Hi Ghosts,
for the next TU i'd like to give some recommendations and wishes for gameplay and customization. This is my opinion so... you know the drill.
i'd like to see way more customization for handguns in this game as it was shown in the first gameplay trailers. There is no reason why there was a huge downgrade from Wildlands in this game while having a class, the Echolon-Class, almost exclusively dedicated to handguns. There could be some options for triggers (at least semiauto and full-auto), more muzzles, handgrip (maybe for recoil and mobility), extended magazines (!!!!, how is this not in the game??), more laser options and sights. That was implemented in the alpha version judging for the trailers, so it wouldn't be too hard to just add this in. Also this options was in Future Soldier back in the Xbox360 and PS3 era.
PRE_Launch Promotion.
I got a dedicated post for this on my profile!!
I also got a additional post for that: https://www.reddit.com/r/GhostRecon/comments/j5kvnv/breakpoint_ai_teammates_and_dialogue/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3
Edit, November 2020: They added new dialogue to the game which I'm very happy about!! If there is more to come from Nomads POV it would be exceptional!
- some more customization options
This argument is like beating a dead horse and redundant. There are a lot more post like this.
more items on the Item-wheel
it's just really annoying having to change grenades all the time in the (slow-ass) menu just for using it once and changing it back. Pls add more slots. [DONE]
- change the communication-wheel for AI Teammates
The current Command Wheel.
Idk who cares about emotes but they really dont belong in this game. There would be three slots for additional commands. Give as a command for healing some TM directly, or a diamond formation like in future soldier where you go slower but safer. Make one of my teammates equip a huge shield so I can get behind him like in Army of Two! There are a lot more options you could add. EDIT: Really happy about the shortcuts on the Item-Wheel btw!!!!
- let the Battle Rewards make a comeback
bring them back in form of challenges we can absolve and obtain additional (RAID-) gear. The faction missions would make more sense again.
make the RAID islands playable offline
I got 200h in this game and I still like it a lot but at my state there is not a lot to do anymore. With this addition I could sink another 200h for sure. [DONE]
- improve the GunSmith by adding universal scopes:
I want to have a AK47 with a sniper scope on top. Why is totally not of your buisness but it's fun and easy to implement. In addition to that there is no reason why I can't have the SLX 5 sight with my 516 AR. Like .... no sense at all.
- Improvement for the animations inside Erehwon and unequiping weapons
The walking animation looks really silly and reminds me of Mister Incredible trying to fit in his car.
- ...in addition to that pls add a Shooting Range to Erehwon
I experiment a lot with weapons and attachments and it would be awesome if I wouldn't have to go outside and back inside to test things out. You can combine this with my last point and let the player carry his guns by default when entering Erehwon but not being allowed to use them because you would scare the inhabitants. When you get to the shooting range Nomad could stick out his guns and blaze.
- let my Teammates sit around the fire place in Erehwon
It's really weird how they are despawning (or standing "outside"). I just want to look at them idk.
EDIT #2, November 2020:
- with the additional improvements of the Item-Wheel, let players choose between Class-Items for End-Game purposes:
Being able to mix around between C.I. and C.A. would be great and would open a repertoire of possibilities in engaging a situation. Because of the recent updates regarding 'Drone-Presents' the Panther C.I.-Spray is completely useless now; you could equip the Sensor-Greande launcher of the Sniper Class! To switch around the C.I.s I would recommend adding a End-Game-Ability tree for "Advanced Warfighter" (see what I did there) that requieres a lot of Skill-Points. God knows the community being here from day-one got some to spare.
Speaking of Sensor-Grenades...:
- Overhaul of the Sensor-Grenade and the range of certain Items:
The Sensor-Grenade is sometimes completely useless and does not detect enemies behind certain walls. This is often infuriating when you are breaching a room that you previously checked via S.-G. and get absolutly annihilated by a Wolf because he wasn't spotted BUT THE ONE NEXT TO HIM WAS!! Idk what causes this but it's crazy nonetheless. My suggestion is to increase the throw range and the radius of certain throwables OR to permanently activate the "Explosive Expert"-Perk for every character without equiping the Perk. I'm sure Nomad can throw that little thing way further than 5m.
