• Breaking News

    Saturday, April 25, 2020

    Ghost Recon - Going from a Narco style story with elements of dark cults to Silicon Valley: Island Edition

    Ghost Recon - Going from a Narco style story with elements of dark cults to Silicon Valley: Island Edition

    Going from a Narco style story with elements of dark cults to Silicon Valley: Island Edition

    Posted: 25 Apr 2020 02:38 PM PDT

    Some ideas of new assault riffle

    Posted: 25 Apr 2020 05:23 AM PDT

    Good job Ubisoft. Can’t aim with AK irons

    Posted: 25 Apr 2020 05:11 AM PDT

    SMG ideas

    Posted: 25 Apr 2020 09:22 AM PDT

    US Army, Ghost Team on training mission in Bolivia with local forces cicra 2020.

    Posted: 25 Apr 2020 05:08 PM PDT

    Extraction is the most breakpoint movie ever

    Posted: 25 Apr 2020 07:10 PM PDT

    NVGs flip up when you enter photo mode :/

    Posted: 25 Apr 2020 04:21 PM PDT

    Posting on Reddit isn't enough

    Posted: 25 Apr 2020 12:55 PM PDT

    The lack of communication from the devs is just disgraceful. There was a Title Update released for The Division 2 and 2 days after Massive addressed the fans through a Reddit post. They apparently pissed off a lot of their players by nerfing one of the best weapons or something but AT LEAST THEY STILL ADDRESSED THE PLAYERS. It doesn't help for Ubisoft Paris to just cower and not respond to any of our issues, feedback or suggestions.

    So I ask you all to flood their social medias. Specifically Ubisoft Paris as they are handling this game. Twitter, Facebook you name it. Post on the forums. Demand some kind of communication from the devs. At least tell us what direction the game is going to in? When are we getting AI teammates? How are they going to replace the Raids content wise? How are they planning to replace the battle rewards content wise? Wasn't there a Special Event that was supposed to happen?

    submitted by /u/-destination_unknown
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    OP Greenstone, 2025.

    Posted: 25 Apr 2020 04:13 PM PDT

    John 'Soap' Mactavish Watching The Sun Go Down on Auroa

    Posted: 25 Apr 2020 04:51 PM PDT

    Sharpshooter rod the only class I can manage 100 handling it’s so worth it paired with 93 range!

    Posted: 25 Apr 2020 04:25 PM PDT

    I have more fun in customization than the actual game. (GR:BP)

    Posted: 25 Apr 2020 07:26 AM PDT

    Most of this post will be just elaborating on the title, but here goes. (im also on mobile sorry for the formatting) When I usually go on Breakpoint it comes with an idea for an outfit that seems pretty good in pre-production, so I load up the game blah blah blah and I spent at least 10 minutes on the outfit, which I'm sure other people do aswell.

    Eventually I look at it for like 30 seconds and just go meh what am I gonna do now? Then I just go on another game entirely. I feel like it's worth pointing out I've put somewhere around 100 hours into the game but now its not even fun doing bases, side missions, or replaying the game! Maybe it's the lack of teammates, an actual warzone feeling, or sheer repetitiveness.

    Back on Wildlands there's generally more stuff to do, more ways to assault bases, more ways to tackle story missions. But on Breakpoint it's always the same. For example on wildlands I can call in a bigass rebel diversion and tell my (AI) teammates to go in the base and support the rebels whilst I provide sniper support in multiple missions, some like the Media Luna guy or the El Chido Mission.

    Also in Wildlands if you stealth a base with your squad (AI or otherwise) it feels more tactical syncing up shots with other human players or being entirely in sync with the AI. If things go wrong you can call in two rebel fire teams with mortar support and it feels more warlike. Then for example (in Breakpoint) theres mainly two ways to tackle the shark base mission and the base in general. Snipe all the guards at the docks risking a loud approach due to the cokehead drone, or sneak on the docks and go past the guards and stealthing through the whole base.

    Finally if your traveling from point A to point B in Wildlands your squad feels human, you see flairs, Unidad and Cartel meeting. In Breakpoint, about the only thing you see are helicopters and that's about it. Nothing else to my knowledge that's random happens. Hell the customization in Wildlands I enjoy more than breakpoint itself. I'm not asking ubi to try to fix this because let's be honest. Ubi Paris and fixing things dont mix well.

    submitted by /u/Jellos_Jellie
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    Extreme enemy line of sight in a nut shell, human vision shouldn't be only a cone in front of them

    Posted: 25 Apr 2020 08:54 AM PDT


    Posted: 25 Apr 2020 07:31 AM PDT

    Russian SSO Awaits the arrival of Turkish Forces somewhere near the Syrian Turkish Border ��

    Posted: 25 Apr 2020 04:01 PM PDT

    Is it even possible to find a Ghost War match in NA? (Wildlands)

    Posted: 25 Apr 2020 07:44 PM PDT

    Just redownloaded Wildlands and I've been craving some pvp but it seems to be quite dead

    submitted by /u/ThatDude292
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    Posted: 25 Apr 2020 02:31 PM PDT

    Nomad’s outer body experience.

