• Breaking News

    Wednesday, December 4, 2019

    Ghost Recon - Golem island should be explorable for solo players and should solely have special crates

    Ghost Recon - Golem island should be explorable for solo players and should solely have special crates

    Golem island should be explorable for solo players and should solely have special crates

    Posted: 04 Dec 2019 02:51 PM PST

    Having the normal loot crates is stupid and they are just a waste of space , and most people on the game play solo, locking them out of so much stuff is ridiculous, especially since the titans already have special rewards.

    submitted by /u/Hamonate1
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    [OPINION] I don't like the raids.

    Posted: 04 Dec 2019 05:39 AM PST

    The raids feel like they're something that should belong to the Division series or Destiny or other MMO shooter that aren't marketed as a 3rd person military tactical shooter. Before the raid came out, I was imagining storming a base with different enemies, challenging modifiers (e.g. forced one hit kill, no ammo drops, etc.). But instead we're given puzzle/ pattern based bosses that are bullet sponges. This may garner some negative feedback but it just doesn't feel satisfying, nor does it feel fun.

    submitted by /u/mkgenesis5
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    Ubisoft silencing dissent

    Posted: 04 Dec 2019 11:17 AM PST

    Not sure if ya'll heard about what went down yesterday, but Ubisoft has started closing threads critical of Breakpoint, and fired a member of Delta Company for being critical. I got a lifetime ban (IP address and all) from the forums for trying to keep the threads alive.

    I'm hoping the reason I couldn't stay online last night is because of their shitty servers, and not a ban from the game.

    Ubisoft, even China says "Daaaamn!" in reaction to your efforts to silence those you don't want speaking. You're disgusting.

    submitted by /u/JimboSlice11b
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    C'mon guys. Not only do I already have this, it's not even on the list!

    Posted: 04 Dec 2019 10:12 AM PST

    Battle Rewards - [Update Coming]

    Posted: 04 Dec 2019 03:14 PM PST


    We've seen your reports regarding issues with the Battle Rewards. We are currently investigating and will have an update for you tomorrow.

    /The Ghost Recon Team

    submitted by /u/UbiBard
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    I am Struggling to Understand You Ubisoft...

    Posted: 04 Dec 2019 10:55 AM PST

    Dear Ubisoft(i.e To Whom It May Concern),

    Simply put your continued decisions regarding this game continue to baffle me.

    Let's start with the quest for a MK18 variant/clone(for those who do not know MK18 is the US Navy designatorLink is to the original NSW-C documentation for an M4 variant/clone with a 10.3" barrel}. This really shouldn't be that hard. All of the marketing for this game shows Nomad carrying said rifle, including the game play reveal from the Premiere. Thus clearly the rifle has been modeled and is hanging around somewhere. So far the only things close are the Koblin which is locked behind an RNG infested raid grind, which while close is not quite the same thing. Also the 516"shorty"(really who thought up that name?). Now the 516 shorty while technically should be the gun... well, the stock is different, and it lacks a top rail for accessories...

    The Koblin, I'll admit is cool, and sure people who mindlessly grind your poorly designed raid should get some sort of rewards. The 516 Shorty is another really out of touch attempt at making a "cool" variant. So this is the first thing I fail to understand. Simply the product should reflect the marketing. The MK18 clone that Nomad uses in your marketing should have been in game, and accessible to all players across all modes from day 1. This was a highly requested item in Wildalnds(so much so that you took a marketing contract from Daniels Defense and put their MK18 clone in the game and charged us for it, double winning for Ubisoft there). As it is you leave your customer base feeling rather deceived by your marketing.

    I've listened the to investor conference call in which Yves explains how badly this IP underperformed and how hard you want to work to regain consumer confidence. What I'm struggling to understand from that is then what are the reasons that this game continues to proceed full speed down the same path that caused its underperformance? I applaud you on the player survey. However, that survey did not give you any answers or reveal any problems that were not already being spoken about since OTT1 and E3 game footage releases. I'm dumbfounded as to how this was then suddenly all a surprise to Yves when he made that conference call(in fairness so were several of the investors on that conference call, see approximately the 50min mark for a very clear statement of that). As the investors noted, these problems were manifest months before the game released, yet somehow upper management was caught of guard? I mean this with all sincerity and civility, if they were truly caught off guard, contact me, I know several good business consultant agencies that will help you streamline your communication, because that is a tremendous communication failure.