Also - today I planted some C4 on the Virus-Containers for the "Patient-Zero" side-mission. When I went more than 200m away to get to work on the other ones they disappeared! This beats every purpose the C4 has in the first place if I have to blow up the container on sight and getting spotted while doing it - no bueno!
- Sidearm change speed and animations i.g.:
When you are getting shot at and you run out of ammo with your primary it's an instant death if someone is in front of you. Because of the animation-heavy movement Nomad is chuckwalking like a dope when getting shot at and it is impossible to get your HDG out in time. Also: when getting shot by a Shotgun EVERY OTHER ANIMATION IS PROHIBITED. That means: You can't evade an obstacle to get into cover, you can't meele because Nomad's all over the place, the healing animation is interrupted (!), getting the HDG is not an option either and the reloading animation starts from the very beginning when hit even if it is 90% finished. This is unexeptable when you have a Raid where you have to move, think and act quick while getting shot at 24/7!!!
- The ability to carry and drag your Team-Members:
It's very cool to have an ability to carry Vasily into a building and being able to heal him there without being in the line of fire. BUT it is so slow that you'd just try your luck reviving him on the spot - it takes ca. 10secs to pick up a body without the Medic-Perk. In comparison: one of your older games also has this feature, Splinter Cell: Blacklist that is, and it takes half the time which is waaaaaaay more convenient. Or add a drag mechanic to the game which takes like 3 secs to do and you AND your AI-Teammember can shoot their Primaries at enemies while being draged. It was also presented in one of the cutscenes by Nomad and Walker:
Source: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZKMsrllphuA&ab_channel=Gamer%27sLittlePlayground
With the first Ghost Experience Update you introduced the setting to get rid of ammo after reloading a magazine with remaining bullets in it. This is very cool and makes sense when I'm in the field but not when I'm free-roaming. Let me hold down the Reload-Button to proper reload. This point is not a priority though.
- Darkest Night! ... but not for enemies:
This is not about difficulty but game-logic: I'm so happy about the Darkest Night feature but while I am able to see less, enemies would spot me in the most inconvinient and ridiculous situations. Even if it's pitch black and I'm above them Assassins' Creed Style, they'd spot me WITHOUT EVEN LOOKING UP!!! Excuse me what? How?
Had to share some Screenshots doe!
Another situation in No Man's Land where there is a huge smog of ashes all around keeping that Golem Island feeling hella real - the enemies can still spot me through that from miles away, how? I can not even see if something is directly in front of me and this mfs already calling re-inforcements lol.
This smog of Ashes is amazing!!
- the "Grabing-Animation" and the "grabing"-key:
These Animations take waaaay to long and are sometimes unnecessary when standing behind an enemy. Why would Nomad proceed to dance a bunch with him before going back to the previous stance and interogating him, tf? I can see him doing that if the enemy is alerted - totally cool but otherwise inconvenient.
My other nitpick is the order for 'holding the key to...' activation time and precision. I gotta ask ya'll if I'm just bad or not: Is just me do you almost always fuck that up, get spotted and shot at for not holding the button "in time". I don't get it! I get the order on-screen to do it, hold the button but Nomad doesn't do it or is dancing around the enemy until he fires at him. Am I doing smth wrong?? Isn't my timing tight enough? I don't get it...
This is brought up a lot and I just want to mention it here. The CQC animation are besides the SC:B ones the coolest takedowns in a Clancy-Game to date but we rarly see them. This Video here (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7oJS8tu05pg&ab_channel=Ainsong) shows how MANY freaking animations there are in this game while we alway see the same two every damn time. A lot of them aren't even performed on steep or wonky surface but on flat ground. You can see it because the animations are clipping into each other when performing every other meele attack than the common ones. Don't let the hard work go to waste!!!
This is not a rant or smth like that I hope I'm not nitpicking! It is a lot of fun making these kinds of posts and maybe it helps the team and brings some cool ideas! I will edit this post further if something important comes up!
That being said thank you for reaching the end of the post!
My best regards to the team (Redditor: u/Ubi_Hayve, u/UbiBard, u/Ubi-Blush)
Stay safe!!!
Best wishes.
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