    Posted: 25 Apr 2020 08:20 AM PDT

    Come from the Wildlands sub reddit with a request. What about a Vietnam themed Ghost Recon?

    Posted: 25 Apr 2020 10:15 AM PDT

    Control a MACVSOG team across Vietnam while fighting the vietcong and north vietnamese army. Interrogate officers, capture or kill NVA Generals while flying and driving all sorts of era appropriate vehicles. Listen to classic rock songs on the radio and wield era appropriate guns and gear. Please UBISOFT! Think about it!

    The story would revolve around the origins of the Ghost team within the MACVSOG org.

    submitted by /u/Darktrace500
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    Does anyone know why I am unable to access the Roses Tattoo?

    Posted: 25 Apr 2020 08:33 PM PDT

    My Ubisoft club account says I have redeemed it however I can not use it in game.

    Does anyone know how I can fix this?

    submitted by /u/Zero_Fuks
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    The Case for Wolves as Super Unidad 2 - Electric Boogaloo

    Posted: 25 Apr 2020 02:07 AM PDT

    This forum needs a comprehensive thread which covers systematic mechanical changes to the Wolves and to drones, which integrates them together into a game design that is both plausible in the setting, which advances the narrative of Auroa, and which is challenging and diverse to fight against.

    To that end, the below will be a lengthy post about a number of changes to the Wolves and to Drones.

    Why Super Unidad Is Important

    The Unidad in Wildlands were an important feature for one simple reason; they will eventually kill you. No matter how good you are, no matter how confident you are, if you're playing at an appropriate difficulty level you never really want to get into a protracted firefight against them. Eventually, you're gonna lose.

    The reason this feature is so vital is because Nomad is supposed to be a special forces operator, deep behind enemy lines and horrendously outnumbered and outgunned. From a gameplay and from a realism context what does this mean?

    Real special forces operating in a non-permissive environment are always faced with the threat that the regular army is not a threat they can ever hope to defeat. No matter how good you are, when an infantry division comes calling, you're screwed. The reason you have to be so good is so you can get in, mission accomplished, and get out, before that happens.

    The Wolves should be this threat in Breakpoint. When the enemy is calling for help, when the Wolves begin hunting you, this should be an existential threat, regardless of how skilled your team is, this should be a Bad Thing.

    The Unidad achieved this incredibly high threat assessment through one very simple, very easy-to-implement mechanic: they will keep spawning. You need to break contact by running the hell away, because if you stick around, eventually they will kill you.

    Wolves Implementation Specifics

    Now, the Wolves are not Unidad, they are a very different kind of force. But the same overall concept can still be implemented, quite easily in fact.

    Overall the Wolves' behaviors should take the form of an aggressive cross-country hunt which is very different from the Unidad. And this can be accomplished relatively easily as well.

    The first big change to make is to have Wolves troops disable the player's minimap. Any Wolves on the map nearby should have this effect. As a significant bonus this also potentially makes ordinary outposts much scarier and more dangerous/interesting if even a single Wolf is present. This has the secondary effect of warning a player they are in danger of starting a Wolves Hunt, but at the same time prevents them from knowing exactly where those Wolves are.

    Second, Wolves should exhibit much higher movespeed than Unidad. They're an aggressive, elite force, searching and hunting for the player, and they should move like they're trained to hustle. This is particularly significant during a cross-country chase.

    Third, is their use of drones. Now, the current arrangement is the drones are treated more or less as ordinary units. I propose that these types of combat drones be made less immediately prevalent- in bases they should come online when the base is alerted. And, in hunts, they should begin to arrive at low-medium hunt levels.

    To take their place, lighter drones, very similar to the player's own drone, can be used both within bases and during hunts. Such as drone operators or drone sentry spotters, either for patrolling a base, or to keep eyes on the players from a distance. These small, unarmed, lightweight drones would be much easier to kill- most especially to kill stealthily- and can also be shut down by killing their operators. Although during a hunt this may be impossible as a drone operator can keep you spotted from a huge distance using a long-range flying drone with zooming optics.

    However, at medium-high Hunt levels, the drones come out to play in a big way. These are the serious business weaponry that you really don't want to engage unless you have no other choice. Packs of flying combat drones, multiple vehicle drones, even Behemoths might come after you. You should just run for your lives.

    Improving the AI with Deft Mechanical Augmentation Rather than Intelligence

    Finally (and most optionally) the Wolves' AI should be made significantly different from the Sentinel AI. The Sentinel AI should be designed to be defensive, the Wolves' AI to be aggressive.