    I get wanting to have a "raid". Raids are pretty much the pinnacle of multiplayer PVE content. What I don't understand are the reasons that you decided to balance the entire game around raids and PvP instead of leaving them as separate modes, like they were in their previous iterations of GR. Compounded by how thin the story was in this open world shooter, especially compared to the previous release of Wildlands and its follow up DLCs, what happened was this game did not feel like the awesome trapped behind enemy lines adventure that was marketed, but rather a MMORPG with a short campaign to get the player involved in the end game grind.

    Lastly the thing I am struggling to understand is giving Hugo_Fou the boot from Delta Company. Despite your marketing promises of world wide involvement across ten regions, to date we had precisely three, I believe all British, Coms guys to represent the community, and only two of them were at all active on the forums. You just slashed that number by a third in representation and half in forum involvement. The seeming reason being that Hugo_Fou expressed his, and a large portion of this community's, discontent with the Raid in a joke. Granted that joke may have crossed a line for you, and when you are reeling financially getting that sort of bad press from a community/Dev go between probably stings a lot. However, giving him the boot really did nothing to help your current image issues. In all honesty it probably only inflamed things more.

    Community managers, I applaud you for the aplomb with which you carry out what must be a fairly thankless job, and bear the brunt of what must be, at least at times, near soul crushing toxicity. Nothing that I am about to say is aimed at you.

    Ubisoft, you have a community that has been begging to engage with you, whether I take that from the hundred+ posts of people who claimed to have signed up for Delta Company(most of whom were simply ignored), or the many passionate threads on this forum and reddit, or the the various videos on YouTube. If you want to recapture consumer trust, you need to start engaging. You need to put information out. You need to address concerns with an alacrity which to date has been missing. You marketed this game as one thing, and delivered a very different thing, starving the consumers for information and making vague promises about some time next year will not result in the sales figures you want. The longer this goes one the more damage it does to this IP and your company reputation in general.

    BnFrg sends.

    submitted by /u/Bone_Frog
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    Honour us Wildlands veterans by reintroducing cosmetics from Wildlands

    Posted: 04 Dec 2019 12:35 PM PST

    Not just for us but for the newbies too.

    I spent money, time, and effort on earning and acquiring Wildlands cosmetics. To not have them in Breakpoint is spit on my face, you dogs.

    submitted by /u/ForRealVegaObscura
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    Nokk VS a Behemoth Drone | Nokk in Breakpoint - Day 2

    Posted: 04 Dec 2019 11:46 AM PST

    Just let me buy the gun I want

    Posted: 04 Dec 2019 05:28 PM PST

    I dont want to grind the stupid battle crate system for RNG rewards. This is the definition of toxic game design.

    submitted by /u/cardij
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    When Garand Thumb shows up on Auroa

    Posted: 04 Dec 2019 09:00 AM PST

    Sad to say..

    Posted: 04 Dec 2019 04:30 PM PST

    UBI, don't forget this about the AI teammates

    Posted: 04 Dec 2019 04:01 PM PST

    When we turn on our NVGs,I want the AI to flip them down as well. This didn't happen in Wildlands but it would be nice to see.

    submitted by /u/ThePoverty
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    "Placeholder for random military quote, remove before posting." - Abraham Lincoln, 1955.

    Posted: 04 Dec 2019 08:19 AM PST

    [Suggestion for Breakpoint] We need a faster system to move fallen teammates around during combat.

    Posted: 04 Dec 2019 07:43 PM PST

    The fireman's carry takes ridiculously long in this game. The point of this mechanic, I'm pretty sure, is to move them behind cover so you can safely revive them during a firefight but we can't do that because by the time you start pulling them up, 10 Wolves are on your ass and your team has to start all over on clearing out the base. This results in the mechanic barely ever being used. The majority of us I'm pretty sure just waits to clear out the surrounding enemies before picking our downed teammates back up.

    Speed up the process in general. There's also this awkward short amount of time after you finish the animation where your character just stands there before you can freely move.

