicle, the player must find the vehicle and hang onto it
        • Vehicles can be stored at Erewhon where they can be repaired at the cost of resources
        • If a vehicle is destroyed, it is gone forever
      • I'm not against summoning vehicles at bivouacs, but there should be some kind of transportation fee of resources needed to get the vehicle from Erewhon to the camp.
      • An alternative to vehicle summoning would be to disable vehicle despawning, allowing players to strategically place vehicles around the map on there own, similar to setting up supply caches and fallback points in other games.
    submitted by /u/MCBillyin
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    After turning off HDR the game looks way better.

    Posted: 24 Jan 2020 06:17 AM PST

    I think its quite windy for the ghillie suit

    Posted: 24 Jan 2020 05:53 AM PST

    I doubt we are going to get AI teammates in any Breakpoint update

    Posted: 24 Jan 2020 09:08 AM PST

    First if I have missed some announcement re AI teammates in Breakpoint coming back then my apologies.

    Theres has been a lot of pain stated by people going from Wildlands to Breakpoint in that it has broken some GR covenants, one of them AI teammates. However I dont think its coming back at least in Breakpoint because it would involve a large code rewrite. The player code and ancillary pieces in Breakpoint are obviously from the Division 2, not Wildlands. This situation is similar to Battlefield 1 where the code was repurposed from Battlefront and the game did not resemble BF4 in any way. So for them to add AI teammates back into Breakpoint is too much of a task and I dont think its going to happen.

    I have played ghost recon from the start and preferred it over battlefield. I did like battlefield for what it was, that and the fact that COD was just too crazy fro me. I loved BF4 and played Battlefront too, but when BF 1 came out I was like WTF this isnt Battlefield, its Battlefront in WWI without the laser blasters. I think I am a little less angry than others because I enjoyed Battlefront and the Division, but this amalgamation of code is very troubling. Its like I had 4 games now I have 2. I can only speculate it is to lower costs by eliminating whole groups of developers, studios even, who maintained the code. And to top that the code they continue with is bug ridden, I didnt even buy BF5.

    submitted by /u/cpuspeed
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    Thank You Ubisoft Support

    Posted: 24 Jan 2020 06:40 PM PST

    I'm sure you were coming here to read into my sarcasm. Well... surprise!!! I'm being serious!

    (Here come the downvotes, I'm guessing)

    This subreddit is filled with a lot of (VERY JUSTIFIED) criticism. Sometimes aggressive/hostile, but I get it. You spent your hard earned dollars and didn't get what you thought you were paying for. I'm in the same boat, so don't worry I'm not playing devil's advocate as if the game is perfect and doesn't need fixes!

    However, I have had two run ins with Ubisoft's online support - both instances were with chat, one being this past week. And man, I gotta say they were very quick and very helpful with my issues. I just found myself being very grateful for their assistance, and decided to share. I've contributed to some of the negativity on this subreddit (I get angry I can't help it) so I just wanted to say something positive.

    By the way, I'm fully aware by what some of you post that I am lucky to have had such a good experience with their support team. And honestly, that's exactly why I am so surprised/happy about it.

    So yea. Thanks for that Ubi.

    post inspired by me wanting to leave feedback but not being prompted or able to

    submitted by /u/mattackmattack
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    Please delete every drone in the upcoming Immersive version of Breakpoint

    Posted: 23 Jan 2020 10:27 PM PST

    Thank you and also make permadeath optional

    submitted by /u/Proto_06
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    Summit reached

    Posted: 24 Jan 2020 11:08 AM PST

    A barren wasteland

    Posted: 24 Jan 2020 01:01 PM PST

    Wasp vs Hornets

    Posted: 23 Jan 2020 11:28 PM PST

    Should I kill Walker before last target?

    Posted: 24 Jan 2020 04:25 PM PST

    Killed Flycatcher and sniper hot slut already, and some other target should be killed before Walker I think. Its fine to go? Or there will be bad ending like in Wildlands? Cant complete that Blake mission because of damn altitude bug. Just say yes or no, dont spoil plz.

    Btw Wildlands story is much better, agreed on this on. BP story looks so like Im playing some randomly generated missions, not a real story. Its 75% completed and its really meh. So badly executed. The only cool stuff I remember is a Flycatcher cutscene when saving Madera. And thats all? Absolutelty rushed and incomplete game.

    submitted by /u/xCantStopFap
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    I see dead people ��

    Posted: 24 Jan 2020 07:55 PM PST

    Trying to find GRAW 1/2 for PC? Live in US, check GameStop

    Posted: 24 Jan 2020 03:29 PM PST

    So about a month ago I was curious about Ghost Recon: Advanced Warfighter 1 and 2 for the PC. While I loved the titles on the Xbox 360 I never actually had the chance to check it out for the PC. The fact that the PC Versions was in First Person than Third definitely interested me.

    So I checked Steam to buy it and it wasn't available, so then I checked U-Play and it wasn't available. All they had literally was the original Ghost Recon (which are good titles definitely) and Future Soldier and more recently released titles. I then expanded my search to Key Reseller sites and literally no luck.

    So as a last ditch effort I checked GameStop's website and surprisingly enough they had both GRAW 1 and 2 Keys available for U-Play. So I tried to buy them but the website acted up and wasn't able to complete the transaction. I did this a few times and still didn't work. So today I went to the local Gamestop store myself and explained the situation to the Manager (who is also my friend). She told me its in the system and can sell me a code for GRAW 2 (which I wanted to buy that specifically). And lone and behold it worked, bought the code, printed on the receipt, and put it into U-Play and it works.

    So if any of you who are in the US, wants to buy GRAW 1 and 2, go to your local GameStop store.

    submitted by /u/GeekyPanda404
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    Breakpoint is on sale, "how bad can it be?" I stupidly asked myself

    Posted: 23 Jan 2020 08:45 PM PST

    Bad. Really bad.

    How did this happen? After 10 hours with this game, I could find every major issue holding this game back and if I could find it, surely the devs would have found it and if the devs would have found it, then the higher ups just said "fuck it, ship it and we'll fix it later."

    This game takes everything that was great with wildlands and just makes it worse.

    Gunsmith, worse. AI, worse Mission design: worse Season pass: worse Live service: worse Open world: worse I could go on.

    What's even more insane in my opinion is how every I didn't like in wildlands was made better

    Gunplay: better Movement: better Equipment: better Stealth: better

    I'm honestly lost for words. The amount of lost potential here is so abundant it's honestly just sad.

    I'm so glad to hear Ubisoft is shaking up how it makes games because if this trend of ubiquitous games kept appearing, I'd have to add Ubisoft to my growing list of game companies who I will no longer buy games from.

    submitted by /u/Guardian7111
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    Outcast basically just terrorist?

    Posted: 24 Jan 2020 07:03 PM PST

    Anyone else not like these guys?

    submitted by /u/Horizone102
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    Mount up!

    Posted: 24 Jan 2020 05:26 AM PST

    From the depths of hell I have risen

    Posted: 24 Jan 2020 06:54 AM PST

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