    The Sentinels' job is to defend their posts and hold until reinforcements can arrive. In most respects this is much easier to implement than an effective attacking AI. The vital ingredient here that is missing is a stick that FORCES the player to be fast and aggressive- reinforcements that will be coming that change the equation so the player must attack and accomplish their mission objectives.

    The importance of this point cannot be overstated -- the reason why the AI in Breakpoint is broken is because the player can play extremely defensively, slowly, and passively, and exploit superior intelligence, terrain, and time, and let the Sentinel enemies lemming themselves into a choke point one at a time.

    To permanently solve this, two changes must be made, neither of which is difficult. First, the reinforcements that are coming need to be actually dangerous to the player. And second, the Sentinel guarding the base need to be defensive instead of always trying to attack the player directly. This will prevent suicidal lemming AI much more directly and correctly than every method Ubi has previously proposed, such as "not going where there are bodies." The instruction to the Sentinel rifleman in 90% of cases is: "Man your post, get in cover, and stay there. Watch your sector." Just because the Sentinel soldier doesn't have a shot right then doesn't mean it is a good idea to run forward like an impatient lunatic and get gunned down. Wait in cover with a good field of fire, and if the player moves through that field of fire, shoot him.

    The Wolves are the force that will arrive and is supposed to aggressively pursue the player and kill them. The most vital difference between the Sentinel and Wolves is that the player doesn't want to fight the Wolves for the same reasons they don't want to engage Unidad- they're just going to keep spawning anyway, and grow stronger as more time passes. The combat AI need not be a tactical genius to make this true. The logical choice is focus on the mission, get it done as quickly as possible, and get the hell outta there.

    On Azraels

    The Azrael drone is one of the key factors that makes the Wolves unique. Some elaboration on the Azrael drone and how it fits into this.

    Briefly stated, Azraels should primarily be used by Wolves during hunts, because they know approximately where the player is, and are calling over an Azrael to find exactly where the player is. Azraels during a hunt also create an interesting dilemma- either you can prone camo or hide indoors and hope the foot patrols don't gain too much ground on you, or you can run away and risk being spotted by the Azrael.

    This is simultaneously a much more logical use of the Azrael from a realism/immersion standpoint, and also a much more interesting gameplay interaction than prone camo break to fetch chips every few minutes.

    On Behemoths

    The Behemoth's model would be much better used as a main battle tank analogue than as a floor boss monster guarding a chest.

    This would mean making it a lot easier to kill a Behemoth using anti-tank specialized weaponry, such as a single clean shot in the rear armor being a kill, or perhaps 2-3 shots in the side armor. A frontal hit could just bounce and do nothing. The fact that the Behemoth MBT would fight alongside other enemies could help cover its obvious shortcomings in predictability, assuming a weapons change to something less boss-monstery is not a possibility.

    The existence of a tank-type enemy would bring something that was not really present in Wildlands when it could have been. And, it would also bring much more purpose to the existing implementation of anti-tank weaponry, including both mines and AT launchers.

    Anti-tank tactics are a core part of Ranger training and Ghosts should be well trained in their use. The central tenets of killing tanks are these; ambush them, and shoot them at close range in the rear if possible, or the side. Anti-tank mines might permanently immobilize a Behemoth in a single hit, making anti-tank mine traps actually a plausible option. What you do not do is unload your small arms into its hull- you're wasting your ammo.

    The Behemoth could serve as the ultimate hunt reinforcements at the highest possible Hunt level- the enemy class that the player is straight up not supposed to be able to reasonably defeat in force. With effort you might even kill one or two, but it's a high risk, low reward proposition where you're almost certain to die.


    The Wolves' lack of identity, the complaints about the gameplay of drones, the overall lack of activity and importance of most terrain on Auroa, and the critical weakness of the tactical AI can all be addressed with a single mechanical solution: Give Wolves a Unidad-like spawning mechanic, where the Unidad are hunting the player cross-country with an escalating level of intensity.

    The Wolves will turn from slightly up-armored Sentinel, into a unique, distinctive elite searching force using various drones including Azraels. Every inch of terrain on Auroa is now possibly a site for a tactical battle or a cross-country chase. Cancerous combat drones now have a role where the fact they are cancerous is a feature, not a bug.

    And (in my opinion most importantly) the weak tactical AI of enemies in Breakpoint can be greatly augmented by the mere fact that they will be constantly spawning, where killing Wolves just makes them more angry and reveals your position. So you are more interested in moving your ass to accomplish your mission, or else abort mission and just run for your life, desperately trying to elude the pursuit.

    In my opinion there is no single change to Breakpoint that has more potential to radically improve the state of the game, than transforming the Wolves into Super Unidad, capable of hunting you across the whole island.

    submitted by /u/caster
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    LZ Secure

    Posted: 25 Apr 2020 11:10 AM PDT

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