    Maybe add another option to let us drag our teammates quickly around corners by the drag handle on their plate carriers , I'm thinking something like from Army of Two: The Devil's Cartel. It's faster and, in my opinion, more realistic while in a heated firefight. This could also allow the downed teammate to use their weapon or handgun to help take down wolves.

    I'm no combat specialist so as far as I know everything I've said could be really stupid.

    submitted by /u/LeedleLeeRocket
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    Time gated content is stupid

    Posted: 04 Dec 2019 08:03 AM PST

    What is the point of having time gated content? To artificially inflate your playerbase numbers by dangling items over their heads like a carrot? While making someone who gets the game later feel shit outta luck because they didn't have the game yet?

    Maybe it's all part of a secret plan to bring the ghost crates back for those who missed out.

    I wouldn't be surprised to find out that this is actually the truth and when they said they'd be adding weapons and figures for skell credits, they willingly omitted their plans for the remaining cosmetic items.

    submitted by /u/PapiSlayerGTX
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    We need big changes to rendering distance

    Posted: 04 Dec 2019 01:49 AM PST

    Rendering distance in Breakpoint is awful. We need several changes to it to improve the game.

    1. Render distance of enemies/drones
    2. Render distance of vehicles
    3. Rendering behind objects
    4. Higher magnification scopes

    1. Enemies and drones (also stationary drones) should render from way further. I think currently it's around 500 meters, should be at least 750 to 1000. Imo, at normal view an enemy should render at 750 meters, through a scope they should render up to 1000 meters.
    2. Vehicles should render at the same distance as NPCs. It looks stupid when you see some enemies hanging in the air.
    3. Objects don't render at a certain distance, which is fine to improve FPS. NPCs that are behind these objects shouldn't be rendered either though. Also in PvP, when I look in the distance and see gras not rendering, enemies who are prone in said gras shouldn't render either. There are some games like scum that do it this way to battle unfair advantages through lovering your graphics settings.
    4. Give us scopes with higher zoom. That's it.
    submitted by /u/JohnnyTest91
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    Anyone else notice the HTI sniper rifle has gone. Sure it was in the game on release.

    Posted: 04 Dec 2019 05:35 PM PST

    Just a friendly conversation about solutions if/when Gear Score goes away in Breakpoint.

    Posted: 04 Dec 2019 06:07 PM PST

    ???? Been waiting months and I still have no Vectorblade!

    Posted: 04 Dec 2019 11:30 AM PST

    Please add the ability to use guns in Erehwon...

    Posted: 04 Dec 2019 01:38 PM PST

    So we can shoot every person who coughs (and the radio in Maria's shop). I wouldn't mind it so much if there where other sounds and a lot less coughing going on. I've been to major hospitals during flu season, their ERs don't sound anything like this! Any way to bring coughing to a minimum? Please?

    submitted by /u/0685R
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    Sometimes good things come to those who wait.

    Posted: 04 Dec 2019 07:24 PM PST

    Unlock FREE Skell Glasses in Ubisoft Club Rewards

    Posted: 04 Dec 2019 06:02 AM PST

    Something is wrong here...

    Posted: 04 Dec 2019 05:58 AM PST

    What's up with the "Whalers code"?

    Posted: 04 Dec 2019 07:24 PM PST

    Can't even play on xbox one...just keep getting boot offline.

    submitted by /u/muaizzrashidi221
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    Battle Pass the gift that keeps on not giving.

    Posted: 04 Dec 2019 04:04 PM PST

    Battle Pass the gift that keeps on not giving.

    Some of you may remember some of my posts yesterday, well here's one more, either I failed to see this entirely or some of the rewards were changed.

    Remember when I said I unlocked some items that weren't in the pool? Well turns out they are in other levels of the battle pass which means I'm missing on the loot pool as well, not that it's significant because they all and truly suck.



    Take the Scorpio Scout... Yep already have it. G28 Wilderness? Yep already have it, it was a part of the Survival Series / Survivor Pack.

    The Coercion on lvl 42? Guess what? It dropped on a crate.



    If I wasn't already wondering yesterday what many of you are also wondering I definitely am now. Why bother? Might as well just pick up the game early next year when miraculously all issues have been addressed.

    Not game breaking, but it just adds the cherry on a poop raid ridden cake. Just thought some of you ought to know what to look after during this battle pass.

    submitted by /u/NightmareGK13
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